Super Robot Wars is a strategic wargame developed by Banpresto and available for many console platforms and in many diferent versions. Your task in the game is to fight the bad guys of many robotic anime series using your personal robot and a wide army of "good" robots; this means that all the robots from famous 70'ies, 80'ies and early 90'ies anime series are there, depicted in a funny Super Deformed style.

I got to grips with the Super Famicom version of Super Robot Wars 4 and grabbed all the images of the super deformed robots. You can see here a selection of Gundam related SD mecha which is almost complete but lacks transformed versions (like Zeta Waverider or Psyco fortress) and spaceships. You can click on the pictures to see larger size versions.

All the images are taken from SRW, but the Gundam 08MS and Gundam Ez8 are my personal works. I took the original Gundam and changed slightly colors and shapes to create the 08MS Team version, whyle the Ez8 is a retouched version of the Jegan. I'm particularly proud of this one, an aoverall good work.

I'd like to thank Burke Rukes from, his site's help was invaluable in finding all the correct names and corrispondencies between SD robots and "serious" ones.

Select the zoom level for spawned windows: x1 x2 x4 x8

Alex Alpha Aziel Asshimar Barzam Bau Berga Giros
Bound Doc Byarlant Dendrobium Orchis Dendrobium Stamen Dom Double Zeta Doven Wolf
Dreissen Extraordinarily Superior Gundam Ez8 Gabthley Formula 91 Gallus-J Gera Doga
Gerbera Tetra Geymarck GM III Guncannon Gundam Gundam 08MS Guntank
Hambrabi Hamma Hamma Jagd Doga Jagd Doga Jegan Kampfer Marasai
Methuss u Gundam Gundam MkII Nemo Neue Ziel Physalis Psyco Gundam
Psyco Gundam MkII Quebeley Quebeley MkII Quin Mantha Raflesia Refined Zeta R-Jarja
Sazabi Super Gundam Superior Gundam Type 100 Vigna Gina Zaku Zaku II
Zephyrantes Zeta Zussa