Lyricalworks: Dreams Are Slippery Things Although the meaning
may be elusive,
dreams hold important keys to your personal
and creative growth; a writer talks about the process of interpreting
dreams ...Sometimes details will come forward you thought you had forgotten
Usually, the first thing that comes to mind is the most valuable
If you hear words as you are waking up, be sure to write them down! I use the margins to add my own remarks and interpretations that come up while I'm recording the dream
There may come a time when you will interpret your dream differently
Working (and playing) with Dreams
Psychologist John Suler recommends ways of exploring your associations with the
objects and characters in your dreams.
What does it remind you of? What comes to mind when you think of that element of the dream? Let your imagination go
Come up with as many associations as possible
If you let yourself go with this, something will come up - a memory, an idea, a feeling
Start anywhere and just keep writing whatever comes to mind
If you get stuck, simply write 'I'm stuck, I'm stuck...' over and over again until a new association comes up
Stay with this and something important will come up
If you're REALLY stuck and frustrated, you may have to set the dream aside and come back to it later
INVITE dreams to come to you, rather than pursuing them
Invite the various pieces of the dream to come back to you
It may take time for the different parts of the dream to surface and come together
Whatever method you choose, record the following types of information: anything you can remember about the dream itself, even if only fragments small details in the dream, even if they seem insignificant the feelings or sensations you experienced during the dream events from your life that come to mind when you think about the dream (even if you're not sure how those events are related to the dream) the thoughts that were on your mind when you were falling asleep any other thoughts, feelings, memories, or sensations that arise as you are reflecting on the dream If you can only remember fragments of a dream, write those down without worrying about how to put them in order
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Interpretation of Dreams
Theologians continue to admit the possibility of dreams supernatural in their
origin, and consequently the possibility of dream-interpretation depending on ...
Clytemnestra's dream in the 'Agamemnon' of Aeschylus.) Plato, whilst regarding it as inconceivable that a god should deceive men, admitted nevertheless that dreams may come from the gods (Tim., cc, xlvi, xlvii)
In most of the cases recorded the dream is expressly said to come from ; of this description are, e.g., the dreams of Abimelech (); of Jacob (; ); of Solomon (IIIK., iii, 5-15); of Nabuchodonosor (Dan., ii, 19); of Daniel (Dan., vii, 1); of Joseph (; ); of St
The Bible records other dreams, which, though prophetic, are not distinctly said to come from (; ; ; ; )
To the query: Is divination through dreams unlawful? -- he replies: The whole question consists in determining the cause of dreams, and examining whether the same may be the cause of future events, or at least come to the actual knowledge of them
Dreams come sometimes from internal, and sometimes from external, causes
'As idle as a dream' has become a proverb expressive of the popular mind on the subject, and indicating sufficiently that there is little need nowadays to revive the laws and canons enacted in past ages against divination through dreams
What Dreams May Bomb
Article about failed talk show, Dream Maker, by Richard Simmons.
That's easy, but to give away dreams and make them come true is more intricate
Those whose phone calls, e-mails or letters were chosen won the chance to have their dream come true on national television
When it comes time to turn on the applause-meter, not even the contestant who wanted a reunion with her birth mother is any competition

Photo by www.makower.com
Review Heavenly effects in What Dreams May Come [CNN]
SITES: MORE SERVICES: DISCUSSION: SITE GUIDES: FASTER ACCESS: WEB SERVICES: Review: Heavenly effects in 'What Dreams May Come' Web posted on: Thursday, October 01, 1998 12:26:24 PM From Reviewer Paul Tatara (CNN) -- There's more than enough to hate about them, but my biggest pet peeve concerning most modern blockbusters is that they're usually little more than excuses to march out all the latest developments in special effects
Theatrical preview for 'What Dreams May Come' Windows Media: or Real: or Clip: 'Adios, Muchacho' Video clip: How many churning fireballs are required for you to meet your lifetime allowance of churning fireballs? How many buildings have to crumble to the ground before you're fully versed in the concept of crumbling buildings? How many faces do you have to see morphing into other faces, wildcats, vampires, or rabid wolverines before the thrill of the morph has subsided? I know this stuff looks cool; I'm not blind
Chatty, New Age-y, but beautifully done Thankfully, Bruckheimer's black hand is nowhere in evidence in 'What Dreams May Come, ' even though a lot of the movie is set in hell
The Complete Bushisms
A frequently updated storehouse of quotes from Bush that are bizarre, nonsensical,
and sidesplitting.
12, 2005 'I think we are welcomed
But it was not a peaceful welcome.'âPhiladelphia, Dec
'My thoughts are, we're going to get somebody who knows what they're talking about when it comes to rebuilding cities.'âOn how the rebuilding of New Orleans might commence, Biloxi, Miss., Sept
21, 2004 'They can get in line like those who have been here legally and have been working to become a citizenship in a legal manner.'âReferring to immigrant workers, Washington, D.C., Dec
10, 2004 'I always jest to people, the Oval Office is the kind of place where people stand outside, they're getting ready to come in and tell me what for, and they walk in and get overwhelmed by the atmosphere
IMDb: Field of Dreams
Credits and information from the Internet Movie Database.
Plot Outline: An Iowa corn farmer, hearing voices, interprets them as a command to build a baseball diamond in his fields; he does, and the Chicago Black Sox come
Quotes: : Where'd they come from? : Where did WE come from? You wouldn't believe how many guys wanted to play here
Costner is Ray who one day takes a walk into his corn field only to hear a voice saying 'If you build it, he will come'
He thinks on to what the voice maybe wants him to do and let's his feeling be known to his family and the only idea he can come up with is that he should build a baseball pitch in the middle of his field
He does with the backing of his family and nothing comes of it till one night somebody in a 1920's baseball kit turns up on his field out of the blue ready to play Baseball
This happens to be the great Shoeless Joe Jackson who is now dead but has come back to play the game he was once banned from playing
Field of dreams is not a film that gets mentioned when it comes to Costner's career but I think it holds his best and most touching performance
On Prophesying by Dreams
Aristotle recognizes that all beings, even animals, dream, and discounts claims
of a divine source and of their ability to foretell the future.

Photo by www.absolutearts.com