Development Log

This document shows the state of development of my CG RX-93-n-2 Gundam. I used solidThinking from Gestel for the main modeling, and Lightwave from Newtek for extra detailing and attributing. The rendering was run in LightWave too, and here are some sketch pictures of the in-progress model.

These pictures show the hi-nu in its early stage, it has no fin-funnels or detailed parts, but the head is almost complete. I put it together just to test the proportions of various body parts, and to have a trace to follow when putting together the final model.

The second batch of images is not too different from the first one, but the model has a fake fin-funnel system. There's no detail in that funnels, they are there only as place-holders, and this is true for the arms too. The body has changed a little, it's larger and more tapered.

The model is now almost finished in its external armor. It has arms and a good set of fin-funnels which still need some tweaking but are almost complete. The hands are not at all correct, they come from my previous 3D model, the VF-11 Thunderbolt from Macross.

The next thing to do is complete the backpack modeling and add all the infrastructure of the robot, that is leg joints, thighs and all the mini-boosters that Izubuchi spread alla over the body of the "Hi-Ni".

I added a lot of mechanical details in this revision of the model like foot and knee joints, shoulder links and so on. The model is now fully poseable, with many details added to the backpack and fin-funnels. The latter are now textured properly and look really good, but they still lack a correct connection to the fin itself. I made up a short animation of the Hi-Nu spreading its wings.

MPEG Movie 279Kb

Only one picture this time, but somewhat more "artistic" than the others. As you can see the level of minor details have increased a lot (almost all the miniboosters are there, with the shield and a preview version of the beam-gun). One thing you might not notice at first glance is that the head is almost completely new, and the top V-fins have been remodeled from scratch.

I've completed the gun and shield models, and added some new details here and there. The most noticeable change is the legs redesign, making them more similar to the Izubuchi design and B-Club modelkits.

As you can see i'm also experimenting with materials and alternate paint schemes. I think this dark grey/black scheme has an evil touch that's really interesting.

All pictures are Copyright 2000 by Paolo Zago