Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA)
Provides party agenda, representatives, publications, youth, wanita wings,
foundations and headquarters. Includes past presidents and history.
2003 NanoTechnology Conference and Trade Show
Conference / trade show on nanoscience, technology and business. San Francisco,
Open source code for MS Access to be used as CMMS.
Residential Colleges Worldwide
Oxford/Cambridge-style residential colleges at universities around the world.
Singapore International Symposium on Topology and Geometry, 2--6 July 2001.
TenderDirect - Notis Tender dan Perolehan - Membina, Membekal ...
Tender management system offering advertising, broadcasting and management services
to owners and sellers, while broadcasting information on tenders to bidders ...
Veterinary Education: NetVet
Veterinary educational resource directory.
Agricultural Information Management Standards Web site
Vocabulaire multilingue structuré et conçu pour couvrir la terminologie de tous
les domaines ayant trait à l’agriculture, la pêche, l’alimentation et aux ...