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Crags - Roya valley, Nervia Valley and the environs:
| Roya valley | Nervia valley | Argentina valley |


Crags - Roya and Bevera Valleys: Going out from Ventimiglia take the national street and after a dozen of kilometres arrive to s. Michele. We out some country take tortuous one small road to left, right away pass the small country of pretty olive and after about twenty of minutes to Sospel. Splendid one wall of limestone, with a few draws, of middle/ high, really superb difficulties is here placed. Proceeding instead on the national of the Col di Tenda the first centre inhabited we meet in French zone is Breil, plus or minus in front of the station on the other shore of the river we can glimpse mini- one wall. Some street of middle/ easy, difficulty rights to heat a little the muscles. Still go up again the valley and after about ten kilometres reach San Dalmazzo di Tenda. Going out of country, undergoes after a little tunnel, we find a fork to left, from here a road door at the valley of the wonders. Continuing in this direction arrive to the Lac des Meches, finds it particular one crags here. One does not treat of a very big site, but he offers the same one a few draws, of middle/ easy, difficulty by concerning above all for the kind of rock, a kind of gneiss. We backtrack to San Dalmazzo di Tenda, take again the national one and after a hundreds of meters, turn right. After few minutes are in an avenue planted with trees that takes some country to the centre of La Brigue, in high to our left one finds a fair copy series calcareous bars. Will well really find a beautiful place here we where to go by the day, good one rock, quite a lot of streets of every difficulty (from the third at eighth degree), a superb view ....... more than so......... Go back to the fork and take again the national one some with the of stretches in direction Limone Piemonte. Just passed the country of Tende on the right on shipboard road find a car park and the poster that signals the path that will take some valley to the last crags. Difficulties rise definitely of level, here most are streets that go from the a lot of hard to the extreme ... good divertimento!!!!!!

Crags - Nervia Valley: This valley contrarily of the precedents does not present any crags, or better any equipped crags. Causes is not presents crags of remarkable interest, unfortunately there are alone isolated and not interesting little walls and it equipped of the routes is not worth. Most the present walls in valley are of very friable rock, of sandstone or conglomerate on what making any kind of riveting intervention is unadvisable. In high valley, in the Col Melosa environs, we can find some beautiful slabs. One crags with about twenty of routes is present on the versant South of the mountain Corm in the neighbourhood of the refuge Allavena (C.A.I. Bordighera section.) The wall was equipped from Flaviano Bessone and Marco Blancardi with the material disposal by the C.A.I. of Bordighera. The site was however abandoned since some year for different reasons, the distance from Ventimiglia (about an hour) for such a narrow number of streets, the impossibility to climb, seen the altitude (1500 m.) in all the arc of the year and besides for the vipers, that were at times to the base of the routes. Made works have never been of maintenance or reriveting, so the state of the material and the routes is very precarious. The only 'work' that keeps on working is the 'mini- ferrata' it in fact is used time he was allowing to access the crags, at the speleologists that cause the wall in the adjacent caverns. On the mountain Pietravecchia are nailed recently a pair of beautiful longs routes, not easy.

Crags: Argentina Valley: The Argentine valley is in the hinterland of S. Remo, more precisely, of Arma di Taggia. Leaving from Ventimiglia, with the motorway (direction Genoa) reach in minute about fifteen the toll-booth of Arma di Taggia, from, gotten down once here down to weapon, will follow the indications for Triora small masses. In valley there are three crags: Loreto, where structure for Bungee Jumping, is also present one is the first site to be equipped in valley, Borniga, famous for his put plaques, the A.L.A S. Remo equipping new routes in Corte.

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