
  • . BROWN DERBY - CLOSE ON NEWSPAPER Gittes is seated, flips through the paper until he finds the OBITUARY COLUMN -- scans it, looks up -- abruptly tears the column from the paper and puts it in his pocket

    Wallaceburg Courier Press
  • . 18 Royal Canadian Legion fishing derby are, from left, Austin Silveira, 8; MacKenzie Silveira, 6; Brandon Silveira, 7; and Joseph Ward, 11

    Lake Champlain International
  • t up to date results of this years LCI fishing derby
  • . Listing off derby and all-season tournament rules

    Raindance Charters


    Photo by

    CA Outdoors
  • . FREE VALLEJO - Traditional Independence Day celebration includes pops concert, parade, ducky derby and fireworks

    Trinidad bay Charters Inc.
    Salt water charter fishing on the North Coast of California. Offers fishing for Rock Cod, Ling Cod, and Salmon. Includes rates, recent photos, links, contacts, fish tales, and derby information.

    Golf Cape Cod
  • . Please visit our sponsors Fins and Skins Tournament Aug 27th & 28th "fish and play golf during your stay on Cape Cod!" • Cape Cod fishing derby with prizes all day the 27th • Hyannis Golf Course starting 10:00 am on the 28th for Golf

    Martha's Vineyard Derby
    Annual fishing derby with awards in several classes of fish. Features results, history of the derby and an on-line bulletin board.

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    Lake Champlain International
  • ovides results of LCI fishing derby, information for all-season tournament, registration, prizes, weigh stations and tournament rules

    Press Manor Fishery
  • . Derbyshire.
    Press Manor Fishery Derbyshire Welcome to the Press Manor Fishery website
  • . Chesterfield 4 miles, Matlock 3 miles, Derby 25 miles) Follow the signposts off the A632 to the fisheries There is a map available via this link: Overview Three lakes – Trout, Coarse and Carp Aerial View of the three lakes Additional information The owner is an Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructor(APGAI) and the National Fly Fishing Champion 2004 Instruction is available for casting and fishing for individuals and groups, hourly, half day or day tuition