:: Museum - Getter ::

GETTER BEAM~~~~~~~!!!

I've always dream to start Getter section with these words, long before to plan this site. Getter Robot it's my favourite show among classic Robot, even in the "naive" 70's TV version: I remember with sympaty the false getterlike toy that you could find on the matket stall, it was Blu-Red and was alsoequipped with the Tomahawk.
Can you imagine my happiness when in my country Dynamic Italia Announced "The Last Day"!
Unfortunately this show, which seems very cool in the beginning, became worste later till the ambiguous ending; However it has the merit to show the real strong-mecha of Getter One, very impressive robot characterized by a strenght and an aggressiveness only equal to his pilot
Ryoma Nagare ("the legendary man" ^_^).
Wonderful also Getter Three, relegated only to a little cameo, but object of a great popularity.
On the contrary I preferred the old Getter Two in comparison to TLD version: i loved the "winged legs" ^_^

Obviously my inspiration was TLD and particularly the various resin models that to this series you are continued, at least for the Getter One. The Getter Two and Three instead am more directly inhaled to models of another series, that was more similar to the mecha years '70, more faithful to the manga byGo Nagai

I have to say that the Getter One was the model I have dedicated more care , that doesn't signify be that it's the more attractive thing existing,, but I think that it gives back well the strenght and the power of the true Getter One; the Getter Two is still far from end because I have some doubts on how to finish the legs. Getter Three is still distant from the conclusion , I put it alone only for the intro of the section; I hope that you'll like them ^_^



