Clicca sulla canzone che vuoi leggere

Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band
With A Little Help From My Friends
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Getting Better
Fixing A Hole
She's Leaving Home
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
Within You Without You
When I'm Sixty-Four
Lovely Rita
Good Morning Good Morning
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band (reprise)
A day in the life



Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band        La banda dei cuori solitari

 (Lennon/McCartney)                                                    del Sergente Pepe

It was twenty years ago today,                                                   sono 20 anni oggi
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play                                           che il sergente Pepe insegnò a suonare alla banda
They've been going in and out of style                                       sono andati di moda e fuori moda
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile.                                    
Ma è garantito che suscitino un sorriso
So may I introduce to you                                                          perciò permettete che vi presenti
The act you've known for all these years,                                  il numero che avete conosciuto in tutti questi anni
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.                                     La banda dei cuori solitari del Sergente Pepe
We're Sgt
. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,                           Siamo La banda dei cuori solitari del Sergente Pepe
We hope you will enjoy the show,                                             speriamo che vi divertiate con il nostro show
We're Sgt.
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,                           siamo La banda dei cuori solitari
del Sergente Pepe
Sit back and let the evening go.                                                
Mettetevi comodi e diamo inizio alla serata
Sgt. Pepper's lonely, Sgt.
Pepper's lonely,
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
It's wonderful to be here,                                                            E’ bellissimo essere qui
It's certainly a thrill.                                                                    È certamente un’emozione
You're such a lovely audience,                                                   siete un pubblico stupendo
We'd like to take you home with us,                                           vorremmo portarvi a casa con noi
We'd love to take you home.                                                      Vorremmo portarvi a casa
I don't really want to stop the show,                                           non voglio davvero interrompere lo show
But I thought that you might like to know,                                  ma ho pensato che vi fosse gradito sapere
That the singer's going to sing a song,                                       che il cantante sta per cantare una canzone
And he wants you all to sing along.                                           E vuole che tutti voi cantiate con lui
So let me introduce to you                                                         perciò lasciate che vi presenti
The one and only Billy Shears                                                   l’unico e solo Billy Shears
And Sgt.
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.                              E La banda dei cuori solitari del Sergente Pepe






With a Little Help From My Friends                    Con un piccolo aiuto dai miei amici


What would you think if I sang out of tune,                                Cosa pensereste se stonassi
Would you stand up and walk out on me.                                  Vi alzereste in piedi e mi piantereste
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song,                               prestatemi ascolto e vi canterò una canzone
And I'll try not to sing out of key.                                                E cercherò di non andare fuori tono
I get by with a little help from my friends,                                  oh ce la faccio con un piccolo aiuto dei miei amici
I get high with a little help from my friends,                               mi tiro su con un piccolo aiuto dei miei amici
Going to try with a little help from my friends.                          
Ci proverò con  un piccolo aiuto dei miei amici
What do I do when my love is away.                                          Cosa faccio quando il mio amore è lontano
(Does it worry you to be alone)                                                   ti preoccupa essere solo
How do I feel by the end of the day                                            come mi sento alla fine della giornata
(Are you sad because you're on your own)                                 sei triste perchè sei solo
No I get by with a little help from my friends,                            
Do you need anybody,                                                                hai bisogno di qualcuno?
I need somebody to love.                                                           Ho bisogno di qualcuno da amare
Could it be anybody                                                                   può essere chiunque
I want somebody to love.                                                           Voglio qualcuno da amare
Would you believe in a love at first sight,                                  credi nell’amore a prima vista?
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.                               Si sono certo che succede di continuo
What do you see when you turn out the light,                            cosa vedi quando spegni la luce?
I can't tell you, but I know it's mine.                                           Non posso spiegarlo ma so che è mio





Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds                               Lucy nel cielo con diamanti


Picture yourself in a boat on a river,                                          Immaginati in una barca su un fiume
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies                                con alberi di mandarino e cieli di marmellata
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,                          qualcuno ti chiama tu rispondi lentamente
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.                                                    Una ragazza con gli occhi di caleidoscopio
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,                                   Fiori di cellofan gialli e verdi
Towering over your head.                                                          Che svettano sopra di te
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,                                  cerchi la ragazza con il sole negli occhi
And she's gone.                                                                          E se n’è andata
Lucy in the sky with diamonds.                                                  Lucy nel cielo con diamanti
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain                                seguila sino a un ponte presso una fontana
Where rocking horse people eat                                                dove persone cavallo a dondolo mangiano
marshmellow pies,                                                                     torte di marshmellow
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,                            tutti sorridono mentre scivoli oltre i fiori
That grow so incredibly high.                                                     Che crescono incredibilmente alti
Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,                                       taxi di giornale compaiono sulla sponda
Waiting to take you away.                                                          Aspettando di portarti via
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,                        ci sali dietro con la testa tra le nuvole
And you're gone.                                                                        E te ne sei andato
Lucy in the sky with diamonds,                                                  
Lucy nel cielo con diamanti
Picture yourself on a train in a station,                                       immaginati su un treno in una stazione
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties,                           con facchini di plastilina con cravatte di specchio
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle,                              all’improvviso c’è qualcuno al cancelletto
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes.                                          La ragazza con gli occhi di caleidoscopio






Getting Better (Lennon/McCartney)                Va meglio                               

It's getting better all the time                                                      Va sempre meglio
I used to get mad at my school                                                   Diventavo matto a scuola
The teachers who taught me weren't cool                                 i miei insegnanti non erano calmi
You're holding me down, turning me round                               tu mi opprimi, mi rigiri
Filling me up with your rules.                                                     Mi soffochi con le tue regole

I've got to admit it's getting better                                              devo ammettere che va meglio
A little better all the time                                                            è sempre un pò meglio
I have to admit it's getting better                                                devo ammettere che va meglio
It's getting better since you've been mine.                                
Va meglio da quando sei mia

Me used to be a angry young man                                             ero un giovane arrabbiato
Me hiding me head in the sand                                                  nascondevo la testa nella sabbia
You gave me the word                                                               mi hai dato la parola
I finally heard                                                                             alla fine ho capito
I'm doing the best that I can.                                                      Sto facendo il meglio che posso
I've got to admit it's getting better
I used to be cruel to my woman                                                 ero crudele con la mia donna
I beat her and kept her apart                                                      la picchiavo e la tenevo lontano

from the things that she loved                                                    dalle cose che amava
Man I was mean but I'm changing my scene                              amico ero meschino ma ora sono cambiato
And I'm doing the best that I can.                                              
E sto facendo il meglio che posso






Fixing a Hole (Lennon/McCartney)                      Riparando un buco

I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in                                      Sto riparando un buco che fa entrare la pioggia
And stops my mind from wandering                                           e impedisce alla mia mente di vagare
Where will it go                                                                          dove vuole
I'm filling the cracks that ran through the door                           sto riempiendo le fessure che attraversavano la porta
And kept my mind from wandering                                            e non lasciavano vagare la mia mente
Where will it go                                                                          dove vorrebbe andare
And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong                                     e davvero non importa se ho torto o
I'm right                                                                                      ragione
Where I belong I'm right                                                             ove appartengo ho ragione
Where I belong.                                                                         
Dove appartengo
See the people standing there                                                   vedo quelle persone

who disagree and never win                                                      che litigano e non vincono mai
And wonder why they don't get in my door.                              
E mi domando perchè non vengano dentro
I'm painting my room in the colourful way                                 sto dipingendo la mia stanza con colori vivaci
And when my mind is wandering                                               e quando la mia mente vaga
There I will go.                                                                          
Vado li
 Silly people run around they worry me                                     persone sciocche corrono qui e la e mi infastidiscono
And never ask me why they don't get past my door.                 
E non chiedermi mai perchè non oltrepassano la mia porta
I'm taking the time for a number of things                                  mi sto prendendo il tempo per una serie di cose
That weren't important yesterday                                               che ieri non erano importanti
And I still go.                                                                              E ancora vado





She's Leaving Home (Lennon/McCartney)        Lei se ne va di casa


Wednesday morning at five o'clock                                            mercoledì mattina alle 5

as the day begings                                                                     mentre il giorno comincia
Silently closing her bedroom door                                             chiudendo in silenzio la porta della camera
Leaving the note that she hoped would say more                      lasciando il bigletto che sperava potesse spiegare
She goes downstairs to the kitchen                                            va giù in cucina

clutching her hankerchief                                                           stringendo forte il fazzoletto
Quietly turing the backdoor key                                                 gira piano la chiave della porta di dietro
Stepping outside she is free.                                                     
Fa un passo fuori è libera
She (We gave her most of our lives)                                           lei (le abbiamo dato tutta la vita)
is leaving (Sacraficed most of our lives)                                     se ne va (Sacrificato tutta la vita)
home (We gave her everything money could buy)                     di casa (le abbiamo dato tutto ciò il denaro poteva comprare
She's leaving home after living alone                                        se ne va di casa dopo aver vissuto da sola
For so many years. Bye, bye                                                      per così tanti anni, Ciao
Father snores as his wife gets                                                    il padre russa mentre la moglie

into her dressing gown                                                               s’infila la vestaglia
Picks up the letter that's lying there                                           raccoglie la lettera che sta li
Standing alone at the top of the stairs                                        sola in piedi in cima alle scale
She breaks down and cries to her husband                               scooppia in lacrime e grida al marito
Daddy our baby's gone.                                                              Papà la nostra bambina se n’è andata
Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly                                    perchè ci ha trattato con poco rispetto
How could she do this to me.                                                     Come ha potuto farmi questo
She (We never though of ourselves)                                           lei (non abbiamo mai pensato a noi stessi)
Is leaving (Never a thought for ourselves)                                  se ne va (mai un pensiero per noi stessi)
home (We struggled hard all our lives to get by)                        di casa (abbiamo lottato duro tutta la vita per cavarcela)
 Friday morning at nine o'clock she is far away                         venerdì mattina alle 9 lei è lontana
Waiting to keep the appointment she made                               aspettando di andare all’appuntamento fissato
Meeting a man from the motor trade.                                         Per incontrare un commerciante d’auto
She What did we do that was wrong                                          lei (cosa abbiamo fatto di sbagliato)
Is having We didn't know it was wrong                                      si sta (non sapevamo di sbagliare)
Fun Fun is the one thing that money can't buy                           divertendo (il divertimento non si può comprare)
Something inside that was always denied                                 qualcosa dentro è stato sempre negato
For so many years.
Bye, Bye                                                      per troppi anni, Ciao
She's leaving home bye bye                                                      lei se ne va di casa, ciao ciao






Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!                       A favore di Mr. Kite


For the benefit of Mr. Kite                                                           A favore di Mr. Kite
There will be a show tonight on trampoline                               ci sarà uno show stasera sul tappeto elastico
The Hendersons will all be there                                                gli H. Saranno tutti li
Late of Pablo Fanques Fair-what a scene                                  in arrivo dalla fiera di pablo, che scena
Over men and horses hoops and garters                                    sopra uomini e cavalli cerchi e giarrettiere
Lastly through a hogshead of real fire!                                       Infine attraverso una botte di vero fuoco
In this way Mr. K. will challenge the world!                               In questo modo Mr. Kite sfiderà il mondo
The celebrated Mr. K.                                                                 Il famoso Mr. Kite
Performs his feat on Saturday at Bishopsgate                            presenta la sua impresa sabato a B.
The Hendersons will dance and sing                                          Gli H. Balleranno e canteranno
As Mr. Kite flys through the ring don't be late                             E Mr. K. Attraverserà in volo l’anello, non tardate
Messrs. K and H. assure the public                                             I signori K. E H. Assicurano al pubblico
Their production will be second to none                                    che la loro produzione non sarà seconda a nessuno
And of course Henry The Horse dances the waltz!                     E naturalmente H. Il cavallo ballerà il valzer
The band begins at ten to six                                                     la banda comincia alle 6 meno 10
When Mr. K. performs his tricks without a sound                        quando Mr. K. Presenta i suoi numeri
And Mr. H. will demonstrate                                                       e Mr. K. dimostrerà
Ten summersets he'll undertake on solid ground                       in 10 salti mortali che affronterà sulla terra
Having been some days in preparation                                      essendoci voluti alcuni giorni per preparare
A splendid time is guaranteed for all                                         è garantito per tutti il divertimento
And tonight Mr. Kite is topping the bill.                                      E stasera Mr. K. È in testa al cartellone






Within You Without You (Harrison)                     Dentro di te fuori di te

We were talking-about the space between us all                       Parlavamo dello spazio fra tutti noi
And the people-who hide themselves                                        e della gente che si nasconde

behind a wall of illusion                                                             dietro un muro d’illusione
Never glimpse the truth-then it's far too late-                              non intravede mai la verità poi è tardi

when they pass away.                                                                Quando va nell’aldilà
We were talking-about the love                                                 parlavamo dell’amore

we all could share-when we find it                                            che tutti potremmo condividere    quando lo troviamo
To try our best to hold it there-with our love                              fare
del nostro meglio per tenerlo li
With our love-we could save the world-                                     con il nostro amore possiamo salvare il mondo

if they only knew.                                                                       Se solo sapessero
Try to realise it's all within yourself                                            cerca di capire che è tutto dentro di te
No-one else can make you change                                            nessun’altro può farti cambiare
And to see you're really only very small,                                    e capire che in realtà sei solo molto piccolo
And life flows within you and without you.                                
E la vita scorre fuori e dentro di te
We were talking-about the love that's gone                               parlavamo dell’amore che è diventato

so cold and the people,                                                              così freddo e le persone
Who gain the world and lose their soul-                                     che ottengono il mondo e perdono l’anima
They don't know-they can't see-                                                 non capiscono, non sanno

are you one of them?                                                                 Sei uno di loro?
When you've seen beyond yourself-                                           quando hai visto oltre te stesso

then you may find,                                                                      allora potrai scoprire

peace of mind,                                                                           la pace della mente
Is waiting there-                                                                          è li che aspetta
And the time will come when you see                                       e verrà il tempo in cui capirai
we're all one, and life flows on                                                  siamo tutti un’unica cosa

within you and without you.                                                       E la vita scorre fuori e dentro te







When I'm Sixty-Four (Lennon/McCartney)        Quando avrò 64 anni

When I get older losing my hair,                                                Quando invecchierò e perderò i capelli
Many years from now.                                                               
Fra molti anni
Will you still be sending me a valentine                                    mi manderai ancora una valentina
Birthday greetings bottle of wine.                                              una bottiglia di vino con gli auguri di compleanno?
If I'd been out till quarter to three                                               se stessi fuori fino alle 2-45
Would you lock the door,                                                           chiuderesti la porta a chiave
Will you still need me, will you still feed me,                             avrai ancora bisogno di me, mi farai ancora da mangiare
When I'm sixty-four.                                                                    Quando avrò 64 anni
You'll be older too,                                                                     anche tu sarai invecchiata
And it you say the word,                                                             e se solo dirai la parola
I could stay with you.                                                                  Potrei restare con te
I could be handy, mending a fuse                                              potrei
rendermi utile, riparare un fusibile
When your lights have gone.                                                      Quando salterà la luce
You can knit a sweater by the fireside                                        puoi fare un maglione vicino al caminetto
Sunday mornings go for a ride,                                                  andare in giro la domenica mattina
Doing the garden, digging the weeds,                                       curare il giardino, strappare l’erbacce
Who could ask for more.                                                            Chi chiederebbe di più
Every summer we can rent a cottage,                                        Ogni estate possiamo affittare una villetta
In the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear                                        nell’isola di Wight, se non è troppo cara
We shall scrimp and save                                                           faremo economie e risparmieremo
Grandchildren on your knee                                                       nipotini sulle ginocchia
Vera Chuck & Dave                                                                     Vera Chuck e Dave
Send me a postcard, drop me a line,                                         mandami una cartolina, scrivimi 2 righe
Stating point of view                                                                  chiariremo il nostro punto di vista
Indicate precisely what you mean to say                                   indica con precisione cosa intendi dire
Yours sincerely, wasting away                                                   sinceramente tuo, aspetto con ansia
Give me your answer, fill in a form                                            dammi una risposta, riempi un modulo
Mine for evermore                                                                      mia per sempre





Lovely Rita (Lennon/McCartney)                         Bella Rita

Lovely Rita meter maid.                                                             Bella Rita, ragazza parchimetro
Nothing can come between us,                                                  niente può mettersi fra noi
When it gets dark I tow your heart away.                                   Quando fa buio mi traino via il tuo cuore
Standing by a parking meter,                                                     stava vicino a un parchimetro
When I caught a glimpse of Rita,                                               quando intravidi Rita
Filling in a ticket in her little white book.                                  
Che riempiva un biglietto nel suo libriccino bianco
In a cap she looked much older,                                                col berretto sembrava più vecchia
And the bag across her shoulder                                                e la borsa a tracolla
Made her look a little like a military man.                                  la faceva sembrare un militare
Lovely Rita meter maid,                                                             Bella Rita, ragazza parchimetro
May I inquire discreetly,                                                             Posso chiederti con discrezione
When are you free,                                                                     quando sei libera
To take some tea with me.                                                         Per prendere il the con me
Took her out and tried to win her,                                              la portai fuori e cercai di conquistarla
Had a laugh and over dinner,                                                     ci divertimmo e dopo cena
Told her I would really like to see her again,                             le dissi che mi sarebbe piaciuto rivederla
Got the bill and Rita paid it,                                                       portarono il conto e pagò Rita
Took her home I nearly made it,                                                la portai a casa e quasi lo facemmo
Sitting on the sofa with a sister or two.                                      Seduti sul sofa con una sorella o 2
Oh, lovely Rita meter maid,                                                        Bella Rita, ragazza parchimetro
Where would I be without you,                                                  dove sarei senza di te?
Give us a wink and make me think of you.                                 Strizzaci l’occhio e fammi pensare a te






Good Morning, Good Morning                                 Buongiorno Buongiorno


Nothing to do to save his life                                                      Niente da fare per salvare la sua vita

call his wife in                                                                            chiamare sua moglie
Nothing to say but what a day                                                    niente da dire tranne che giornata

how's your boy been                                                                  come sta suo figlio
Nothing to do it's up to you                                                         niente da fare tocca a te
I've got nothing to say but it's O.K.                                             non ho niente da dire ma è Ok
Good morning, good morning...                                                 buongiorno, buongiorno
Going to work don't want                                                           andare al lavoro non vuoi

to go feeling low down                                                               andarci ti senti a terra
Heading for home you start to roam                                           tornando a casa comincia a vagare

then you're in town                                                                     poi sei in città
Everybody knows there's nothing doing                                     tutti sanno non c’è niente da fare
Everything is closed it's like a ruin                                             è tutto chiuso come un cimitero
Everyone you see is half asleep.                                                Tutti quelli che vedi sono mezzo addormentati
And you're on your own you're in the street                               e sei solo, sei nella strada
Good morning, good morning...                                                
Buongiorno buongiorno
After a while you start to smile                                                   dopo un pò cominci a sorridere

now you feel cool.                                                                      Ora senti freddo
Then you decide to take a walk                                                 poi decidi di fare 2 passi

by the old school.                                                                       Presso la vecchia scuola
Nothing has changed it's still the same                                      niente è cambiato è sempre lo stesso
 People running round it's
five o'clock.                                      Gente corre da ogni parte sono le 5
Everywhere in town is getting dark.                                          
Dappertutto in città diventa buio
Everyone you see is full of life.                                                  
Tutti quelli che vedi sono pieni di vita
It's time for tea and meet the wife.                                             È tempo per il the e “Meet the Wife”
Somebody needs to know the time,                                           Qualcuno ha bisogno di sapere l’ora

glad that I'm here.                                                                      Felice di essere qui
Watching the skirts you start to flirt                                            guardando le gonne cominci a flirtare

now you're in gear.                                                                    Ora hai ingranato
Go to a show you hope she goes.                                               Vai a uno spettacolo speri che lei ci vada






Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts                                 La banda dei cuori solitari del

Club Band (Reprise)                                                     Sergente Pepe (Ripresa)


We're Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band                   Siamo La banda dei cuori solitari del Sergente Pepe
We hope you have enjoyed the show                                        speriamo abbiate gradito lo show
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band                              La banda dei cuori solitari del Sergente Pepe
We're sorry but it's time to go.                                                   
Siamo spiacenti ma è tempo di andare
Sergeant Pepper's lonely.                                                         
Sergente Pepe…
Sergeant Pepper's lonely.
Sergeant Pepper's lonely.
Sergeant Pepper's lonely.
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band                              La banda dei cuori solitari del Sergente Pepe
We'd like to thank you once again                                             vi vorremmo ringraziare ancora
Sergeant Pepper's one and only Lonely Hearts Club Band
It's getting very near the end                                                      si sta ormai avvicinando la fine
Sergeant Pepper's lonely
Sergeant Pepper's lonely
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.                             La banda dei cuori solitari del Sergente Pepe






A Day in the Life (Lennon/McCartney)                Un giorno nella vita

I read the news today oh boy                                                     Oggi ho letto la notizia oh ragazzi
About a lucky man who made the grade                                    di un uomo fortunato che è arrivato a destinazione
And though the news was rather sad                                         e sebbene la notizia fosse piuttosto triste
Well I just had to laugh                                                              beh mi è proprio venuto da ridere
I saw the photograph.                                                                 Ho visto la fotografia
He blew his mind out in a car                                                     gli era saltato il cervello in un’auto
He didn't notice that the lights had changed                              non si era accorto che il semaforo era cambiato
A crowd of people stood and stared                                           un mucchio di gente stava lì a fissarlo
They'd seen his face before                                                        avevano già visto la sua faccia
Nobody was really sure                                                              nessuno era sicuro
If he was from the House of Lords.                                             Se appartenesse alla camera dei Lords

I saw a film today oh boy                                                           ho visto un film oggi oh ragazzi
The English Army had just won the war                                     l’esercito inglese aveva appena vinto la guerra
A crowd of people turned away                                                 un mucchio di persone si è girato dall’altra parte
but I just had to look                                                                   ma io ho dovuto guardare
Having read the book.                                                                Avendo letto il libro
I'd love to turn you on                                                                 vorrei farti andare su di giri

Woke up, fell out of bed,                                                            mi sono svegliato, buttato giù dal letto
Dragged a comb across my head                                               trastinato un pettine fra i capelli
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,                              sono sceso per bere un caffè
And looking up I noticed I was late.                                          
E guardando su mi sono accorto di essere in ritardo
Found my coat and grabbed my hat                                           ho trovato il cappotto e afferrato il cappello
Made the bus in seconds flat                                                      preso il bus al volo
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,                                 sono andato di sopra a farmi una fumata
Somebody spoke and I went into a dream                                 qualcuno parlava e sono entrato in un sogno

I read the news today oh boy                                                     ho letto le notizie oggi oh ragazzi
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire                          4000 buchi a Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small                                    e sebbene i buchi siamo piuttosto piccoli
They had to count them all                                                         li hanno dovuti contare tutti
Now they know how many holes                                                Ora sanno quanti buchi

it takes to fill the Albert Hall.                                                      Servono per riempire l’Albert Hall
I'd love to turn you on                                                                 vorrei farvi andare su di giri