Cedefop - The European Training Village - Vocational Training in ... Information in the field of
vocational education and
training (VET) in Europe.
VTC Information on the council and the programmes offered by its Hong Kong Institute
Vocational Education and its 26
training centres.
CEDEFOP: The European Centre for the Development of Vocational ... The European agency that helps policy makers and practitioners of the European
Commission, the Member States and social partner organisations across Europe make
... Font size Mission Cedefop is the European Agency to promote the development of vocational education and training (VET) in the European Union
To ensure economic and social development it is essential that vocational education and training meets the needs of the citizen, the labour market and society
Related websites The (ETV) is a Cedefop website which provides up-to-date information on vocational education and training in Europe
EVTA - European Vocational Training Association
Fédère 14 organismes européens publics et privés. Présentation, membres, projets,
activités et publications.

Photo by www.aso.ch
STS Vocational Training Specialised
Training Services provide workbased and distance education
for Business, IT, Retail and General Education, in South East Queensland.
KEK-MIT Vocational Training Center Programme and infrastructure of this
training center specialized in the fields
of administration, economy, informatics and multimedia, with offices in Athens,
... Employment and Vocational Training Administration Engaged in the planning and promotion of
vocational training, skill testing and
employment services on an integrated basis. Also supervises the
vocational ... 台灣職業訓練局 提供台灣各級勞工和專業人員職業訓練和就業服務資訊以及外籍勞工相關活動訊息。

Photo by www.aso.ch
Directorate General of Employment & Training Provides details of
training and employment schemes.
Directorate General of Employment & Training Ministry of Labour & Employment Government of India Procedure for Opening a new ITI / Schemes Functions National Employment Service Manual - Field Institutes/Offices/Centers Advance Training Institutes Advance Training Institute for Electronics and Process Instrumentation Foreman Training Institutes Model Industrial Training Institute Regional Directorates of Apprenticeship Training Apex Hi-Tech Central Staff Training & Research Institute Central Training Institute for Instructors and Women Occupational Institutes State Directorates National Vocational Training Institute Regional Vocational Training Institutes Other Links This site is designed by Labour Information Systems Division and hosted by The contents are provided and updated by Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T), Shram Shakti Bhawan, 2 & 4, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110001
Curtin Kalgoorlie Campus
Details of courses and facilities.
The site address for the Curtin Vocational Education & Training Centre Kalgoorlie has changed
Established under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour. Training center for
skill courses and applied training in Iran.
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
Forschung, Entwicklung und Beratung auf dem Gebiet der Berufsausbildung und
NTS Management Training
Through its close partnerships with leading business schools, NTS has developed
a unique approach drawing on the cutting edge of business and people management.
A public body established in 1982 to facilitate and strengthen corporate
internationalization and development of human resources.
GoTRAIN -- Job Training in One Year or Less
Guide to vocational training schools in New England, for guidance professionals
and people seeking job training.
Career Training in One Year or Less Welcome to GoTRAIN , the online guide to career schools and vocational training
We serve guidance professionals and individuals seeking job training by providing the most comprehensive listing available
Lancaster County Career and Technology Center
Career and workforce training programs for adults and high school students.
Includes news and information on locations, programs and services.
academy of converging media | vocational training, continued ...
Die Einrichtung bietet international besetzte, englischsprachige Trainingsprogramme
zur Stoffentwicklung für die Neuen Medien an. Zielgruppe sind Medienmacher ...
Vocational training in Europe - creating content for the new media In 2000 the academy of converging media was founded by the (German Academy for Film and TV), Master School Drehbuch, Germany (education for scriptwriting) and The academy of converging media provides advanced vocational training for young European media professionals looking to tool up for the digital revolution in the media industry
These training programmes are aimed at the future work as a conceptor, new media author, information architect, and entertainment designer and equip them with the skills they need to develop informational, educational, and entertainment content for interactive and cooperative media
The aim of the academy of converging media is to provide enhanced training for the European media industry and thus support the development of new media content
More about the vocational training and continued education courses of the academy of converging media: academy of converging media c/o ProjectScope Kirchstraße 20 D-10557 Berlin Germany Tel.: +49 (0)30-22 65 19 13 Fax: +49 (0)30-22 65 19 14 e-mail: Web: or
التعليم الفني و التدريب المهني
خدمات للطلبه و العاملين بالمؤسسة العامة
للتدريب الفني و التعليم المهني بالمملكة ...
Oργανισμός Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης - Δημόσια ΙΕΚ
Προγράμματα, κατάρτιση, εκδηλώσεις, δελτία τύπου και ανακοινώσεις.
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