The Village of Pianavia

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Church of Pianavia

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Lat. 43.9433 
Long. 07.9417

WebMaster: Enrico Frumento

Our Mission

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Pianavia a little forgotten village with a millenary history

The Sign at the entrance of Village

This site aims to be a little place on the web where to find information and news about Pianavia, a little village in the inland of Imperia in Liguria (Italy). This site is meant as meeting place for anyone who's family has origins in the village or simply with who encountered this lovely place and grow fond for it.

 We would like someway to participate to the renaissance of Pianavia. In fact the village today is not so rich as in the not so far past, when farming of olive trees was convenient. Today Pianavia is poorly inhabited (20 inhabitants) and on any new day stories, anecdotes, emotions risks to disappear forever.

Spontaneous Committee for the protection of Pianavia

English Version Italian Version

This year the traditional "Sconfogu", foreseen for saturday 21st has been cancelled. Sunday instead the Religious procession is confirmed!
  Online the leaflet of Annunziata 2011
  Using the electronic newspaper format we published the whole book of Francesco Cotta, "La Contea di prelà e la Chiesa di S.Giacomo", edited in the 1917. The book is a very rare edition about our land history.
  Photos of the S.Anna church above Vasia
  Renovation of "Annunciazione" painting
La Via Marenca, an historical path.

Older news

Last Update: 27th december 2007

For any kind of suggestion:

Sorry for not translating the whole site, actually only the main page is in English. Afterall consider that if you come to see Pianavia and its valley, you'll have to speak a little Italian :-)