
September 11, 2001

The Twin Towers of Manhattan doesn't exists anymore.
It's one more unbelievable thing,
a bigger tragedy not only for the United States,
but for all the civic World.
There are not words to describe
our feelings in a moment like this.
The toughts of our hearts go to the persons involved in disasters
of the World Trade Center
in New York,
in Washington and Pittsburgh
and to their families.
Isabella and family
depose a virtual flower out of regards to all these Persons.

In loving memory


Tuesday, September 11 th, 2001

A Tribute to All Those who lost their lives,
had their physical lives transformed by tragedy, or their emotional lives altered
on September 11, 2001 the day that terrorism hit America
and the world changed forever.

September 14th, 2001
12 o'clock in Italy



Like all of you, nothing has prepared me for the horrors of the last twenty-four hours. Like you, I never thought I would see anything like this in my lifetime. Our world will never be the same. The streets are empty downtown except for the few who live there, trancelike, going about their day to day lives, walking their dogs, going to work, or just walking.
At some ghostly unseen signal everyone turns his or her heads, crane their necks, looking to the patch of sky where, twenty-four hours ago, the mountainous peaks of those two towers stood. The sunrise was seen earlier today.
No obstruction. The likelihood of survivors is paltry.
Two friends of mine offered to give blood yesterday only to be told that it was not necessary, as there weren't going to be enough survivors to warrant it.
A doctor, on his way to one of the makeshift morgues, suggested the victims would number many thousands. The emergency services are listening for the ring of cell phones or cries from the acres of rubble. When buildings of this size collapse, the cinder blocks sometimes form small pockets of space in the crush.
It is possible some may survive this way. The area of New York below fourteenth street has been declared a no-go section this morning. Lonely old sidewalk crazies, a permanent fixture of this city, who yesterday were crying aloud "where are all these people running to?'" are today asking, "where are all the people?"
Small mercies for me. My family and friends are safe. At this moment in time I have no personal knowledge that acquaintances or friends may have been killed. My heart goes out to those of you who do have family or friends missing.
I hope beyond hope they are found. Life here will continue. New Yorkers are a resilient and fast thinking people. In this way they really do resemble my own Londoners. They came together quickly in massive community support and silent determination. There has been no over-panicking. Over the next few days that calm may surely turn to anger.
But today, there is just numbness, a horrible silence.

David B.

Cat, Kittens Found Alive In WTC Rubble NEW YORK, 2:40 p.m. CDT October 18, 2001 - The World Trade Center recovery effort has brought plenty of sadness, and some extraordinary tales of survival, including one of a very resourceful cat.

Beneath the rubble, in a forgotten basement of what was once a restaurant, rescuers found the blast survivor, curled up in a carton of napkins. The owner of the restaurant made the discovery about two weeks after the disaster.
He immediately called rescuers. Dr. John Charros said that the cat had given birth to three beautiful kittens. "Mom was very emaciated, very thin and dehydrated. She's suffering from the flu. She's still getting over that now, and had a little secondary bacterial infection. The babies were in pretty good shape; they had been feeding well. I think mama weighed in at five pounds when she was first brought in. She should probably weigh somewhere between eight and 10 pounds," Charros said. Doctors immediately hospitalized the animals and predict a full recovery. Mom has been christened "Hope." The babies are being called "Freedom," "Amber" and "Flag." Shelter operators at Brooklyn's Center for Animal Care and Control said that they've found homes for the cat and kittens. They should be able to leave the hospital in November.

(All the Photos bring again in this Page have been taken in the Net.)