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By  car
: take the SS1 Aurelia until Orbetello – Porto Santo Stefano … follow the indications for Porto Santo Stefano. Once arrived take the Strada Panoramica. After more or less 10 minutes you will reach the compound Argentarola (Strada Panoramica 391)

By airplane: Porto Santo Stefano is easily reached from Rome Fiumicino airport (approx. 1 hour 15 minutes away, take the motorway A12 Rome - Civitavecchia towards Civitavecchia, continue onto the SS1 Aurelia and from there follow the indications under "By car"), from the airport of Pisa ( approx. 2 hours 30 minutes away, take the SS1 Aurelia towards Grosseto and from there follow the indications under "By car"), and also from the airport of Florence (approx. 2 hours, take the main road for Siena, proceed towards Grosseto until the SS1 Aurelia and the follow the indications under "By car")



The villa


How to arrive
