University of Central Lancashire Official site with information for students, staff, visitors, and businesses.
Includes details of the academic departments, research, faculties, and library.
The University of Central Oklahoma Current and prospective student information, academics, activities and athletics,
student, faculty, and staff services, location and contact information.
University of Central England Official site with information about faculties, courses, research, services,
events, and student life.
University of Central Arkansas Official web site. Introduction to the undergraduate and graduate programs located
in Conway, AR. Administration, departments, athletics, and student life are

Photo by www.sos.arkansas.gov
University of Hyderabad Offers post-graduate programs in Sciences, Fine Arts, Languages, Computer
Applications, and opportunities for doctoral research. Information about admissions
... North Carolina Central University The nation's first public liberal arts college founded for African-Americans,
located in Durham.
Purdue University North Central Official website for the North
Central campus of Purdue
University, located in
Westville, Indiana.
University of Central Arkansas | Torreyson Library Home University of Central Arkansas library with reference, databases, and Bearcat
online. Guides, resources, and information on staff and procedures published.
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida.
College of Optics & Photonics at the University of Central Florida
Graduate school/Research center in optics and photonics.
University of Central Florida Police Department
Official website of the University Police Patrol division.
Department of Chemistry, University of Central Arkansas
Lists faculty and staff, research interests and departmental equipment.
Course materials are also available.
University of Central Florida
College of Health and Public Affairs. Offers bachelors and masters degrees,
accelerated and honors programs, and certificate programs.
University of Central Florida - College of Health and Public Affairs
Departments: Communicative Disorders, Criminal Justice, Legal Studies, Health
Professions, Physical Therapy, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Nursing, ...
Transit of Venus - University of Central Lancashire
University of Central Lancashire is celebrating the 2004 Transit and the historical
heritage of Jeremiah Horrocks (1619 to 1641) through a series of lectures, ...
College of Business Administration
A description of the curriculum, directory of staff, a listing of departments
and admissions information.
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