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Cuddly Collectibles - Collectible Teddy Bears, Cartoon Characters ...
Featuring a wide variety of cuddly items .

Perché riadattare un cartoon?
Disamina della censura operata dalle stazioni televisive italiane sui cartoni
animati di provenienza...

  • Pubblicato sul "MangaGiornale" #8 Perché riadattare un cartoon? di Francesco Filippi Adattare o riadattare un cartone animato non italiano implica fare delle scelte in base a certe motivazioni, scelte che implicano necessariamente conseguenze e responsabilità.

  • Innanzitutto è stato tolto qualsiasi riferimento al fatto che il cartone animato è giapponese - che si tratti di una sigla, di una scritta, di un sottotitolo, di una canzone, di nomi (non nel caso di Artù ma dei cartoons ambientati in Giappone): per quale motivo? In una intervista Alessandra Valeri Manera, responsabile delle trasmissioni a cartoni animati sulle reti Mediaset, ha risposto che "il cambio dei nomi viene fatto molto spesso perchè sono nomi impronunciabili" e che le scritte "non le togliamo certo per fare un dispetto a qualcuno, ma perchè pensiamo che il bambino piccolo non sappia leggere, quanto agli altri telespettatori non ci risulta che la maggioranza di essi conosca il giapponese".

  • Allora si tratta di razzismo nei confronti del Sol Levante? Direi proprio di no, anche perchè i cartoons nipponici, per il seguito di pubblico che hanno sempre avuto - spiegabile col la loro capacità di assecondare importanti bisogni immaginativi - hanno sempre fruttato tanti soldi a chi li ha trasmessi.

  • E allora emerge l'ipotesi che non si voglia far apparire giapponese un cartone animato, perchè è ancora opinione diffusa in Italia che il cartoon nipponico sia necessariamente brutto, terrificante e diseducativo.

    Animated Films
    Extensive history of family-oriented animated movies from silents to present day.

  • Historically and technically, the first short, animated film (in other words, the first fully-animated film ever made) was Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906) by newspaper cartoonist J.

  • Winsor McCay ("America's Greatest Cartoonist") New York Herald comic-strip animator and sketch artist Winsor McCay (1869-1934) produced a string of comic strips from 1904-1911, his three best being Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend , Little Sammy Sneeze , and Little Nemo in Slumberland (from October 15, 1905 to July 23, 1911).

  • Although McCay wasn't the first to create a cartoon animation, he nonetheless helped to define the new industry.

  • His first prominent, successful and realistic cartoon character or star was a brontosaurus named Gertie in Gertie the Dinosaur (1914) (with 10, 000 drawings, backgrounds included), again presented as part of his act.

  • In fact, McCay created the "interactive" illusion of walking into the animation by first disappearing behind the screen, reappearing on-screen!, stepping on Gertie's mouth, and then climbing onto Gertie's back for a ride - an astonishing feat! Some consider it the first successful, fully animated cartoon - it premiered in February 1914 at the Palace Theatre in Chicago.

  • And John Randolph Bray's first animated film, The Artist's Dream(s) (1913) (aka The Dachshund and the Sausage) , the first animated cartoon made in the U.S.

  • Originated by young animator Otto Messmer, the (unnamed) cat's first two cartoons were the five-minute Feline Follies (1919) and Musical Mews (1919) , when Felix was known only as "Master Tom." Feline Follies was a segment of the Paramount Magazine , a semi-weekly compilation of short film segments that included animated cartoons.


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    Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
    Plot Summary.

  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) is a technically-marvelous film blending animated, ink-and-paint cartoon characters and flesh-and-blood live actors, in a convincing comedy/mystery noir thriller, set in Los Angeles in 1947.

  • Earlier efforts to combine humans and ink-and-paint cartoon characters side-by-side in a film [Disney's Song of the South and Mary Poppins , for example] are considered primitive next to this film.

  • Framed for the murder, zany Maroon Cartoon Studios actor Roger Rabbit (voice of Charles Fleischer), a stuttering, disaster-prone 'Toon, ' solicits help from reluctant, hard-boiled, boozing private eye Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins) to clear his name.

  • Valiant is still grief-stricken over the death of brother Ted by a falling cartoon piano, but is financially - and emotionally - supported by girlfriend Dolores (Joanna Cassidy), as he solves the case.

  • It was filmed as a tribute to the entire pantheon of cartoon characters from Disney, Warner Bros., and MGM, and other studios in the 1940s.

  • Famous cartoon voices were used (Mel Blanc for Daffy Duck, Tweety Bird, Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, and Porky Pig and Charles Fleischer for Roger, Greasy, Psycho, and Benny the Cab), and the live-action characters were coordinated with cartoon characters - the animations were drawn and inserted after the live photography was shot.

  • The title of the film was derived from the plot: "Who framed (the cartoon character) Roger Rabbit" for a murder.

    Collection of Famous Cartoon Cats by Bagheera Bengal Cats, Bill ...
    Includes the Cat in the Hat, the Cheshire Cat, Azrael, Hello Kitty, Garfield,
    Heathcliff, Felix, Snowball...

  • Bill and Cathy Brown Bagheera Bengals " Famous Cartoon Cats " If you have more Famous Cartoon Cats, please share...

  • 334-721-0343 Dothan Alabama Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy our collection of cartoon cats.

  • Azrael appeared in the 1980's TV cartoon The Smurfs.

  • The cartoon was about tiny blue people called the Smurfs who live in the woods.

  • Before you leave, please be sure to visit our Bagpuss, Emily's much loved saggy old cloth cat, was the star of a television cartoon in England during the 80's.

  • Cats are known to be aloof, but "cat-titude" reaches new heights in Get Fuzzy, the bitingly hilarious comic strip from cartoonist Darby Conley.

  • CatDog CatDog was a half cat and half dog animated cartoon on the Nickelodeon television network from1998-99.

  • The Chattanooga Cats were five groovy rock musician cats (Cheesie, Scoots, Groove, Country, and Kitty Jo) introduced three regular cartoon segments: It's The Wolf (featuring the voice of Paul Lynde as Mildew Wolf), Autocat & Motormouse and Around The World In 79 Days.

  • Custard is Strawberry Short Cake's pet from the cartoon series.

  • One of the first great stars of the animated cartoon and the hero of Pat Sullivan's cartoon strip series "Felix the Cat." Felix was created by Otto Messmer.

  • An orange cat who is always getting into trouble in one way or another and got his cartoon start in 1973 on the funny pages, about five years before Garfield.

    History of the Disposable Baby Diaper
    Overview of the history of baby diapers in ancient cultures, and the development
    of the modern disposable...

  • Younger readers have to watch old Disney cartoons to understand what I am talking about.

    Microsoft vs. Disney
    Parody news story of a trademark violation.

  • Benefits

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    Gifplaatjes startpagina
    Gratis gif-afbeeldingen in verschillende categorieën, ook animated GIFs.

    Bright Lights Film Journal: Tex Avery
    A look at the life and career of Tex Avery.

  • | As if radically rethinking the Hollywood cartoon weren't enough, our boy Tex can also be thanked for inventing or perfecting Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, and perhaps the greatest character in animation, Bugs Bunny BY GARY MORRIS Pity the poor cartoon director.

  • In spite of the many thousands of seven-minute theatrical cartoons that poured out of Hollywood during the heyday of the 1930s-'50s, few of their creators are household words, and most are unknown except among devotees.

  • A contemporary of Disney's, Avery created or developed some of the most timeless characters in cartoon history with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, and Droopy Dog, along with the inimitable catch-phrase "What's up, doc?" And like Disney, his name has come to symbolize a distinct, instantly recognizable, and widely merchandised style that has outlived the man himself and continues to be an important cultural presence.

  • The Wacky World of Tex Avery features new animation in the Avery mode, and The Tex Avery Show replays some of the 136-odd seven-minute cartoons he created during his heyday from 1935 to 1955 at, , and .

  • His attempts to sell a comic strip to the newspapers failed, but his sand sketches landed him a job with a minor cartoon studio doing inking and cel painting.

  • By mid-1935 he had moved from Lantz to Warner Bros., where he would be a full-time cartoon director.

  • Avery, at 27, was the grand old man of the group, but his ideas about how to transform the theatrical cartoon were more radical than those of his younger comrades.

    The Warner Brothers Cartoon Companion: Arthur Davis
    Biography from the massive 'toon reference.

  • Not only does he have seniority over Bugs (his first cartoonbeing Porky's Duck Hunt (Avery, 1937), coming a few yearsbefore A Wild Hare ), but the little black duck hasdemonstrated an amazing range, thanks to the fact that he was directedby a wide variety of WB directors.

  • From the wild hoo-hoo hysteria ofBob Clampett (e.g., The Daffy Doc ), the shifty-eyed schemingof Chuck Jones (best exemplified by the so-called Hunters Trilogy, q.v.), and a range of superb Freleng, Tashlin and McKimson cartoons inthe middle (and even a few of the better McCabe cartoons), Daffy hasproven to be one of the most enduring characters in the WB stable.Avery may have created the character, but it was Clampett who put thecharacter on the map, and each of his colleagues added to thecomplexity of Daffy.

  • Dalton's best-known cartoonwith Hardaway is Hare-Um Scare-Um (1939), featuring an earlyversion of Bugs Bunny.

  • Dalton also teamed up with Cal Howard todirect two cartoons, Porky's Phoney Express and A Lad InBagdad (both 1938).

  • Daunch, Bill Story writer for WB whose sole credit is a co-writing credit with TeddPierce for the Gerry Chiniquy cartoon Hawaiian Aye Aye (1964).

  • At WB, Davis first worked on a number ofTashlin cartoons; Scrap Happy Daffy and Brother Brat (1943 and 1944) are two of the cartoons for which Davis receivesanimation credit.

  • When Robert Clampett left WB in 1945, Davis took over his unit, including a few cartoons already in production (most notably TheGoofy Gophers (1947), for which Clampett had already recorded thedialogue).

    The Warner Brothers Cartoon Companion: Robert Clampett
    Biography from the massive 'toon reference.

  • Calloway was no stranger to cartoons, for he had sung in three Max Fleischer cartoons in the 1930s, Snow White (1933, signing St.

  • Calloway also danced for the cartoons, his movements being rotoscoped.

  • Leslie Baraga, in The Fleischer Story, notes that Calloway believed that the showing of these cartoons a week or two before he made a personal appearance enhanced his box office receipts.

  • In addition, he also had a very active and successful career at UPA in the 1950s, directing such cartoons as Madeline (1952), Gerald McBoing-Boing (1951) (the latter being adapted from the Dr.

  • Seuss story by Bill Scott), both cartoons being nominated for Academy Awards, with Gerald winning.

  • Cantor is seen in numerous WB cartoons, which include: a brief caricature in I Like Mountain Music (Harman/Ising, 1933) with Rubinoff; an appearance by popular demand in Shuffle Off to Buffalo (Harman/Ising, 1933) doing a number from the movie Palmy Days ; Billboard Frolics (Freleng, 1935), doing the song Merrily We Roll Along (which he co-wrote) with Rubinoff; and Farm Frolics (Clampett, 1941), in which a horse, asked by the narrator to do a canter, promptly imitates Cantor.

  • 1997) Character actor most famous for his role as Ed Norton on The Honeymooners , parodied in the series of cartoons by Bob McKimson known as The Honeymousers.

  • He also directed one of the last WB cartoons of the classic era, Hawaiian Aye-Aye (1964).


    Boing Boing
    A directory of wonderful things.

    Native Views on Disney's Pocahontas
    Criticism of the animated film and links to more discussions on exploitation and

  • Why does this remind me of Sierra's King's Quest V Cartoon adventure computer game, the singing and weeping woman-willow tree? Maybe because I never heard of any Grandmother Willow Tree Spirit, maybe because nobody now has the foggiest what Powhatan religious beliefs might have been back then, and no info was recorded before they were wiped out.

  • (Sierra is influenced by Disney who advised them on a game made to go with a mid-80's release Disney featue cartoon, Black Cauldron , derived from Welsh mythology, Chronicles of Prydain .) I'd love to see a feature cartoon made someday by Indian artists.

  • Apparently the Pocahontas cartoon character's appearance stems from some girl the Disney team met while doing research in Virginia who claimed to be a descendant, hoo boy.

  • So the colorful-cartoon Governor Ratcliffe isn't the only bad guy around, and in fact I see no historical reason to regard John Smith as having been a good guy, either.
    Post a pop culture trivia question, and a response will be sent via email.
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    Startpagina met links naar animaties in diverse rubrieken.

  • De populairste ringtones van dit moment zijn: MSN Emoticons! Nieuw: er zijn nu ook bewegende emoticons te krijgen op deze site! Bloemen (tip) Cartoons D

    Kinderseiten Webverzeichniss
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    Kurzbeschreibung zu den Links. - Animation on DVD - Cartoons on DVD
    Focusing on animated cartoons on DVD with news, reviews, forums, feature articles
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    La Camera Gialla - Cinema: Chi ha incastrato Roger Rabbit
    Dal sito riguardante libri gialli, polizieschi, misteri, detectives, recensioni
    varie sul film di...

  • Baldini & Castoldi) Nella Hollywood del 1948, dove esseri umani e cartoni animati vivono insieme, il coniglio a cartoon Roger Rabbit sembra essere - per gelosia verso la moglie Jessica Rabbit - il responsabile di un misterioso omicidio.

  • Chieder� aiuto al detective privato Eddie Valiant (Hoskins) che scoprir� il vero autore del delitto: � il giudice Doom (Lloyd) che vuole far sparire Cartoonia dalla faccia di Hollywood.

  • Coprodotto dalla Touchstone (Walt Disney) e dalla Amblin (Steven Spielberg) e record d'incassi della stagione, � il film che ha rivoluzionato la tecnica cinematografica con la sua perfetta sincronizzazione tra persone e cartoon (tre meritatissimi Oscar: miglior montaggio, effetti speciali visivi e sonori), ma ha anche ridato fiato a un genere, l'animazione, che sembrava dimenticato.

  • L'inizio del film, con Roger Rabbit e Baby Herman (chiaramente modellato sul Baby Butch inventato da Frank Tashlin per il cartoon "Brother Brat", 1944), nello stile dei cortometraggi Warner degli anni Cinquanta, � assolutamente perfetto per ritmo, gag e genialit� di raccordo con il mondo �reale�.

  • �Partecipazioni straordinarie� di moltissime celebrit� dei cartoon, da Betty Boop a Paperino, Duffy Duck, Topolino, Bugs Bunny .

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    Features over 1500 Disney clipart images of different characters and themes.

  • Check out our new ! There are 1568 images for you to choose from! Categories (Clipart: 222, Categories: 18 ) Clipart of characters not in Movies (Mickey, Donald, etc) (Clipart: 80, Categories: 7 ) Print out pages for children (or you) to color (Clipart: 100, Categories: 12 ) Holiday specific clipart (Clipart: 38, Categories: 6 ) Misc clipart (Disney Signatures, Cruise Line Logo etc) (Clipart: 968, Categories: 312 ) Clipart by movie then by character (Clipart: 65, Categories: 14 ) Clipart from parks, resorts, rides, etc (Clipart: 93, Categories: 49 ) Clipart from Disney's TV cartoons A few random Disney clipart 1 - Use the search field in the top left to find what you want .

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