The Chronicler                                                               The Amanuensis

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Collection of the deeds of the Shaerye 's feudal overlords, northern border of Rhaakam Empire.Writted by the Initiated  Frederick Von Botzmann. Miniated by the amanuensis Valyn Willnow, temple of Loregha.

ll begined when a cadre of adventurers composed by the cruel warrior  Hellheaven nemesis of the deformed  Mc Daemon ,by the noble Konan descendant of the  Landor family, by the gloomy necromancer Mordred from the city of  Norek, by Rudyard Mc Doohan   the legendary warrior mage, by the swift  Rio Tokudome and by the barbaric half-ogre Zumh Zack.

It's idle  resort to intelligence or to epic fables, this band of men was united only by the greed of  power, wealth and knowledge. This wishes were  strong enough to ennoble some  and to bring others beyond the hell's gates. Now only Hellheaven and  Konan  still live  , the others died pursuing the deadly trail of their dreams  .

Well, this is a faded tale. My story begin when Thassadar Glik'om the mage, Vladimir Von Morgenster the black paladin, Ian  the warrior monk and the archmage Alcante joined the cadre satisfing their famine of glory and wealth. The tale that I want tell begin a bit after the death  of the  fanatic Vladimir and after the death of   Alcante, killed by  Ajax, a mercenary warrior  that  joined the cadre. Not a good choice.

Returned to their fort, seat of the Shaerye's feudal power , the cadre was dismembered:  Ian gone away because continual disagreements against my noble lords. His departure wasn't obstacolate  by the rest of of the cadre : his greed and his cowardice was proverbial. After few days , spent  organizing  the   town's rebuild ,  a strange stranger came to the fort asking for shelter. He was dressed only by rags, but with a pair of splendid weapons with a lethal and exotic look. His name was Nebuchadnezgar and his history was ignored until the discovery of the Phaedros N'hedrii 's diary, happened when the joined army of the free city,  Rhaakam Empire and  Meluria razed to the ground the   foul Phaedros N'hedrii 's fortress  .