
  • . Paul Hogan's fish-out-of-water story was funny the first time out but already tired by its second outing

    Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles Movie Review by Anthony Leong
  • . When "Crocodile Dundee" first came out in 1986, North American audiences had little familiarity with Australia other than koala bears, Qantas, and Mel Gibson, which served the 'fish out of water' plot well-as Mick Dundee was puzzled by the odd behavior of Americans, moviegoers found themselves puzzled by Mick Dundee

    TV Guide Online: Dirty Work
  • ief review and synopsis.
    NEW! Search for TV Listings, Movies, Celebrities, Photos and Video Fish tale: Artie Lange and Norm Macdonald DIRTY WORK Bob Saget, 1998 Our rating: Ten cents a prank Unceasingly vulgar and sporadically funny, this revenge comedy rests heavily on the shoulders of former SNL wiseacre Norm Macdonald

    The 80's Movies Rewind
  • . [Thanks to Peter] The Fish & Chips Brad worked at, when the order for the "boys at IBM" came, was located in Panorama City at the corner of Van Nuys Blvd


    Photo by

    WWWF Grudge Match: Adrian Cronauer vs. Dr. Johnny Fever
  • . MARK: Supporting players? Johnny Fever has Les "Always Injured" Nessman, Herb "Loud but Clueless" Tarlek, and Arthur "Rather be Fishing" Carlson and you bring up supporting players? Fine! Dandy! Any more ammunition you want to send over? Oh, you do have some more
  • . Cronauer had a mostly sheltered American life of Big Macs; if he can get thrust into Vietnam and survive the dreaded nuoc mam fish sauce, there is not a thing in the world he can't handle
  • . Lastly, The Fisher King was like two hours strapped to the Marquis De Sadeatron 3000 for both the main character and the hapless audience

    Greatest Films: Jaws
  • . The three major characters who ultimately confront the film's major character - the shark (similar to the whale search in various Moby Dick sagas), include: the town's principled police Chief Brody (Roy Scheider) [Charlton Heston was considered] a bespectacled, bearded marine biologist Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) [Jeff Bridges, Timothy Bottoms and Jan-Michael Vincent were other possible candidates] a grizzly, salty fisherman and WWII veteran named Quint (Robert Shaw), over-the-top and obsessed (as Captain Ahab was) to hunt and kill the great white, from a boat named Orca (named after the black and white predatory 'killer whale' - the shark's sole enemy besides man) ; [both Lee Marvin and Sterling Hayden were considered for the role of Quint at one time] The unheeding mayor (Murray Hamilton), a devious and dishonest authority figure who covers up the dangers of the underwater enemy in the community and restricts the local police chief, resonated with audiences in the mid-70s following the Watergate era and the earlier failure of the US military effort in Vietnam

    Video Universe: Reds
  • . Johns, Henry Miller, Will Durant, Hamilton Fish, Arthur Mayer, Roger Baldwin, Oleg Karensky, among others

    WWWF Grudge Match: Headless Horseman vs. T-800 Terminator
  • . - Fish T-800 wins this one

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    Grudge-Match.com: Headless Horseman vs. Terminator
  • . - Fish T-800 wins this one

    The Sci-Fi Movie Page: The Terminator
  • . Even it's sequel, the much more expensive and popular will be ten years old next year! Sixteen years later and how does James Cameron's second feature film as director hold up before his descent into a demented egomaniac? (His first? Piranha 2 - Flying Killers , about, you guessed it: mutant killer piranhas crossed with flying fish! Even scarier than this less than auspicious debut is the fact that I actually saw it on the cinema circuit

    Baseball Movies
  • . Critics were lukewarm, but it should score with Selleck devotees, fans of light, "fish-out-of-water" humor

    Basketball Movies
  • . Laurence Fishburne has a bit part as a street kid
  • . The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh (1979)… Julius Erving, James Bond III, Stockard Channing, Jonathan Winters, Flip Wilson, Meadowlark Lemon, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  • . The fish (the astrological sign for Pisces) might have saved the city’s basketball team but it couldn't save this clunker
  • . * Michael Jordan to the Max (2000)… Michael Jordan, Phil Jackson, Doug Collins, Bob Greene, Bob Costas, Dean Smith, Deloris Jordan, Fred Lynch, Walter Iooss Jr., Bill Murray, Laurence Fishburne


    New York Telegraph - Ernst Lubitsch 1922 Interview

  • . She stopped short at her fish fork and waited for her hostess to proceed so she would make no mistake

    Blyth, David
  • . It's a new wave of fish tank videorama set underwater and brilliant music
  • . Very exciting to see the release of another David Blyth doco - this time it is about the people who keep tropical fish
  • . The keepers of the rather beautiful marine tanks and award winnings tanks included in Jed Town's masterpiece - Fish Tank Telly (Telly is Brit for TV)
  • . Support independent NZ music - buy Jed Town's FISH TANK TELLY (AQUARAMA) from Digital Wallpaper
  • . TV 3 DOCUMENTARY - AGE OF AQUARIUMS - screened on Easter Monday March 28th, 1pm - David Blyth's documentary - the "making of" Fish Tank Telly - the fish tanks and their keepers
  • . Fish Tank Telly Digital Wallpaper presents a new DVD - Fish Tank Telly by Jed Town and David Blyth
  • . Fish Tank Telly a DVD with aquatic images and ambient music is now available through DVD Distributor Stage Door in New Zealand and Magnum Pacific in Australia

    American Movies Worth Seeing
  • . Reilly, Alec Baldwin the early years of the legendary film producer and aviator Howard Hughes 1999 Spike Jonze John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, Catherine Keener, John Malkovich a metaphysical portal into the brain of John Malkovich Big Fish 2003 Tim Burton Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup, Alison Lohman, Jessica Lange, Helena Bonham Carter a son trying to learn about his dying father by reliving myths his father told him about himself Down by Law 1986 Jim Jarmusch Tom Waits, John Lurie, Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Ellen Barkin three different men in a Louisiana prison and their eventual journey Down by Law is widely regarded as Jarmusch’s best film
  • . Macy, Steve Buscemi, Harve Presnell, Peter Stormare Female Perversions 1996 Susan Streitfeld Tilda Swinton, Amy Madigan, Karen Sillas, Frances Fisher, Clancy Brown From women for women

    Separate Cinema
    Art and history of African Americans in film. Information about poster archive, traveling poster exhibit and lecture series as well as licensing information.
    This site requires Macromedia Flash Player 6 Separate Cinema is a Registered Trademark. Copyright ©2003 Separate CinemaĆ african american collectibles, african american exhibits, african american film, african american film festival, african american memorabilia, african american movie posters, african american museum exhibits, all black

    Braveheart vs. Groundskeeper Willie
  • . By the time Wallace knows what's hit him (as he looks on from the hereafter) Willie will be relaxing by the Springfield resevoir reading Salesman Of The Century(tm), styling with his new hairdo thanks to the GLH Formula Number 9 Hair System(tm) and pulling three eyed fish out of the resevoir with his Popiel Pocket Fisherman(tm) end of story - Colin "I'm not really a CS major, but I play one on TV" Johnson Are ye daft, mon! De ye ken wha' ye canae see wi' yer own two eyes thot Gid gave tae ye?! Goun'skeep'r Willie is thae pick o' the lads, d'ye ken?! 'E's got not aenly th' right tool f'r th' right job -- namely, whackin' thot Rob Roy lad azzif 'e were th' sassenach Brits! 'R a dandelion inna Highland bloom! Thot Weed Whacker is th' fahnest thing tae hit th' last great Scotsman's field o'honor -- the golf course! Groundskeeper Willie's got th' one talent thot hordes o' Scots'll follow tae th' ends o' th' Earth: Only Willie can tend tae th' greatest courses in Scotland..

    Reading Room Index
  • . -- Call no.: PN6790.I53 G3T3 1990 ----------------------------------------------------- "Queer Fish" / Donna Barr
  • . -- (Chaud Devant) -- Christ Oliver talks about his comic, Fish Lecan

    The Paul Rugg Sound Page
  • . Ha! [rides off on the loaned lawnmower, laughing happily even as The Brain let's loose a triumphant "Yes!"] " (with, again) (69.1k wave 17.7 sec) "Wait! Wait! Don't look, yet! My house is not a home! [Turns crab clock to face inward] Okay, my house is a very very very fun house! Come in, come in! " (35.2k wave 9 sec) "Everything is hunky monkey! Your juice is frothy like the snowman! Or a rabid dog! " (23.3k wave 5.9 sec) "My life is like someone who buys the Pocket Fisherman and then loses the pocket fish! " (21k wave 5.3 sec) "I am the president of the 'Losers Club for Losers'! " (12.4k wave 3.1 sec) "This Old Mouse" Sultana and The Brain discuss the latter's mid-life crisis over pool

    Stomp Tokyo Review - The Hobbit
  • . Bilbo's fish-out-of-water situation helps viewers identify with him, and also makes his successes all the more sweet

    http://digilander.libero.it/about_fishing/ @CallCenter