Tribesoft is a mark of Daniele Margutti. This site and the material is protected by the internal laws for copyrights. Other marks are registered by the respective company. (c) copyright 2003. If you want to contact the webmaster click here.


In this section you'll can found any useful info about the new project of Tribesoft. Newswire is a new kind of USENet newsreader for MacOS X. The main goals of the project are to make a fast, complete and easy to use software with the native features and look and feel of MacOS X.

Actually there is not any available downloads. I'm searching for three beta tester. If you want to contribuite to Newswire develop you can subscribe here.

Project Status

Yes finally the Newswire 0.x was published. This is the first step on the long way to 1.0 version. I have completed the the Messages Core Engine (this lib allow the program to show/edit the downloaded/edited messages) and a 90% of Networking Library. This means that a first "beta tester" release could be published around 15/20th October of this year (2003).

Hovewer I can't confirm this date. The last date was Sept 29,2003 but i have cancelled it. Why? Because I want to make an optimized code. An example: the first internal build (0.001) published two weeks ago takes about 1.9 second to read/thread about 2400 messages. The new release takes only 400mseconds to thread the group and about 100 to render a simply messages list.

Support (Languages/System Versions)

Newswire will be available in English and Italian. I don't know other languages. If you want a localized version of Newswire please contact me. I'll sent the english strings to translate.Naturally you will receive a free copy of Newswire.

I have created this software under Mac OS X "Juguar" (v.10.2.6). The minimum software requirements are: OS X 10.2 or later (Panther will be supported soon), about 10Mb of RAM, a G3/G4/G5 processor and about 1Mb of free space :-)

MacOS X 10.1 could be supported but only if I will receive enough users request. So if you are a Puma (10.1) user and you will want to use Newswire with your system send a mail to me.

How about the price?

Until the 1.0 release Newswire will be remain a "freeware" software. This mean that you can use it without spend money. When the final release will be published this program will implement a Licenses Framework that require your registration code to work in full mode. At this time I have not any idea about the differences between the "demo" release and the "registered" release.

The program will be not donationware as like SafariXtra. But if you have registered SX after July 2003 you will save 3$. The total Newswire cost will be 10$.

Can I subscribe to the beta testing program?

Oh Yes. I need of other three beta testers. If you want to contribuite to Newswire develop you can subscribe here. You will receive each btesters release until the 1.0. When the final version will be published you will can register it for free.

Discussion board

To prevent a lot of mails in my pop account I have created a forum where you can publish your comments, suggestions or bug reports about this software. Naturally at this moment the forum could be empty. There is not any available version. But if you want to see a particular feature you can write it to the forum. I'll try to add it in my "to do" list if it will be interesting.


Sept 24
After one month of hard development work I have proud to announce the first internal release. This build, numbered 0.01 (A00), will be not released to the beta tester users. Hovewer I have finally started the 0.x branch, a long way to 1.0 public version. I hope to public the 1.0 version at the end of Febr. 2004.

Sept 23
I have posted three different screenshots of Newswire 0.01: the Main Window, the Groups Drawer, the Post Composer.












There is not any download available at this time. The first alpha (for beta testers only) will be released around the 15th of October 2003.

A public release will be published at the end of October.








This is the un-official roadmap for Newswire: the first beta tester release will be published around the 15th of October.

Two weeks later (at the end of October) a second beta tester release was released. This second version will contains all the patchs/suggestions from the beta tester first approach.

The first week of November will be appear the first public release of Newswire:
0.1 and, one month later (Dec 2003) two new public releases will be release for public testing purpose. At the end of the year will be available the 0.2 release.