Laboratory Culture of the Aeolid Nudibranch Berghia verrucicornis (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia): Some Aspects of Its Development and Life History

  • . Motorneuronal control of locomotion in Aplysia

    The Red Hill Story
  • . The discovery of Elginerpeton (Scotland) revealed an animal similar to Ichthyostega but with amore robust shoulder bone that would lead one to believe this animal wouldbe more capable of locomotion on land

    SPAG Review
  • . One area in which the game does succeed is that of the innovations introduced by its authors, especially in the area of navigation: MmeLTS combines the direction-based locomotion of traditional IF with the more intuitive "go to location x" type of travel used in games like Joe Mason's The title character (a "spiritualist detective" who is also the player character) can travel to various locations around Sydney with the use of the "travel to" or "go to" verb

    Uruguay Natural
    Centro de información del Ministerio de Turismo sobre lugares para visitar, hoteles y actividades.
    Toda la información Turística sobre la República Oriental del Uruguay, en Español - Portugues - English (Este sitio contiene una ventana emergente -popup- la que se cargará automáticamente luego de esta página, esto nos permite optimizar la visualización del mismo, si esta no aparece chequee no estar bloqueando "popups", de lo contrario


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    Transport Tycoon
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    Pandas and People: A Brief Critique
  • . The actual fossil forms were described in a 1994 article in the journal Science (JGM Thewissen, ST Hussain, M Arif (1994) "Fossil evidence for the origin of aquatic locomotion in archaeocete whales." Science 263: 210-212.)

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