i regali che mi hanno inviato gli amici del web!
Here is some gifts from my web-friends!
This gift is for Kiwi from Muffy's mom!
Thanks again, and I send you greetings from Washington
State to Milan!
Hugs, Lee Ann
Luglio 2001
July 2001
Page is not more online)
"Mews & Purrs my kitty furriends!
In honor of Labor Day, I am sending a little 'furriendship
gift' to my furriends who are in my Top Kitty Kat Site
List or my Webrings!
I want to thank each and every one of you for being a
furriend and taking care and loving those wonderful little
bundles of fur that we are each so lucky to have in our
Settembre 2001
September 2001
"Dear Isabella and Kiwi, I've just been visiting
your website
and decided to send you this watercolor so that you can
put on your computer screen...
Hope you like! It's my work...
I LOVE to paint cat's eyes...
they are so expressive that I try to capture their spirit...
Love... HelenaJ"
September 2001
Miao Kiwi,
ti piace la cartolina che Olga ha creato?
Tanti tanti tanti auguri di Buon Natale
dal tuo amico di Taranto. Andy
December 2001
"Dear Kiwi and Isabella, We have a surprise for you.
We enjoyed meeting you so much that we decided to honor
you with one of our fine paintings! This special piece
is called "Amico Intimo Kiwi" which we understand to mean
"Close Friend Kiwi". We are very excited and hope your
enjoy it and can display it with pride on your own website
as we have displayed it in our own gallery. It is our
gift to you Kiwi and Isabella for your kindness. We jumped
on Mommy's back as soon as she walked in the door and
demanded she post it immediately. Iggy and Bowie! - Art
Gallery! We enjoyed the pictures of your friend Nija.
She looks very beautiful in silver. We understand your
English very well. Mommy is very tired now and must feed
us dinner so we have to go.
Take care, Iggy and Bowie"
Febbraio 2002
February 2002
Meowmie, the monkey, and I have created an Easter card
for you.
Meow wiff ya later. Penny
Marzo 2002
March 2002
KIWI MICIO SAGGIO - Primavera 2004
Sondaggio di MiciMiao:
Quali sono i mici più saggi del forum?
Nuvola della nonna di Vince, 25 anni
Max di Ele, 17 anni
Pippo di Serefiore, 16 anni
Kiwi di LadyStardust, 15 anni
Mirtillo di TheCat&TheMoon, 15 anni
Clavin & Hobbes Xmas 2005
Trudy Xmas 2005
Calvin & Hobbes Xmas 2005
Calvin & Hobbes
Happy Valentine's Day
14 Febbraio 2006
February, 14th 2006