MovieJuice!:  The Perfect Storm - Fish and Chips Ahoy

  • tirical Review of "The Perfect Storm"
    Free MovieJuice Weekly (your email here) subscribe unsubscribe Search MovieJuice The Perfect Storm - Fish and Chips Ahoy by June 25, 2000 This week's headline: Dennis Miller joins the announcer crew on Monday Night Football
  • . I'd say is not the perfect movie, but why spoil that line before you have a chance to read it in Entertainment Weekly and USA Today? Thanks to a rare combination of meteorological events as explosive as Patrick Swayze and a twin-engine Piper, the New England coast is threatened by "the storm of the century" - also known as nature's way of giving six scurvy fishermen a shower
  • . Unfortunately, George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, and crew are steaming through the Hellish storm, desperately trying to get their fish to market before it spoils so it can be cooked, breaded, and deposited in the supermarket freezer case until the next storm of the next century
  • . And there's the old salt of a fisherman who's now permanently docked bar-side and anchored to a bottle of scotch

    The Daily Script: Batman Returns
  • . Meanwhile I got badder fish to fry

    WWWF Grudge Match: Adrian Cronauer vs. Dr. Johnny Fever
  • . MARK: Supporting players? Johnny Fever has Les "Always Injured" Nessman, Herb "Loud but Clueless" Tarlek, and Arthur "Rather be Fishing" Carlson and you bring up supporting players? Fine! Dandy! Any more ammunition you want to send over? Oh, you do have some more
  • . Cronauer had a mostly sheltered American life of Big Macs; if he can get thrust into Vietnam and survive the dreaded nuoc mam fish sauce, there is not a thing in the world he can't handle
  • . Lastly, The Fisher King was like two hours strapped to the Marquis De Sadeatron 3000 for both the main character and the hapless audience Green Dragon
  • . One of the ironic points made by Timothy Linh Bui's film–which takes off like a docu-drama but gradually and patiently builds steam to become a melodramatic commentary on the evils of war–is that lots of these people pitched in rudimentary tents, lining up for fried fish (which they didn't go for) and fried chicken (better), were actually afraid of leaving the camp and going out into the vast American arena under the sponsorship of kind families who more or less adopted them

  • info: FRIED FISH

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    Deep Focus: Ghost World
  • . I dock it a notch for taking potshots at familiar targets - the politically correct art teacher is played by Illeana Douglas in fish-in-barrel mode - and for a slightly overextended denouement

    Chaotic Cinema: It Couldn't Happen Here
  • . I've just been fishing with Salvador Dali
  • . caught every other fish

    Cinebooks Database - Mr. Wonderful
  • . Dillon breaks from his troubled characters of films such as DRUGSTORE COWBOY and RUMBLE FISH to portray a cheerful, well-balanced boy next door

    WWWF Grudge Match: Rollerball Tournament
  • . - Fish This is easy the winner has to be the only person who by rights shouldn't even be in this match
  • . Wait you say, "he only has a fifth!" Don't worry, my friend, like Jesus with the bread and fishes, the Duke never runs out of bullets and whiskey
  • . Like Jesus with the bread and fishes, the Duke never runs out of bullets and whiskey

  • Benefits

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    WWWF Grudge Match Tournament of Champions III: The Running Man
  • . Recently found guilty of the unimaginable crime of stealing Damon Killian's tuna fish sandwich! ! Audience: Booooooooo! Hissssssss! Booooooooooo! Hobbes: Tigers are kinda stupid that way
  • . Here's why: He's a Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat! Hobbes has already stolen Damon Killian's tuna fish sandwich - the show's creator and mastermind
  • . There is always a tuna fish sandwich at the end, and he knows that

    Montreal World Film Festival 1996
  • . The film's action takes place today and offers an ironic comment on the selfishness and intolerance of contemporary society
  • . The story reaches its dramatic peak with a duel between the honest and high-minded Eisler and Ivan, with Eisler defending Nina's honor against Ivan's boorish drunkenness, selfishness and lies
  • . There is a ridiculous scene of duck shooting from the window of the hospital in which Khlestakov shoots a couple of ducks, then a fish

    WWWF Grudge Match: Scooby-Doo vs. The X-Files
  • . Withers has been dressing up as the local legend of the Man-Eating Tunafish so he can scare people away from the amusement park while he searches for the lost treasure of Yellowbeard the Peglegged Albino Pirate
  • . "Meet me in the house of horrors." Mulder will go there and find Skinner, Cancer man, and the guy who only shows up when it is dark, and they will relay to him the fact that this is a HUGE conspiracy concerning his father, sister, mother, dog, cat, and fish he had when he was little

    Filmography for Mel Blanc
  • . Fish and Slips (1962) (voice) 82
  • . Porky's Poor Fish (1940) (voice) 579
  • . Fresh Fish (1939) (voice) 590


    Moonie Code

  • . Again, choose up to _two_ of the following: [from Sailor Moon series] [from Sailor Moon R] Ja...Jadeite/Jedite Ai...Ail/Alan Ne...Nephrite/Nephlyte An...Ann/Anne Zo...Zoisite/Zoycite Co...Cooan/Catzy Ku...Kunzite/Malachite Br...Beruche/Birdie 4G...Dark Kingdom/Negaverse Generals Ca...Calaveras/Avery En...Dark Endymion/Evil Prince Darien Pe...Petz/Prisma Be...Queen Beryl 4S...Ayakashi/? Sisters Mt...Queen Metallia/Negaforce Ru...Rubeus/Rubius[sp?] Es...Esmeraude/Emerald [from Sailor Moon S] Sf...Saffiru/Safir To...Professor Tomoe De...Demando/Dimando Ka...Kaolinite BM...Black Moon Family Eu...Eudial Bl...Black Lady/Wicked Lady Mi...Mimete Wi...Wiseman/? Te...Tellu Vi...Villuy Fr...Fiore Cy...Cyprine Ki...Kisenian[sp?] Pu...Puchirol W5...Witches 5 [from Sailor Moon SuperS] M9...Mistress 9 Zi...Master Zirconia 90...Pharaoh 90 Ti...Tiger's Eye Fi...Fish Eye Sn...Snow Princess Kaguya Ha...Hawk's Eye A3...Amazon Trio [from Sailor Moon Stars] Cc...CereCere Ir...Iron Mouse Pp...PallaPalla Al...Aluminum Siren Jj...JunJun Le...Lead Crow Vv...VesVes Tn...Tin Nyanko A4...Amazoness Quartet Ga...Galaxia Nh...Neherenia Zz...Other villain, not on the list(one of the MotDs? ^^;) Would SM be the great show it is without the talking cats, ever-drained Naru, and Umino throwing fried shrimps in her defense? Maybe.

    Exit 7 Players
  • . at the Ludlow Fish & Game Club

    A Walk in The Pork
  • . Boris Karloff in The Mummy Dear Diary, Well, another Friday's gone by and I still haven't tried the all-you-can-eat fish fry at The Rooster

    Royers Round Top Cafe
  • . " " * "This is what this fish was born to do!" ~ GORDAN, as he was eating Micah's Snapper! ~ "If y'all held services I'd come and worship!" ~ TB, Bellville * "Friends don't let other friends eat Chicken Fried Steak!" ~ Micah Royer * " Bud is like a benevolent despot who bestows tables on folks like a king bestowing knighthood!" ~ Dallas Morning News * "Your good attitude is important to us at the Cafe for it helps us maintain ours!" ~ Karen Royer * "I was a Royer's virgin until last Saturday

    Pidgin/English Dictionary
    An English to Tok Pisin glossary for the Tok Pisin variant spoken in Port Moresby.
    Pidgin/English Dictionary as spoken in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. List compiled by Terry D. Barhorst and Sylvia O'Dell-Barhorst. A a, an - wanpela abandon - lusim abort, have abortion - rausim bel, kilim pikinini long bel about, approximately - samting (round) about (a place) - nabaut (long) above - antap long accelerator - akselareta accident - birua, tupela i bam, bagarap accuse (someone) - sutim long tok

    Where the Hell Was I?
  • . I didn't realize this was going to be a 'Go Fish' sort of party

    Ask the Dietitian
  • . More lean poultry and fish, starches, breads, low fat or non-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables should help you gain weight

    Nutrition and Exercise: Healthy Balance for a Healthy Heart
  • . Buy lean cuts of meat, and eat fish, skinless chicken and turkey instead of beef @CallCenter