ResellerClub Offers Value Web Hosting TopHosts.com
November 24, 2006 – (TopHosts News Brief) – ResellerClub announced their value Web hosting offer to all resellers. The offer will continue right up to December 31, 2006 and will provide all resellers with a free .BIZ or .US domain name with any Web hosting package.
Taggs hosting tournament Fort Frances Times
The local Taggs Source For Sports Bantam ‘AA’ hockey team is hosting a 12-team tournament this weekend at the Memorial Sports Centre.
Wichita Art Museum is hosting a wooden toy exhibit The Enid News & Eagle
Wichita Art Museum is hosting a wooden toy exhibit called “Toy Project†Saturday through Dec. 18. All 75 toys on display were hand-built and hand-painted by 60 individuals from the local Woodworkers’ Guild and the Society of Decorative Painters.
AIT Announces Dedicated Hosting Holiday Special TopHosts.com
Web Hosting provider AIT launched their Holiday Dedicated server promotion. Starting now through January 1, 2007, anyone who buys one Dedicated server can get a second one absolutely free for six months
Team USA tries to curb ski racers' party ways AFP via Yahoo! News
US skiing officials would like their World Cup alpine racers to start toeing the party line instead of hosting them in their motor homes.
Offers a .BIZ or .US domain name free with every Web hosting package to all resellers Web Host Directory
ResellerClub- www.resellerclub.com , one of the largest private- labeled end to end Web service providers, today announced the value hosting offer for all its resellers.
Indian Managed Hosting Provider Launches Website TopHosts.com
November 24, 2006 – (TopHosts News Brief) – Indialinks.com launched their new website, featuring new products and revamped packages.
Orkut in trouble for hosting anti-Shivaji views Deccan Herald
The Bombay High Court on Thursday asked the state government to file its reply in connection with a petition demanding a ban on social networking site, Orkut, for hosting an anti-Shivaji web community.
3FN Web Hosting Affiliate Improves Reporting System TopHosts.com
November 24, 2006 – (TopHosts News Brief) – The 3FN.marketing affiliate program, a PPC affiliate program run by Web host 3FN, announced it improved its already universal reports with data for countries, in which affiliates generate their traffic.
Hostaga Launches Affiliate Program, Drops Shared Hosting Fees TopHosts.com
Web hosting provider Hostaga rolled out its new affiliate program. The company also announced they’re dropping all shared hosting setup fees and offering a discount on first month service
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