Jugoslavia Notes.  The Dark Side Of The Moon fu stampato nella ex-Jugoslavia in numerose versioni, come era solito fare con altri dischi. La copertina era quella classica, nera apribile con il prisma, riportava il titolo dentro un adesivo circolare, "Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon" (che poteva essere attaccato o stampato), in basso mostrava poi il logo di colore della Jugoton, mentre nelle edizioni quadrifoniche aveva anche il logo azzurro della "Quadraphonic Sq System"; sul retro della copertina riportava il numero di catalogo, sul bordo del disco non vi era nessuna scritta, l’interno era standard con i testi, crediti di copyright e della Jugoton, e riportava fondamentalmente due scritte all'interno relative alla stamperia; inoltre, la copertina si apriva da tutte e due le metŕ. Le edizioni quadrifoniche avevano quasi sempre l’inner originale della "Quadraphonic Sq System", che riportava una breve storia sulle edizioni in quadrifonia, "Kvadrafonija", ma anche degli inner di plastica trasparente, anche fabbricati della stessa Jugoton; le edizioni stereo invece avevano tutte gli inner trasparenti. Il disco uscě per la Jugoton in due versioni di etichetta: quella classica giallo-verde della Harvest e quella classica nera con il prisma con i bordi azzurri o bianco-verdastri. Tuttavia, come per altri dischi, le differenze erano tante e, non essendoci notizie precise sui motivi di queste scelte discografiche, per capire meglio le varie versioni jugoslave bisogna analizzare le stampe sotto diversi punti di vista: prima, attraverso il tipo di fonia (stereo o quadrifonica); poi, attraverso il tipo di etichetta (giallo-verde o nera col prisma); infine, attraverso tutti quei dettagli e crediti scritti sulle etichette, che variavano da versione a versione, come l'adesivo stampato o attaccato o il tipo di acetato; tra i fattori abbiamo messo in secondo piano gli altri dettagli scritti sul run-off (eccetto le indicazioni degli acetati), in quanto questi erano tutti uguali e solo in poche versioni la Jugoton metteva le date (non del tutto importanti per stabilire una cronologia di stampa), sostanzialmente dal 1986 in poi. Un fatto curioso: la societŕ che gestiva i diritti d'autore nella ex-Yugoslavia era la SOKOJ (Serbian Music Authors Organization); perň non tutti sanno che in parecchie edizioni del disco il nome era scritto come SAKOJ, in altre come SOKOJ.




Yugoslavia Stereo Releases.

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (1st Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, Zvuka Zagreb plant, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, all data on upper side, matrix: A-3, B-1) [1A]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (1st Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, Zvuka Zagreb plant, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, SOKOJ on left, matrix: A-3, B-1) [1B]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (1st Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, Zvuka Zagreb plant, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, SOKOJ on bottom, matrix: A-3, B-1) [1C]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (2nd Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, different letters, date: 21 05 86, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2A]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (2nd Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, no text on upper, date: 21 05 86, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2B]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (2nd Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, date: 21 05 86, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2C]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (2nd Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, date: 21 05 86, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2D]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (2nd Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, date: 21 05 86, SOKOJ near, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2E]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (2nd Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, date: 21 05 86, SOKOJ far, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2F]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (2nd Stereo issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, Jugoton blue credits inside, no spine, double open, yellow-green Harvest labels, LQEMI 73009, SQ on right, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2G]



Yugoslavia Quadriphonic Prism labels Releases.

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, no spine, double open, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1A]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, black prism Harvest labels, different sides, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1B-a]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, different sides, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1B-b]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, same sides, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1B-c]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, trasparent Jugoton inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1C]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, no spine, double open, GIP printing company, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, black prism Harvest labels, SQ on right, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1D]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1E]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 3, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1F]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1G]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1H]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1I]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1L]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-2, B-1) [1M]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, trasparent Jugoton inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [2A]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [2B]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [2C]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [2D]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 2, trasparent Jugoton inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [2E]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, SQ inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [2F]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, trasparent Jugoton inner, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [3A]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [3B]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, black prism Harvest labels, matirx: A-3, B-1) [3C]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, no spine, double open, black prism Harvest labels, matrix: A-3, B-1) [3D]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (SQ quadriphonic issue, blue cover with white prism, "Beatles 1962-1976" cover inside, black prism Harvest labels) [4A]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (SQ quadriphonic issue, blue cover with white prism, "Beatles 1967-1970" cover inside, black prism Harvest labels) [4B]



Yugoslavia Quadriphonic Yellow-Green labels Releases.

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, SQ logo, no spine, double open, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, yellow-green Harvest labels, printed matrix: A-3, B-1) [1A]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, SQ logo, no spine, double open, GIP Beograd printing company, Zvuka Zagreb plant, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, yellow-green Harvest labels, printed matrix: A-3, B-1) [1B]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, title in printed sticker, no spine, double open, GIP Beograd printing company, Interprogres Zagreb plant, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, yellow-green Harvest labels, date: 21 05 86, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2A]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, sticker with title, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, no spine, double open, Interprogres Zagreb plant, blue credits inside type 2, SQ inner, yellow-green Harvest labels, date: 21 05 86, engineer: SB, Silvano Bulešić) [2B]

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (quadriphonic issue, gatefold cover with prism, title printed sticker, SQ logo, no spine, double open, GIP printing company, Zvuka plant, Jugoton little logo, blue credits inside type 1, yellow-green Harvest labels, printed matrix [2C]



Yugoslavia Radio Stations 2LP Releases.

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LYEMI 73009 (2LP, SQ+stereo, stereo gatefold cover, two round stickers, one printed, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 1, different Harvest labels, catalog on labels: LQEMI 73009)

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (2LP, SQ+stereo, SQ gatefold cover, two round stickers, one printe, GIP Beograd printing company, Jugoton blue logo, no spine, double open, blue credits inside type 1, different Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (radio stations sample, 2LP, SQ+stereo, SQ gatefold cover, half brown wrap, sticker with title on cover, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, no spine, blue credits inside, different Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (radio stations sample, 2LP, SQ+stereo, SQ gatefold cover, half brown wrap with sticker with title, second sticker on cover, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, no spine, blue credits inside type 2, different Harvest labels)

EMI-Harvest-Jugoton, LQEMI 73009 (radio stations sample, 2LP, SQ+stereo, SQ gatefold cover, dirty-white wrap with sticker with title, second sticker on cover, SQ logo, GIP Beograd printing company, no spine, blue credits inside type 2, different Harvest labels)





For help and adds about the records details, email me at tarquinis@gmail.com