God Among Directors: Arctic Blue

  • . State police
  • . (CONTINUED) 33 CONTINUED: NEFF (on phone) Fairbanks Alascom? Patch me through to the State Police
  • . STATE POLICEMAN (VO) (thru phone) On a good day I couldn't spare a crosswalk guard
  • . STATE POLICEMAN (VO) (thru phone) Sit your suspect out in the cold
  • . STATE POLICEMAN (VO) (thru phone; Mr

    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
  • . MELISSA The police are checking into the animal rights people
  • . (to secretary) Martha, have the police called back about the dolphin yet? MARTHA No, but I wanted to tell you, when I lost my Cuddles, I hired a pet detective
  • . MELISSA The police were here this morning
  • . METRO POLICE DEPARTMENT - LATER THAT DAY A flurry of activity in the detective division
  • . Out steps police LT
  • . Police, lights flashing, paramedics, crowds of people
  • . PODACTOR'S APARTMENT - MOMENTS LATER Police are everywhere
  • . Next, he notices police coming in and out of the balcony, closing the door behind them, shutting out the noise
  • . He came with Miss Robinson – EINHORN This is official police business
  • . MELISSA Maybe you should have joined the police force… become a real detective
  • . Call the police
  • . POLICE STATION - LATER THAT DAY A chaotic press conference
  • . POLICE STATION - MOMENTS LATER Einhorn is barking out orders to other cops as she heads for her office

    The Daily Script: Batman Returns
  • . The Batman sled crunches against a frosty police wind- shield
  • . In front of the building are a Shreck Guard and a Police- man
  • . From behind the police barricade, camera motor-drives WHIRR
  • . After numerous reports of missing children in several towns, police have closed down the Red Triangle's fairgrounds

    Haro Online - Brokedown Palace
  • . He gives them a package, and at the airport, the police stop them and find drugs

  • info: FISH POLICE

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    Movies for Guys: Blood Work
  • . A couple of years later he receives a heart transplant and suddenly finds himself lured back into action working on a case that the local police can't solve
  • . The ambitious, enigmatic, visually-complex film is a futuristic film noir detective thriller with all its requisite parts - an alienated hero of questionable morality, a femme fatale , airborne police vehicles called "Spinners", dark sets and locations in a dystopic Los Angeles of 2019, and a downbeat voice-over narration
  • . The main character in Blade Runner is a weary, former police officer/bounty hunter who is reluctantly dispatched by the state to search for four android replicants (robotic NEXUS models) that have been created with limited life spans (a built-in fail-safe mechanism in case they became too human)
  • . Special police squads - BLADE RUNNER UNITS - had orders to shoot to kill, upon detection, any trespassing Replicant
  • . The neon-lit, dark, downtown streets are populated by the lower class dregs of society, an odd beleaguered assortment of police, Asians, Spanish, street gangs and punks carrying glowing umbrella handles
  • . He is escorted to the vertically-opening, winged doors of the cockpit of a sleek, vertically-lifting 'Spinner' - a futuristic hovercar that lifts up and flies above the LA streets to police headquarters

    The Bounty's Acting Crew
  • . At least half the roles he played were as policemen
  • . DeWitt Jennings (1879-1937) Born in Cameron, MO, he played in 122 films, beginning in "The Warrens of Virginia" (1915), and ending in "Fifty Races to Town" (1937), with most of his roles as figures of authority, such as policemen, doctors, and military officers
  • . His career continued through 1982, often taking the role of a detective, police inspector, or a army officer

    Satire Screening Room: Being There
  • . He moves to a POLICEMAN standing nearby
  • . The Policeman looks at the tree, then at Chance, figures a man dressed that well must be important
  • . POLICEMAN Yes sir
  • . POLICEMAN Good day
  • . The Policeman takes out his walkie-talkie as Chance leaves
  • . BYSTANDER Somebody ought to call the police! CHANCE (looks over, smiles) There's no need for police, it's just my leg
  • . (eyes Chance) ...the insurance, police, the news and all..

  • Benefits

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    Mooviees! - Bringing Down the House
  • . Running Time 1 hour, 45 minutes Country Studio Touchstone Pictures Other Titles • Bringing Down the House • In the Houze • Movie Photos Awards Nominated for 2004 MTV Movie Award for Best Dance Sequence Nominated for 2004 MTV Movie Award for Best Fight Nominated for 2004 MTV Movie Award for Best Female Performance Sign up for our Newsletter! Movie news in your email: Your Name: Your E-Mail Address: Sign Up Genre: , Love, Law, Prison, Suspense, Martial Arts, Drugs, Mistaken Identity, Police Tagline: Everything he needed to know about life, she learned in prison

    Greatest Films - Bringing Up Baby
  • . The non-stop, harum-scarum farce skewered many institutions, including psychiatry, the sterile field of science, the police, and high-society upper classes

    God Among Directors: Body of Evidence
  • . We see TWO UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICERS standing before the television watching the act
  • . More PLAIN CLOTHES POLICE, looking, dusting, talking
  • . Several POLICE CARS are in the driveway, their RED LIGHTS FLASHING
  • . HOUSE, BEDROOM - CLOSE ON CAMERA - NIGHT Pull back to reveal a POLICE PHOTOGRAPHER snapping pictures of Marsh in bed
  • . If she was going to kill Marsh why leave the nasal spray bottle there for the police to find? CARDENAS She planned this
  • . PALEY She said that those weren't any good -- because their use would be detected and the police would know the victim had been poisoned

    TV Guide Online: A Clockwork Orange
  • . After violently suppressing an uprising among his "droogies" (from the Russian for "friends"), Alex is betrayed by them during an attack on another home, knocked senseless and left for the police
  • . There, vengeance of one kind or another is visited upon him by his erstwhile fellow gang-members (now policemen), and by his former victims (including Magee)


    Greatest Films: Chinatown

  • . Using as an entry pass one of the business cards he lifted from Yelburton's office, Gittes is easily allowed admission by police guards through the gates into the Oak Pass Reservoir when mistaken as Yelburton
  • . Mulwray, and Katherine mistaken as Hollis' lover.] There, he meets a former partner of his when they were Chinatown cops: Hispanic police detective Lieutenant Lou Escobar (Perry Lopez), who is accompanied by another cop named Loach (Richard Bakalyan)

    A Story is a Promise: Chinatown
  • . Using one of the business cards he lifted from Yelburton's office, Jake is allowed admission by police guards into the Oak Pass Reservoir

  • . Gittes' car is stopped by a couple of UNIFORMED POLICE
  • . He spots a police car and an unmarked one as well
  • . They walk a couple of steps -- the other police -- two plainclothesmen and a uniformed officer watch them
  • . Then you ask me to lie to the police - Cookies Fortune
  • . Stating that suicide will not be permitted in their family, the quick-thinking Camille immediately brainwashes Cora into telling the police Cookie was murdered, and then goes about destroying evidence (she literally eats the suicide note) and setting up a "murder scene." Soon, however, the planted gun happens to contain the fingerprints of Willis, who is taken to the town's jail by the reluctant cops, who keep the cell door wide open and set up a game of Scrabble for him to play

    Sex, Bullets and Popcorn: Cookie's Fortune
  • . The bumbling police officer Jason Brown (Chris O’Donnell) is shaken up when he hears that Emma is back in town
  • . A police investigation follows and a man is falsely arrested, in spite of her note
  • . Altman also shows a clever sense of humor with his use of symbolism, such as the yellow off-limits police tape, a skein that ensnares the devious and binds the passionate

    IMDb: Children of Men, The
  • . Military Police Officer ...

    Dr. Strangelove: A Continuity Transcript
  • . As I have previously arranged, Air Police will have lists of all owners and I want every single one of them collected without exception

    Scripts Galore: Dumb and Dumber
  • . Lloyd looks up to see a POLICE OFFICER standing there
  • . POLICE OFFICER Come on, move it, you're in a red zone
  • . He starts to run into the terminal, then notices the Police Officer and suddenly goes into a spastic walk, limping and dragging him leg behind him like a palsy victim
  • . HIS POV - his limo is being towed away – under the supervision of the Police Officer
  • . Just then they hear a LOUDSPEAKER: STATE TROOPER (o.s.) Pull over! They turn to see the POLICE MOTORCYCLE cruising right beside then
  • . HARRY (CONT.) Jesus, what is this, the fashion police? The Cop turns on his SIREN
  • . PAN DOWN to reveal a number of POLICEMEN stopping and checking cars as they cross the border @CallCenter