Photo by
Leslie Cheung Memorial Site Fan tribute including original photographs, translated articles, news items,
lyrics, message board... An online petition to ban all guns in the United States.
Greenberg, Joseph Obituary emphasizing his work on classifying the languages of Africa and the Americas.
A Son's Long Goodbye An essay about the writings of Peter Handke by Karl-Erik Tallmo.
GOOD BYE QUOTE ? - Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)
A multipage review by Tim Dirks with dialogue quotes from the film.
Including posters, Academy Awards history, film genres, film terms, film history by decade, trivia, and lots of lists of 'best' films, stars, scenes, quotes, resources, etc Good Bye, Lenin!
Trailer, Poster, Infos und eine positive Kritik von Thomas Straßer.
79qmDDR - Das Spiel zum Film GOOD BYE, LENIN!
Das Online-Adventure zum Kino-Film "Good by, Lenin!". [benötigt Flash]
Chicago Sun-Times: Good Bye, Lenin!
Roger Ebert's review.
ratpoison: Say good-bye to the rodent
A simple Window Manager with no fat library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no
window decorations.
Fanprojekt zur Abschiedstournee mit Konzert in Oberhausen. Songs, Biographie,
Pressestimmen werden...
HARO Online: Good Bye, Lenin!
Review and pictures.
Filmspiegel - Good Bye Lenin!
Kurze Inhaltsangabe, einige Bilder und die ausführliche, positive Meinung von Thomas.
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