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31 May– 14 June

€ 1.600,00
14 – 28 June € 1.800,00
28 June – 26 July € 2.100,00
26 July – 31 August € 2.300,00
1° September – 4 October € 1.800,00

- prices are on weekly basis
- check in Saturday from 03.00 to 05.00 pm - check out on Saturday within 10.00 am
- the price includes: weekly cleaning, linen and water. Telephone (15 cents of €uro for unit) and part of the electricity are not included. Since the house has an electric stove and air conditioning (warm and cold) only 100 Kw are included in the rental price. For each exceeding Kw you shall add 22 cents of €uro.
- At the arrival guests will be asked to provide € 500,00 as caution money for damages
- For other request please contact us by telephone.



The villa


How to arrive
