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LLRX -- The Fare is Not Always Law: A Law Librarian' Guide to ...
LLRX article describing how best to obtain a lower priced ticket.
The Fare Is Not Always Law: A Law Librarians Guide to Researching Airline Ticket Prices By Stephen Young Stephen Young is a reference librarian at The Catholic University of America, Kathryn J
While it is true that many of the fare bots on the Internet are accessing the same reservation systems, there are differences in the ways that the search engines locate the fares and also how frequently the sites are updated
Prior to the early 1990s few people had access to the Computerized Reservation Systems (CRS) housing the airfares for the major domestic and international carriers
Consumers relied on three resources for airfares, travel agents, the airlines, and discounters (consolidators and bucket shops)
It is still often possible to obtain lower fares by purchasing through a travel agent rather than purchasing online
So great was the fear that this airline controlled site would offer preferential treatment to its flights and its special fares that the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation held a in July, 2000 to investigate the practices of Orbitz (at that time also known by the term T-2)
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Scheda geografica, avvertenze per la sicurezza e la salute dei viaggiatori,
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Per evitare inconvenienti consultare la pagina web dell'Ambasciata d'Italia( Per poter contrarre matrimonio nelle Figi occorre fare le pubblicazioni di matrimonio presso il Comune di residenza in Italia
Anche se l'acqua è generalmente potabile (all'infuori della stagione delle piogge), si consiglia di fare uso solo di acqua imbottigliata
Airline Ticket Consolidators and Bucket Shops FAQ
Summary of travel tips from Edward Hasbrouck's "The Practical Nomad."
INTERNATIONAL AIRFARES Much of the confusion about airfares comes from the fact that there are completely different systems of airfares for domestic flights within any given country and for international flights
As a result, many people from the USA -- including many USA travel writers unfamiliar with the inner workings of the air travel industry -- make the mistake of applying their experience or knowledge of domestic USA airfares to international airfares, where they don't necessarily apply at all
Domestic and international airfares, and the optimum consumer strategies for dealing with them, have nothing in common
Any advice about airfares, from any source (no matter how seemingly authoritative) that isn't explicitly identified as to whether it pertains to domestic or international airfares, is useless (at best) and misleading (at worst), and should in either case be completely disregarded
AIRFARES WITHIN NORTH AMERICA Until recently, there were almost no 'bucket shops', consolidators, or similar discounts on travel on scheduled airlines (i.e
Domestic USA airfares were deregulated in 1978
For domestic USA fares, since deregulation, airlines can publish pretty much any fares they want, and change them at whim

Photo by www.angeltravel.com
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ULTIMI SQUILLI 'Aiuto, ci stanno sgozzando!' Barbara Olson, ex procuratore federale e commentatore politico conservatore, la giornalista che ha chiamato il marito sul suo cellulare nei drammatici minuti del dirottamento del volo per Los Angeles precipitato sul Pentagono, sarebbe dovuta partire lunedì, ma aveva deciso di rinviare la partenza di un giorno per fare colazione con il marito il giorno del compleanno di lui
Oltre alla Olson, che ha chiamato il marito Ted, avvocato dello stato, per chiedergli assistenza, mentre era in corso il dirottamento dell'aereo che si è schiantato sul Pentagono ('Che cosa devo dire al pilota di fare?', sono state le sue ultime parole), anche Mark Bingham, 31 anni, che si trovava sul volo precipitato vicino Pittsburgh, ha chiamato la madre per dirle: 'Volevo farti sapere che ti voglio bene'
CNN - TravelGuide - Justice Department sues American Airlines ...
'They did this by saturating their routes with additional flights and cutting their airfares, ' said Reno
'After American succeeded in driving out a new competitor, it re-established high fares and it reduced service.' Reno said American Airlines invested in short-term capacity increases and airfare reductions in order to maintain its monopoly
Justice Department's Read the MESSAGE BOARD Have you gotten a great deal on airfare? Been gouged? Share your thoughts on DFW is the nation's third-largest airport and American dominates service there, flying more than 70 percent of all nonstop passengers who travel through it
While hubs provide some conveniences for passengers, hub carriers frequently charge higher fares on hub routes with little competition
Low-cost carriers often can provide competitive alternatives to the hub carrier, generally offering fare cuts of 50 percent or more
Reno said American violated anti-trust law by increasing its fares by more than 50 percent after it drove Vanguard Airlines out of the Wichita, Kansas, airport
Crandall called his major competitor at DFW, president Harold Putnam of Braniff, and proposed that they coordinate fare increases

Photo by www.meetings-conventions.com
A Windjammer Singles Adventure A weeklong adventure sailing through the Caribbean Windward Islands with a group
of fun-seeking singles aboard the sailing vessel, Yankee Clipper.
I'm still trying to recall if I had dinner that evening other than the delectable airline fare
An Un-American Activity
A rather provacative article by Mark Jenkins that appeared in the January 2000
issue of Outside Magazine. The author promotes the benefits of choosing the ...