About of FISH TOWN

TV Guide Online: Pulp Fiction

  • . In the next episode, Vincent beards the boss's wife, Mia (Uma Thurman), through an evening on the town; their date turns ugly after she accidentally snorts an overdose of heroin

    Exile in Pleasantville
  • . She's a spiritual descendant of the little sister in Preston Sturges' "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek, " who looked at her small town and saw only rubes and suckers
  • . As the town's imagination expands, things begin converting to full color -- even Maguire and Witherspoon's June Cleaver mom (Joan Allen) and Maguire's boss at the soda shop (Jeff Daniels), who sees the blossoming of color as a way to fulfill his dreams of becoming an artist
  • . The town doesn't get noisier or dirtier; the pace of life doesn't become faster
  • . Instead the town gets prettier
  • . If "Pleasantville" is trying to show the sinister controlling element of conformity, why does Ross treat his town with kid gloves? Why the hell doesn't he give in to the impulse to doodle all over it? The movie desperately needs an infusion of anarchic disrespect
  • . The movie's aesthetic -- doting on every white picket fence and park gazebo and trim downtown avenue -- gives the lie to its message
  • . You get the feeling that if Ross drove through this town and passed a "Come Back Soon!" sign, he'd turn the car around and head for the first real estate agent he could find

    God Among Directors: Arctic Blue
  • . The town squats, ugly and temporary-looking, in a dirt clearing fifty miles north of the Arctic Circle
  • . At the edge of town is a gravel airstrip
  • . Back in the primary this town was voted dry
  • . Nobody in town'll lift a finger on this
  • . ERIC (quietly) I'll go into town with you
  • . DEVIL'S CAULDRON - AFTERNOON The town is quiet
  • . DEVIL'S CAULDRON - FOLLOW WILDER as he leads Corbett along the boardwalk to the other end of town
  • . DEVIL'S CAULDRON - NIGHT An old primer-grey station wagon rattles into town and parks
  • . Wilder said I could keep his truck if I drove it ten miles away from town
  • . The huge night sky all but smothers the weak light from the town up ahead

    Rob Kogan: Airplane! Script
  • . Striker : Look, you'll be back in town tomorrow night, we'll..

  • info: FISH TOWN

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    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
  • . Where is he now? MELISSA Last I heard, he went back to his home town, Collier County
  • . HIGHWAY ONE - DAY Various traveling shots of Ace en route to a 'Deliverance' type town deep in the Everglades
  • . TOOTHLESS GIANT That bastard ruined this town
  • . Tourists coming to see Ray Finkle's home town
  • . Thirty minutes outside of town

    Apollo Movie Guide: Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The
  • -depth review by Brian Webster.
    Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, The Apollo Score: Readers' Rating: 89 (25 votes) Can you imagine if this Australian production had been brought to Tinseltown for a pitch? “A transsexual and two transvestites drive a bus across the Australian outback on their way to a ‘drag show’ performance on stage in remote Alice Springs
  • . As they make their way across the desert, the three encounter various challenges – hot weather, foreboding terrain, an unhealthy Priscilla and most of all – hostile small-town residents who don’t know what to make of flamboyant drag queens parading down their main street

    The Daily Script: Batman Returns
  • . A 50's-type radio warbles "Santa Claus is coming to Town." A strange pair of eyes peer from the cage
  • . Cobblepot -- is not what he seems? Must you be the only lonely "man-beast" in town? But Bruce is already engrossed in the next article onscreen
  • . After numerous reports of missing children in several towns, police have closed down the Red Triangle's fairgrounds

    Barton Fink
  • . And also, and I hope Lou told you this, I bigger and meaner than any other kike in this town
  • . I don't know anyone here in this town
  • . Ya see, her hubby was out of town at the time - BARTON You know, in a way, I envy you Charlie
  • . Mosquitos breed in swamps - this is a desert town

  • Benefits

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    The Bounty's Acting Crew
  • . He acted in 64 films, beginning as Eddie in "Show Folks" (1928), and ending as Smitty in TV's "Father of Hell Town" (1985)
  • . DeWitt Jennings (1879-1937) Born in Cameron, MO, he played in 122 films, beginning in "The Warrens of Virginia" (1915), and ending in "Fifty Races to Town" (1937), with most of his roles as figures of authority, such as policemen, doctors, and military officers
  • . He acted in 69 films, beginning as Phil Long in "The Wiser Sex" (1932), and ending his career as Ambassador Townsend in "The High Comnmissioner" (1968)

    Satire Screening Room: Being There
  • . GARDEN - MORNING A light snow is falling in a garden between a three-story brick townhouse and a one-story rear building, guarded on either side by a high brick wall
  • . Smartly attired in suit and tie, Chance, with an eye on the garden, crosses to the townhouse
  • . TOWN HOUSE - REAR ENTRANCE/HALLWAY - MORNING Chance enters, hangs his umbrella on a door knob, then crosses through the hall
  • . TOWN HOUSE - DINING ROOM - MORNING A large table, covered with a sheet except for two place- settings
  • . TOWN HOUSE - SERVANT'S STAIRWAY - MORNING An enclosed stairway
  • . TOWN HOUSE - UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - MORNING Chance comes out of the doorway adjoining the main stair- case
  • . TOWN HOUSE - OLD MAN'S ROOM - MORNING The furniture in this room is not covered with sheets - but the Old Man is
  • . Louise waves as she enters the townhouse
  • . TOWN HOUSE - FRONT HALLWAY - MORNING Louise enters the hallway, picks up a couple of suit- cases waiting by the door
  • . He removes his gardner's apron as he walks toward the townhouse

    IMDb: Blue Juice (1995)
  • cludes cast and crew, user comments, external reviews, plot summary, film details and trailer.
    | to personalize   | Showing page 1 of 25 main details newsgroup reviews awards & nominations memorable quotes crazy credits alternate versions box office & business laserdisc details news articles taglines posters photo gallery on tv, schedule links showtimes official site photographs sound clip(s) video clip(s) You need to be a user of the IMDb to rate a movie - I have seen this movie and would like to Blue Juice Directed by Writing credits Genre: / Plot Summary: JC is at the end of his Twenties and is living with his girlfriend Chloe in a small coastal town in England.. - Beautiful Girls
  • . The cinematography (Adam Kimmel) has some great scenes of a small Northern town in the snow
  • . The most beautiful scene is a time-lapsed sequence of the snow capped town as night turns to day


    Chicago Sun-Times: The Banger Sisters

  • . Lavinia at first resists Suzette's appeal, but then she realizes, "I'm the same color as the Department of Motor Vehicles--and you're like a flower." The girls go out for a wild night on the town, and Suzette brings much-needed reality into the cocooned existence of the two daughters

    Greatest Films - Bringing Up Baby
  • . Other characters include a small-town sheriff, a drunken Irish gardener, a big-game hunter, and two Brazilian leopards

    God Among Directors: Body of Evidence
  • . DULANEY This is a very small town -- people here have very straight views on sex
  • . BIGGS So -- where do we start? DULANEY I want you to hit all the dealers in town
  • . RESIDENTIAL STREET - DAY Rows of new Town Houses line the street
  • . JOANNE'S TOWN HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Sparsely decorated

    HARO Online: Big Fish
  • . The magic of Big Fish lies in its stories, with a younger Ed (Ewan McGregor, , ) leaving his small town to explore the world
  • . When a giant (Matthew McGrory, , ) arrives in town, he fearlessly approaches him and extends his hand in friendship Big Fish
  • . The regisseur of such imaginative movies as "Sleepy Hollow" (about a bumbling constable who tries to use scientific methods to figure out a series of beheadings) and "The Nightmare Before Christmas" (a Pumpkin King tires of the old routine in Halloween Town and falls in love with Christmas) displays the likes of ol' Edward, recast in the stories decades earlier in a role played by Ewan McGregor as the ultimate Mr
  • . "Big Fish, " whose ensemble includes Steve Buscemi as the leading poet of a small Alabama town who turns bank robber (filmed near Montgomery in Wetumpka); Jessica Lange as Sandy, the wife of the dying man who was allegedly courted in an all-out campaign decades earlier; Helena Bonham Carter as the grown woman whom young Edward knew when she was a little girl in a town that proved to be too small for his dreams; and Billy Crudup as the guy wanting to know more about his dad before the latter would son die but who realizes that the stories he heard, however embellished, really do identify the man whose dreams were too small to fit in a sleepy, Central Alabama ville

    Movie Forums: Big Fish
  • . Here you can find humorously warped depictions of giants and witches, as well as things more traditional like small town life and true love

    Rotten Tomatoes: Big Fish
  • . SYNOPSIS In Tim Burton's family film BIG FISH, a wonderful storyteller named Edward Bloom (Albert Finney), who lives in a small town in Alabama, recounts tall tales of his wild worldly adventures

    Greatest FilmsCitizen Kane
  • . Sixteen years after his first marriage, two weeks after his first divorce, [At the Trenton Town Hall, newspaper reporters and photographers crowd around when Kane comes out with Susan] Kane married Susan Alexander, singer at the Town Hall in Trenton, New Jersey @CallCenter