& Kiwi
thanks You to have visited

Thanks Kiwi,
that he has helped me with his company…
pratically lies down on the keyboard…
and his reassuring prr-prr.
Thanks Velvet Goldminers, they sent me the photos of their favourite
Thanks Claudio, Luca and Fabrizio, they have been patients…
Font: Tempus Sans ITC
The photos contained in these pages are Isabella & Kiwi's exclusive
The authorization to use them, for commercial sites and not, it must
be application to
e-mail address:
The owners of all other animal friends have granted exclusively to us
the authorization
to use photos publicize in this site.
The concession for private use is finite from the following terms:
the photos must be used like publicized
and must not be altered with clippings, effects, frames, etc.
The font and the ownership must be alleged always.
Thanks to:
for animate gif, images and backgrounds and flash used in KIWI THE CAT
Kiwi the Cat site is a free guest of Digiland,
a non-profit service of Italia On Line
purviews, translated from Isabella, Gloria and Olga, was found in Net.
For it as concern the other purviews, they come allege fonts and, when
possible, the link.
They have not been publicized to purpose of lucre; this site was borne
exclusively for passion
and wants only being to help furnishing news that can result useful
to who reads it.
any problems, you dispatch us an e-mail;
so we will require the necessary authorizations.