Università Roma Tre - Corso di Studio in Comunicazione nella Società della Globalizzazione - a.a.2002-2003 - docente: Patrick Boylan



English for intercultural communication
Inglese per la comunicazione interculturale
(modulo destinato esclusivamente agli studenti del Corso di Studio in Comunicazione nella Società della Globalizzazione)

       click  on  the  orangeCliccare QUI SOTTO. / Click BELOW.dots   Cliccare sui puntini ROSSI. / Click on the ORANGE dots.   cliccare sui puntiniCliccare QUI SOTTO. / Click BELOW.rossi

Enrollment - Iscrizione>  
Office hours - Ricevimento>  
Aims, credits - Traguardi, crediti>  
Syllabus - Programma (v. anche 'Dispense') 

  <News - Notizie
  <Handouts - Dispense
  <Activities - Attività di ricerca
  <Assessment - Esoneri e esami

Per domande inerenti a questo modulo, usare unicamente il seguente indirizzo e-mail:  csg @ boylan.it

This course has been cancelled for this semester (sping 2003).


Click on the newspaper to see the archived (old) news items

This course has been cancelled for this semester (sping 2003).

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"John Doe" (and "John Smith") are the U.S. English equivalents of "Mario Rossi"

Enrollment form and instructions (in Italian)> 
              (Informativa sulla privacy> )

  Problems with your PC? Ask a fellow student for help!> .
A common question: "I don't have a PC or money to buy one. But you use the Internet in your teaching. And I will need a PC to write up my research findings for the esoneri and my tesi. What can I do?"
Some answers

  List of students enrolled (last update: 00/00/02)> 

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. Exam calendar

  Exam booking> 

Marks: - assignments> 

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Downloadable copies of texts appearing on the Reading List


Common European Framework of Reference
You'll hear teachers at Roma Tre (and elsewhere) speak of 'European Levels' of competence in a second language. For example, our university entry test is targeted for Level B1 in reading ability and A2 in speaking ability. What does this mean? Click the orange dot if you want to know more about the system (which many people criticize as simplistic, so it will probably undergo change in the near future).

Learn English on the Internet... FREE (no fees to teachers or schools!)
Clicking on the orange dot will open a page full of Internet sites where you can practice and extend your English. But you have to know how to distinguish the most useful sites for you. This means asking yourself what learning English really means.


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This course has been cancelled for this semester (sping 2003).

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