can't consider this model finished (like all my models
besides ^_^) and do not even remotely texturized;
at any rate is constituted essentially from metanurbs
not ecessively "resoluted".
my luck it hasn't the hands, and so I finished its
basic structure long before Getter One, even though
I've begun to work on it a lot later. I should say
that the drill has changed a lot through various evolutions,
but still I'm not convinced of the some final result:
the pliers instead seems suitable.
in this case I united the rigidity of the IK with
the weighted bone, even though in less important manner
respect to the Getter One. At any rate I haven't decided
if to leave so or not: for example I'm not satisfied
of the motion of the legs, but for now I have not
time to remake all.
the whale my model is a compromise between the old
and the new Getter Two: I could say that my version
has the first's proportion while a lot of detail taken
from the latter. The Drill is made on a more realistic
one than the two official variants
the way, I put Drill on right arm and pliers on left
one, but this two models are the specular: on the
net you can find a lot of images that show both the
asimmetry variants