In this section you can see some examples of mobile
robots boxes pushing using a bar.
PLEASE ATTENTION: The download of example pages
may be long because the animated gif are very big.
In the animated gif examples, the robots are show with different colors.
Infact, the color of the robots represent the behavior that is active in
that moment, as is:
- Blue: behavior 0
- Yellow: behavior 1
- Green: behavior 2
- Celestial: behavior 3
As you can see, in the example pages there are some graphs. This graphs
report information about the state of sensors, the robot velocity and the
active behavior.
Here any hints for interpret the graph correctly:
- the leading color of the graph represents the active behavior:
- Celestial: behavior 0
- Yellow: behavior 1
- Green: behavior 2
- Gold: behavior 3
- the italian words means:
- inizio rotazione = begins rotation
- inizio traslazione = begins translation
- vicinanza goal = goal proximity
- collisione = collision
- forza = force
- velocità = velocity