Yahoo Movies: A.I.
. David in these scenes is often played for "fish out of water" laughs, in the same way that "Data" on Star Trek: The Next Generation was; the robot trying to understand the customs of humans
The Daily Script: Batman Returns
. Meanwhile I got badder fish to fry
Barton Fink
. They'll be hawking the fish down on Fulton Street. OLDER MAN FISH! FRESH FISH! As the man walks back off the screen: LILY Let's spit on our hands and get to work. BARTON Thanks, Richard, but I know for a fact the only fish you've ever seen were tacked to a the wall of the yacht club. The find of the evening was the author of this drama about simple folk - fish mongers, in fact - whose brute struggle for existence cannot quite quell their longing for something higher. Barton Fink." BARTON They'll be wrapping fish in it in the morning so I guess it's not a total waste. Early morning traffic is audible, as is the cry fishmongers. We can faintly hear the cry of the fishmongers
. Wearing a floppy brown trenchcoat [typical of detectives in classic film noirs ], he walks over to order raw fish over noodles at the neon-illuminated, White Dragon Noodle Bar, arguing in Japanese with the manager of the cafe over the amount of food he can eat. Cold fish

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The Bounty's Acting Crew
. Ben Fish ® Harry Lauter (1914-1990)
Satire Screening Room: Being There
. LOUISE Must of happened durin' the night, I don't know...Lord, he wasn't breathin' and as cold as a fish
God Among Directors: Body of Evidence
. Cardenas starts fishing through a can of NUTS, carefully extracting the cashews. Cardenas looks into his can of nuts and fishes for another cashew. The fish ain't biting today
Greatest FilmsCitizen Kane
. [views of endless numbers of crates arriving] Xanadu's livestock: [views of horses, giraffes, rare birds, a large octopus, an elephant, donkeys, etc.] the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, the beast of the field and jungle

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Gods Among Directors: Citizen Kane . Xanadu's livestock: the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, the beast of the field and jungle - two of each; the biggest private zoo since Noah
Corky.net: Citizen Kane
. Xanadu's livestock: the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, the beast of the field and jungle - two of each; the biggest private zoo since Noah
. 100 Baltimore Sun Chris Kaltenbach It's a startling physical transformation, as Noland goes from flabby desk jockey to lean, mean fishing machine. This guy spends 4 years alone in an island and the only things he learn is to fish
Eye On Screen: Cruel Intentions
view by Alex Patterson, with links to other reviews.
Eye - ON SCREEN Great dance, so-so love and a neat fish TANGO Starring Miguel Angel Solá, Cecilia Narova. He returns home from work every day at the same time, eats dinner with his wife and has regular nights set aside for fishing. But when he comes back early from fishing one night, he discovers his wife in bed with another man and murders her in a jealous rage
Dr. Strangelove: A Continuity Transcript
. DeSadeski: You don't have any fresh fish? Aide: I'm afraid not sir
Scripts Galore: Dumb and Dumber
. That fish-head is probably half-way to Providence by now
God Among Directors: Four Rooms
. ATHENA (irritated) And some ginger, two of the eyes of a trout fish, and a piece of raw meat, liver if you have it. Oh, and uhh, sorry, but I'm not gonna pick the eyes outta this dead fish. and her young husband turned into a pink fish! They found him swimming in the pool in circles
God Among Directors: The Fugitive
. The guy's fish food. GERARD: Then find me the fish that ate him
God Among Directors: From Dusk Till Dawn.
. CUT TO: PHOTO: PETE in a Hawaiian shirt holding up a big fish
BFI: Sight & Sound: "Fast Food"
Includes synopsis, cast and crew information, full review with plot revelation and soundtrack listing.
Skip to Global navigation Crumbtrail > > Primary navigation Fast Food UK 1998 Reviewed by Kevin Maher Synopsis Our synopses give away the plot in full, including surprise twists. An anonymous British city, the present day. Benny, a telephone engineer, returns to his gang - Zac, Jacko, Bisto and Flea - after 20 years away. The next day, Benny sees local mobster Dwayne deposit some cash
The Godfather
. Cousin Avi hires the very tough Bullet Tooth Tony accurately portrayed by Vinnie Jones (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Gone in Sixty Seconds, Swordfish, Mean Machine) . Introduction Cinematography Plot Cast / Performances Screenplay Theme / Meaning Soundtrack / Score Climax 9.3 8.9 8.5 8.1 8.6 7.5 8.5 9.0 Best Introduction , The Fisher King) Truly a phenomenal filmmaker, though acting in many of his films, I decided to focus on his major. The knights of the round table are as follows; SIR LAUNCELOT THE BRAVE heroically played by John Cleese (How to Irritate People, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, Frankenstein, The World is Not Enough, Die Another Day, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, A Fish Called Wanda) as well as SIR GALLHAD THE PURE played by my favourite, Micheal Palin (How to Irritate People, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, Brazil, A Fish Called Wanda) and we can't forget SIR ROBIN THE-NOT-QUITE-SO-BRAVE-AS-SIR-LAUNCELOT portrayed by the hilarious Eric Idle (Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut)
All-Reviews.com: Green Dragon
. One of the ironic points made by Timothy Linh Bui's film–which takes off like a docu-drama but gradually and patiently builds steam to become a melodramatic commentary on the evils of war–is that lots of these people pitched in rudimentary tents, lining up for fried fish (which they didn't go for) and fried chicken (better), were actually afraid of leaving the camp and going out into the vast American arena under the sponsorship of kind families who more or less adopted them
http://digilander.libero.it/about_fishing/ @CallCenter