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           Quasars - Lightears

A pinch of the past in our near future. They are little tears of light that give us hope every day we spend of our life.

Perceptible sensations of a world parallel to ours that urges us to protect ourselves and the environment in which we live.

More or less real entities carry clear and decisive messages that only humanity can and must listen and receive.

We are the world.

The world is in everyone of us.

It is not enough to listen to what comes from within. It is necessary to know the past and recognize mistakes in order not to repeat them.

It is not easy to get out of the conformist vehicle affirmed with power. None of us resemble a God and we all need to understand that. We fill in the "empty spaces" in our mind.

We must not both allow the war for power always around the corner.

... Andrea of Quasars -  January 10, 2003 11:30 am ...     

