IK0WRB Radio Site - PIC Projects

IK0WRB Keyer version 2.1

Keyer v1.0 Keyer v2.0 Keyer v2.2 YO7LHC PIC Projects Index IK0WRB Home page

General description

To know what is a keyer and what it's supposed to do, and also for a general description of the circuit I designed, please read the page about version 1.0 of the keyer.
I will describe here only the changes I made in version 2.1.

The circuit

What follows is the scheme of the IK0WRB Keyer version 2.1

If you need this scheme at a higher resolution, press here.

As you can see, it is quite similar to the version 2.0 circuit. The only difference is that a 4-bit contraves switch is used in place of the 3-ways 8-positions switch. Please note that the switch may be replaced by a 4-ways 16-positions switch, but it will be much larger than the contraves.

The components list

a Microchip PIC 16F84, in the 18 pins package
a 2 MHz quartz crystal, parallel resonance
2 capacitors of 22 pF, 15 VL
2 resistors of 270 Ohm, ¼ Watt
a resistor of 100 kOhm, ¼ W
2 resistors of 10 kOhm, ¼ W
a 2-colors LED, common cathod, red and green
a button, normally open
2 jack plugs, 3 poles (stereo)
a loudspeaker, 4 - 8 Ohm 150 mW, or a buzzer
a BC108 transistor, or similar
a 4-bits contraves switch (or a 4-ways 16-positions switch)

The program

You can download here the hex module you need to program the Microchip PIC 16F84 chip you need for keyer. This is the software for version 2.1 of the keyer. New versions of the circuit (and related software) may be released in the future.


The zip archive contains the circuit scheme, this page and the hex module.

How to use the keyer

The use of the keyer is basically identical to version 2.0 of the keyer. But setting parameters and moving to the different states is a bit more intuitive. You get also two new states, one useful for transport (continuous sleep mode) and another to emulate a vertical key (perhaps useful also to tune the transmitter or amplifier).
The following table shows how to operate the keyer version 2.1.

Operating version 2.1 of the IK0WRB Keyer
Status LED color Left paddle Right paddle SET button
0 Sleep Off No effect No effect No effect
1 Ready Green while rx.
Red while tx.
Yellow if tx local.
Dot Dash Send single CQ message
2 Speed Yellow Decrease speed Increase speed Sound current speed
3 Weighting Yellow Decrease weight Increase weight Sound current weight
(Wn or Wn.5)
4 TX Green if disabled.
Yellow if enabled.
Enable transmitterDisable transmitter, enable speakerSound status
(TY or TN)
5 - 9 Sleep Off No effect No effect No effect
A Audio Green if disabled.
Yellow if enabled.
Enable audio monitor Disable audio monitor Sound status
(AY or AN)
B Beacon Green if message present.
Off if no message.
Starts Beacon sequence.
During carrier: immediate call.
During call: go to carrier.
During carrier: more carrier.
Starts Beacon sequence.
During tx or pause: stops Beacon sequence.
Autostart beacon sequence at power on
C CQ Green if message present.
Off if no message.
Starts CQ sequence.
During pause: immediate CQ.
During CQ: go to pause.
During pause: more pause.
Starts CQ sequence.
During CQ or pause: stops sequence
D Direct Green Carrier while pressed Carrier while pressed No effect
E Enter Green Store a dot Store a dash Single pressure: insert inter-word space.
2 consecutive pressures: delete last char.
Store an inter-character space when pausing 0.25 sec.
F Sleep Off No effect No effect No effect


Changes from version 2.0 to 2.1 are in bold.

Future releases

No further releases are planned at the moment, since I used all the 1024 program memory words of the 16F84! In fact, I had to work to fit the chip size...
Keyer v1.0 Keyer v2.0 Keyer v2.2 YO7LHC PIC Projects Index IK0WRB Home page

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