Tribesoft is a mark of Daniele Margutti. This site and the material is protected by the internal laws for copyrights. Other marks are registered by the respective company. (c) copyright 2003. If you want to contact the webmaster click here.


iUrl is new major update to Safari Xtra. Using Safari Xtra you will control your bookmarks from the main toolbar. Additionally you will can manage your cookies, search with the most popular web search engines (, Alta Vista and many others...), cleaning Safari archives (Downloads History, Cookies, Bookmarks, Cache...).

SafariXtra is fully integrated with the recents MacOS X technologies as like AddressBook: you can search for people directly from this software without opening the other progams.

Some of toolbar buttons

With the new major upgrade, the fourth incarnation of this program, SafariXtra has been added the new MultiBrowser technology that allow the user to show into the menu bar the bookmarks of the other major MacOS X web browser: actually the supported browser are Safari (naturally ;), Omniweb (4.5), Internet Explorer (5.2), Opera (6.0), Chimera/Camino (0.7), Mozilla (1.5) and Thunderbird. Using this new release the user will can search for bookmarks inside each installed web browser.

A part of SafariXtra main menu

This important feature have changed the name of this software, from SafariXtra to iUrl. In any case, iUrl have some important features dedicated to the users of Apple Safari, the new Apple's Web Browser: you can search between it's history and manage it's cookies, purge the history file or downloads history and so on...



October 1: The fifth release candidate of SafariXtra

Is available a new release of SafariXtra, Release Candidate 5. This fifth version contains a lot of bugs fix. Click here to learn more.

Sept 17
At this time I can't continue to develop other versions of SafariXtra. I'm working hard on Newswire. No the program is not dismissed! Never! A small update (that fix the MB bug) will be published in October. A Major upgrade (4.5?) will be released at the end of December (but there will be other small updates).












Where is my registration code?

If you have licensed your copy of SafariXtra (using Kagi service) but you haven't received your code click here. If you are inserted in this list you can send to me a mail with a nickname (ex. "The Lord"). I'll publish your nickname based code.
Why? Because my provider can't send mail to some specific mail server :-(