About of FISH HEAD

IMDb: 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)

  • . Some take exception to the device of "Esmeralda" the seal, but that too is a needed counterpoint to the otherwise dark theme of the implied mission of the Nautilus: the destruction of warships that spread "man's inhumanity to man." Such is the skill of the spare dialogue in the film that one never is hit over the head with the sermon of the hopelessness and wickedness of war and the nations that sponsor it

    Allwatchers Perfect Storm Spotlight
  • . The Perfect Storm Starring: George Clooney & Mark Wahlberg Review Summary A crew of fishermen head out to sea to catch some fish
  • . They then head to the middle of the storm and hope for the best The Perfect Storm
  • . What they don't know, since their radio has gone out, is the full force of the storm, and that they are heading right for the eye of it
  • . Accurately capturing each side of the storm, and the people involved in it, there are also four subplots at hand: the dilemma of the search and rescue helicopter team; the plight of the Mistral, a yacht headed for Bermuda that is carrying three passengers (Karen Allen, Bob Gunton, Cherry Jones); the Andrea Gail's friends and family, who nailbitingly await any news on their rescue; and the meteorologist (Christopher McDonald) who first coined the phrase, "The Perfect Storm, " because every weather pattern was in place to create a storm of disastrous proportions
  • . As head of the Andrea Gail, George Clooney is well-cast as the no-nonsense Billy Tyne, whose love of fishing outweighs all other things, including the possibility of death

    HARO Online
  • . Tyne is losing lots of money, so he decides to head out to the Flemish Cap, a location teeming with swordfish, but far out in the Atlantic
  • . Tyne it too bull-headed to turn back since he finally has a ship full of fish, and can recoup some of his losses

  • info: FISH HEAD

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    Exile in Pleasantville
  • . When graffiti rears its head, it's as celebratory murals
  • . Doesn't even one kid feel like smoking a cigarette, or talking back to his parents, or not going to the library? And why does a movie that makes such a stink about authority figures who sit in judgment of other people's behavior wind up having Witherspoon announce that she needs to stop being a slut (the character's words) and hunker down and study -- particularly when her unbridled sexuality is what begins the loosening up in the first place? The message that teens who explore their sexuality are headed for trouble is exactly the same drivel issuing from the cultural ayatollahs Ross is excoriating
  • . You get the feeling that if Ross drove through this town and passed a "Come Back Soon!" sign, he'd turn the car around and head for the first real estate agent he could find

    Cold Fusion Video - Pi
  • . He takes the glimmer of cosmic theme that dawdled into my adolescent head and takes it to the extremes to which it had to be taken
  • . But I'm as trapped by the conventions of reviewing as most filmmakers are by the conventions of filmmaking, so here is my attempt: Maximillian Cohen is a driven young mathematician with terrible headaches, working in his computer-crowded NY apartment to find a pattern in the stock market

    Peter Greenaway: Prospero's Books
  • . The pages of the book are very old and are watermarked with a collection of designs for tombs and columbariums, elaborate headstones, graves, sarcophagi and other architectural follies for the dead, suggesting the book had other purposes, even before the death of Adam
  • . 'Men whose heads stood in their breasts', 'bearded women, a rain of frogs, cities of purple ice, singing camels, Siamese twins', 'mountaineers dew-lapped like bulls'
  • . Lay your head on another page to change the colour of your hair

    God Among Directors: Arctic Blue
  • . But the footprints ahead have faded, covered by the snow and wind
  • . HAUL ROAD AND PIPELINE - CLOSE - DAY A metal sign, peppered with shotgun holes, is posted near a pipeline support piling: PIPELINE UTILITY CORRIDOR PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING NO HUNTING NO TRAPPING NO SHOOTING WIDER Eric walks quietly past the sign, intent on something ahead of him
  • . He spots a figure up ahead, where the road crosses a muddy creek
  • . LEMALLE You think those fucks will tell it that way? CORBETT (ending the argument) We'll get a head start before they go crying to the law
  • . BELOW FRAME, he slices across the forehead of the dead Sportsman, peels back his scalp and cuts it loose, Indian-style
  • . ANGLE ON TRAPPERS' JEEP Corbett looks at Mitchell and wearily shakes his head
  • . Wilder is short and tough, with a full head of crewcut grey hair and weather- ravaged face that makes him look older than his sixty years
  • . WILDER (shakes his head) Oil Company candidate running on that slogan makes about as much sense as a rat fucking a grapefruit

  • Benefits

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    Rob Kogan: Airplane! Script
  • iginal script of the movie.
    Visit for full color printing of business cards, letterheads, envelopes, brochures, flyers, postcards, and greeting cards
  • . Operator: Go ahead with your call
  • . Jiveman1: Sheeeet, man, that honkey mus' be messin' my old lady got to be runnin' col' upsihd down his head! Subtitle: GOLLY, THAT WHITE FELLOW SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE OR I WILL PUNCH HIM
  • . Elaine : You got a telegram from headquarters today
  • . Striker: HEADQUARTERS?!? What is it? Elaine : Well, its a big building where generals meet
  • . ( She drags guitar across the passengers heads ) Attendnt: Hi! Mother : Hi! Attendnt: Do you mind if I talk to your daughter? Mother : No I think that'd be nice
  • . Elaine : Who wants to be first? Murdock : Go ahead Clarence, I got 'er
  • . We've got some heavy stuff ahead of us
  • . ( Randy sobs harder ) Voice : Stay in formation, target's just ahead
  • . MCrosky : I know, I know, but its his ship now, his command, he's in charge, he's the boss, head man, top dog, big cheese, Towergy : Captain, look at this! MCrosky : Passengers certain to die! Kramer : Airline negligent

    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
  • . He gets up and heads for the dog
  • . ALLEY - CONT'D As the UPS Man/Ace rounds the corner, his shirt opens up at his pot belly and the Shiatsu's head sticks out
  • . Close on the happy dog, hanging his head out the car window
  • . PAN across the broken windshield to Ace, also hanging his head out the window to see where he's going
  • . Suddenly, the water is illuminated by the headlights of an n.d
  • . Ace grabs his bags and heads for the door
  • . ACE You wanna take a look for yourself? Go head
  • . MIAMI DOLPHIN HEADQUARTERS - LATER THAT DAY The very imposing office of BOBBY RIDDLE, owner of the Miami Dolphins
  • . RIDDLE (CONT.) All I care about is winning this Super Bowl! I want the players' head in the right place
  • . Ace and Melissa head for Snowflake's tank
  • . A hoard or reporters are headed their way
  • . PODACTER (CONT) I'll try to head them off
  • . Podacter heads them off
  • . You must be getting oonside ze dolphin's head! Just yesterday I'm asking Snowflake… "ee, eee, eee." He said, "Eee, eee, eee, eee." Und you can quote him

    Ozus' World Movie Reviews: Animal Factory
  • . Dafoe, with a shaved head, looks the part and convincingly has the moves down pat of a hardened convict, knowing all the angles needed to make prison like his home; Mickey Rourke has a flamboyant part as a cross-dressing prison queen, amusingly offering his take on things to his impressionable cellmate Furlong

    The Daily Script: Batman Returns
  • . THE CREEPY LIPS "I know when you are sleeping, I know when you're awake." The world's most beloved butler, ALFRED, marches past the sewer grate, past a PAPERBOY who bustles up, holding a newspaper headlined "PENGUIN -- MAN OR MYTH OR SOMETHING WORSE?" PAPERBOY Read about the latest sighting of the Penguin creature! He was seen torching a homeless shelter, robbing a blind -- ALFRED Dear Boy! Sometimes it is a diversion to read such piffle
  • . I'm planning ahead for a revitalized Gotham City ..
  • . Then she slaps her forehead with her palm
  • . Citizens turn their heads from the stage to gasp in wonder
  • . Out of slots, Batman fires a whooshing array of small, black, metal frisbees into the heads of some Carnival gangsters and Bikers
  • . A black frisbee savagely jettisons over his head, into the Tattooed Strongman's face, crumpling him to the ground
  • . The wired hook rockets past the clown's jerking away head and into the wall behind him
  • . Batman yanks the wire, ripping off a chunk of wall that smacks the back of the clown's head


    Barton Fink

  • . CLERK Okey-dokey, go ahead
  • . How d'ya like your room! A PILLOW As Barton's head drops down into frame against it
  • . CHARLIE Well ain't that a kick in the head! BARTON Yeah, I guess it is
  • . After a moment, he cocks his head, listening
  • . Mayhew cocks his head with a politely patient smile
  • . What's he gonna tell me? Can't trade my head in for a new one
  • . He taps himself on the head, chuckling
  • . .wrestle! With one clean move Charlie flips Barton onto his back, his head and shoulders hitting with a thump
  • . Barton has propped himself up and is painfully massaging the back of his head
  • . Barton accepts the towel and presses it to his head
  • . Charlie looks at him with some concern, then turns and heads for the door
  • . Barton crosses to the secretary and sits down, rubbing the back of his head
  • . BACK TO BARTON He rubs the back of his head, wincing, as he stares at the page
  • . BARTON Head cocked
  • . Escape...It's when I can't write, can't escape m'self, that I want to tear m'head off and run screamin' down the street with m'balls in a fruitpickers pail

    Haro Online - Brokedown Palace
  • . They tell their parents they are going to Hawaii, but really head off for Thailand, where they can really have some fun

    The Bounty's Acting Crew
  • . His first film was as a ship's officer in "The Way Ahead" (1944), and his last was as the narrator in "Memory of the Camps", a TV movie that was not released until 1993, long after his death
  • . See his picture on the Daniel Day-Lewis Widely considered to be one of the best actors living today, Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis was born in London in 1957, the second child of Cecil Day-Lewis, Poet Laureate of England, and grandson of Sir Michael Balcon, head of the famous Ealing Studios and an important figure in the history of British Cinema
  • . Many of his roles were as butlers, servants, headwaiters, and valets

    Satire Screening Room: Being There
  • . Then I just cover him up, pulled the sheet over his head..
  • . He touches the man's forehead, briefly, then replaces the sheet
  • . Eve heads off partially revealing a remarkable and large place to live in as Wilson wheels Chance into the elevator
  • . Does this house have a garden? ALLENBY ...Why, yes - many Allenby picks up his bag, heads for the door
  • . No headaches? RAND No, it's been a good day - better that yours, from what I've been told
  • . Rand lifts his head as Wilson wheels Chance into the room
  • . RAND (lays his head back) ..You will join us for dinner, won't you, Mr
  • . RAND MANSION - THIRD FLOOR HALLWAY - MORNING Allenby gets off the elevator, stands and thinks for a moment, then heads off down the hallway in the direction of Chance's room
  • . FRONT RAND MANSION - MORNING Perkins is at the head of eight servants lined up on the front steps
  • . EVE I'll be all right, Chauncey - you go ahead with Mrs

    Bulworth Movie Review by Anthony Leong
  • . Unable to see any future for himself after the election, Bulworth decides to commit suicide by having a price put on his head, which will leave $10 million of insurance money for his daughter

    Planet Sick-Boy: Bowling for Columbine
  • ting and commentary on the film.
    PS-B RATING - <Cue Chandler Bing voice.> Could Michael Moore's Bowling For Columbine be released on a more appropriate weekend than this one? <End Chandler Bing voice.> I mean, we're about two victims shy of witnessing the most notorious serial killer in decades – the Maryland/Virginia sniper who is picking people off from a distance with the impunity of Mark McKinney's Head Crusher from The Kids in the Hall

    Ninth Symphony Films: Black Knight
  • . after sustaining a blow to the head, he awakens to find himself in 14th century england

    God Among Directors: Body of Evidence
  • . She moves wildly, grinding her hips into him, her head arched back, her hands rubbing lightly over her breasts
  • . THUNDER BOOMS overhead
  • . CARDENAS What can we prove? MCCURDY We know Marsh had a head cold
  • . CEMETERY - MORNING Gray clouds hang over head
  • . RIVER - AFTERNOON Gray clouds hang overhead, threatening rain
  • . Dulaney stares straight ahead
  • . Rebecca slowly pulls her sweater off over her head
  • . He kisses her lightly -- the kiss lingers for a moment, then she grabs him forcefully by the hair, arching his head back
  • . She turns her head away
  • . She pulls his hair, jerking his head back
  • . (as if quoting a headline) Woman accused of using sex to kill lover
  • . Marsh had a head cold at the time of his death
  • . She takes one of the shoes and hits the PARKING LOT OVERHEAD LIGHT FIXTURE
  • . He is HANDCUFFED to the BRASS HEAD BOARD @CallCenter