Unicorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Encyclopedia article on unicorns, including sections on unicorns in antiquity,
the medieval unicorn, the possibility of an extinct unicorn, and heraldry.
A unicorn is featured as a ridable mount in the following video games: : Battle at the Frontier of Time Tales of Phantasia, but only during the battle in Midgards
As many elements of Tales of Phantasia are drawn primarily from Norse mythology - especially the Valkyrie from whom Cress borrows the mount, and the Gungnir spear he returns to her afterwards - it is likely that the 'flying horse' idea was intended to represent Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged flying horse, and not a Unicorn
Tales of Destiny for PlayStation Review - PlayStation Tales of ...
Reviewed by Peter Bartholow. Includes news, hints, and screen shots. Score: 4.9
out of 10.
Tales of Destiny is the sequel to Namco's Super Famicom RPG, Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Phantasia was one of the last big Super Famicom games in Japan, drawing headlines with a whopping 44-megabit cart size and, for the time, a huge amount of voice
Tales of Legendia for PS2 - Tales of Legendia Playstation 2 ...
Previews, news, cheats, screenshots, and links.
IGN: Tales of Symphonia
Includes previews, news and a message board.

Photo by yunasung.exteen.com
DeJap Translations Nine projects with a release (including Dragon Quest VI, Star Ocean, and
Phantasia) and two projects without a release.
Project Updates Tales of Phantasia Fixed some item names and tech names and will be fixing other stuff such as a better designed naming screen and allowing entry of 7 letter names, also some some script errors have been fixed
Well, to enlighten you, makochin and I translated almost all of the text in Tales of Phantasia and worked alongside Dark Force in that massive effort
'Game Boy'-Universe - Game Boy News, Spiele Tests & mehr für den ...
Bietet aktuelle Nachrichten, Hinweise, Tipps und Tricks zu den Spielen, Vorschau,
Tests, Hardware-Informationen und Community.
GamingMoz - Video Game Information, Reviews, Cheats, Codes, and ...
Open content video game information source. Includes release data, box art, links,
cheats, and message boards.
ZSNES Home Page - About ZSNES
An open source emulator for DOS, Linux, and Windows.
Earthbound Megaman X3 Final Fantasy 4 Super Mario Kart Castlevania Star Ocean Street Fighter 2 Tales of Phantasia Legal This program is distributed in the hope that it will useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE

Photo by yunasung.exteen.com
OverClocked ReMix - Unofficial Game Music Arrangement Community The largest collection of video game remixes on the internet. It contains hundreds
of remixes created by many artists.
Lik-Sang.com - Import Games & finest Videogame Accessories Buy games, consoles, and merchandise online. Includes company information, contact
information, and press releases.
Ryan's Website / Videogames (Reviews, Articles, Music, Games, Links) Offers reviews, game music, and articles.
Game: la prima rivista gratuita di videogiochi - Home Page Rivista cartacea gratuita di videogame. E' scaricabile in formato .PDF e contiene
un forum.
English voice actor and production staff database.
General CoolNES Translations
Översätter NES-spel.
2 November 2002 Tales of Phantasia Johan ToP är med andra ord i praktiken klart
Tintaxina / Videojocs: La saga Secret of Mana
Història i novetats de la saga de la Llegenda de l'espasa sagrada.
El sistema de classes és impressionant, i en molts aspectes comparable al de Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy Tactics o Ultima Online, paradigmes de l'època.L'apartat tècnic és al costat de Tales of Phantasia (i fins i tot hom podria dir que més que aquest), la cúspide majestàtica de Super Nintendo
Seiken Densetsu Community - Powered by vBulletin
Das deutsprachige Forum zu allen Teilen der Secret of Mana (bzw. Seiken Densetsu)
Serie, mit einer großen, hilfsbereiten Community.
Final Translation
Equipe traduisant des jeux anglophones en français. Téléchargements de plusieurs
roms et de patchs possibles.
Orphis et moi sommes associés à un autre projet : Tales of Phantasia sur playstation, avec
traumerlebnis.de - Die Seite nur für Game Boy Advance
Beinhaltet Previews, Reviews, Cheats, Releaseliste und einen Shop.
März Tales of Phantasia (Namco) - 31
Bienvenido a Traducciones Emulatronia
Enlaces, información y servicios sobre traducción de diferentes clases de juegos.
Nos envia su primer parche, el de SNES al 99, 9% Buen trabajo, y a seguir así con los demás proyectos que llevas en mente! ;) Una de las notícias más destacadas de los últimos dias fue que ha lanzado un parche para traducir el Tales of Phantasia al inglés, lo cual facilitará enormemente la traducción de este juego al castellano..
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