
Clicca sulla canzone che vuoi leggere

Magical Mistery Tour

The fool on the hill


Blue Jay Way

Your mother should know

I am the Walrus

Hello Goodbye

Strawberry fields forever

Penny Lane

Baby you’re a rich man

All you need is love




Magical Mystery Tour                                                Magico viaggio nel mistero


Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.                                           Venite tutti al magico viaggio nel mistero
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
                                           Venite tutti al magico viaggio nel mistero
Roll up AND THAT'S AN INVITATION,                                          Venite, questo è un invito
Roll up TO MAKE A RESERVATION,                                            Venite, per prenotarvi
The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away,              Il magico viaggio nel mistero sta aspettando di portervi via
Waiting to take you away.                                                         
Aspetta di portarvi via

Roll up WE'VE GOT EVERYTHING YOU NEED,                             Abbiamo tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno

Roll up SATISFACTION GUARANTEED,                                       Soddisfazione garantita

The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away,              Il magico viaggio nel mistero spera di portarvi via
Hoping to take you away.
The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away,              Il magico viaggio nel mistero viene per portarvi via
Coming to take you away.
The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away,                 Il magico viaggio nel mistero muore dalla voglia
Dying to take you away, take you away.                                    Di portarvi via...






The Fool On The Hill (Lennon/McCartney)     Lo scemo sulla collina

Day after day alone on the hill,                                                  Giorno dopo giorno, solo sulla collina
The man with the foolish grin                                                     L’uomo col ghigno da scemo

is keeping perfectly still,                                                             se ne sta perfettamente immobile
But nobody wants to know him,                                                 ma nessuno vuole conoscerlo
They can see that he's just a fool,                                              vedono che è solo uno scemo
And he never gives an answer,                                                  e lui non dà mai risposta
But the fool on the hill                                                                ma lo scemo sulla collina
Sees the sun going down,                                                          vede il sole tramontare
And the eyes in his head,                                                           e gli occhi nella sua mente
See the world spinning around.                                                 Vedono il mondo girare

Well on his way his head in a cloud,                                          Andando avanti, la sua testa fra le nuvole
The man of a thousand voices talking percetly loud                  L’uomo dalle 1000 voci parla fortissimo
But nobody ever hears him,                                                       ma nessuno lo sente mai
Or the sound he appears to make,                                             o sente il suono che pare emettere
And he never seems to notice,                                                   e lui non sembra accorgersene
But the fool on the hill . . .                                                          ma lo scemo sulla collina

And nobody seems to like him                                                   sembra non piacere a nessuno
They can tell what he wants to do                                              possono dire cosa vuole fare       

And he never shows his feelings,                                               e lui non mostra i suoi sentimenti
But the fool on the hill . . .                                                          ma lo scemo sulla collina

He never listen to them                                                              Non li ascolta mai

He knows that they’re the fools                                                  sa che sono loro gli scemi






Flying (Lennon/McCartney)







Blue Jay Way (Harrison)                                            Blue Jay Way           

There's a fog upon
L.A.                                                              C’è nebbia su Los Angeles
And my friends have lost their way                                            I miei amici si sono persi
We'll be over soon they said                                                      Arriveremo presto hanno detto
Now they've lost themselves instead.                                         Adesso si sono persi invece
Please don't be long please don't you be very long                   Per favore non fate molto tardi
Please don't be long or I may be asleep                                    o potrei addormentarmi
Well it only goes to show                                                           come volevasi dimostrare
And I told them where to go                                                       gli ho detto dove andare
Ask a policeman on the street                                                    chiedete a un poliziotto in strada
There's so many there to meet                                                   ce ne sono molti da incontrare li
Now it's past my bed I know                                                       dovrei essere a letto da un pezzo
And I'd really like to go                                                              e ci vorrei proprio andare
Soon will be the break of day                                                    presto spunterà l’alba
Sitting here in Blue Jay Way                                                      seduto qui in Blue Jay Way





Your Mother Should Know                                     Tua madre dovrebbe conoscerla


Let's all get up and dance to a song                                           Alziamoci tutti quanti e balliamo una canzone
That was a hit before your mother was born.                             Che era un hit prima che tua madre nascesse
Though she was born a long, long time ago                              sebbene sia nata molto tempo fa
Your mother should know (Your mother should...)                      tua madre dovrebbe conoscerla
Your mother should know (...know.)
Sing it again.                                                                             
Cantiamola ancora
Lift up your hearts and sing me a song                                      In alto i cuori e cantatemi una canzone...





I Am the Walrus (Lennon/McCartney)                Sono il tricheco

I am he as you are he as you are me.                                       
Io sono lui come tu sei lui come tu sei me

and we are all together                                                              e noi siamo tutti assieme
See how they run like pigs from a gun,                                      Guarda come scappano come porci da un fucile

see how they fly, I'm crying.                                                       Guarda come volano, sto piangendo

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.                  
Seduto su un cornflake, aspetto che arrivi il furgone
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.                           
Magliette municipali, stupido orrendo martedì
Man, you been a naughty boy,                                                  
Amico sei stato un ragazzo cattivo

you let your face grow long.                                                       ti sei lasciato crescere la faccia
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.                                   
Io sono l’uomo uovo, loro sono gli uomini uovo
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.                                               
Io sono il tricheco

Mister City Policeman sitting                                                      Sg. poliziotto seduto
Pretty little policemen in a row.                                                
Piccola poliziotta graziosa in fila
See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky,                                        Guarda come scappano come Lucy in the sky,

see how they run.                                                                       guarda come corrono
I'm crying, I'm crying.                                                                 Sto piangendo
I'm crying, I'm crying.                                                                 Sto piangendo

Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crema di materia gialla, cola dall’occhio di un cane morto
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,                            pescivendola granchiarmadio sacerdotessa pornografica
Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.         Ragazzo sei stato una ragazza cattiva ti sei tolta le mutande
Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.                        Seduto in un giardino inglese aspettando il sole
If the sun don't come, you get a tan                                           se il sole non viene ti abbronzi
From standing in the English rain.                                             
Stando sotto la pioggia inglese

Expert textpert choking smokers,                                               Esperti tesperti fumatori incalliti
Don't you thing the joker laughs at you?                                   
Non pensate che il buffone vi rida dietro?
See how they smile like pigs in a sty,                                        guarda come ridono come maiali un porcile
See how they snied.                                                                   Guarda come soggrugnano
I'm crying.                                                                                   Sto piangendo

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.                      Sardina di semolino, si arrampica sulla Torre Eiffel
Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.                                
Pinguino elementare canta Hare Krishna
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.      
Uomo avresti dovuto vederlo prendere a calci E. A. Poe






Hello, Goodbye (Lennon/McCartney)                Ciao, addio

You say yes, I say no.                                                                 Tu dici si, io dico no
You say stop and I say go go go, oh no.                                     Tu dici stop, io dico andiamo
You say goodbye and I say hello                                                tu dici addio, io dico ciao
Hello hello                                                                                  ciao ciao
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello                          non so perchè tu dici addio e io dico ciao
Hello hello                                                                                  ciao ciao
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.                        
Non so perchè tu dici addio e io dico ciao

I say high, you say low.                                                             
Io dico alto, tu dici basso
You say why and I say I don't know, oh no.                               
Tu dici perchè, io dico non lo so
Hela heba helloa CHA CHA, hela...






Strawberry Fields Forever                                  Campi di fragole all’infinito


Let me take you down,                                                               Lascia che ti porti con me

'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.                                       Perchè sto andando a Campi di Fragole
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.                          
Niente è reale e niente per cui stare in attesa
Strawberry Fields forever.                                                          Campi di fragole all’infinito

Living is easy with eyes closed,                                                 la vita è facile con gli occhi chiusi

misunderstanding all you see.                                                    Fraintendendo ciò che vedi
It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out,                   sta diventando difficile essere qualcuno ma si risolverà

it doesn't matter much to me.                                                     Non mi interessa molto

No one I think is in my tree,                                                        Nessuno penso è nel mio albero

I mean it must be high or low.                                                    Intendo deve essere alto o basso
That is you can't you know tune in but it's all right,                    sai non puoi metterti in sintonia ma va bene

that is I think it's not too bad.                                                      Cioè penso che non vada troppo male

Always, no sometimes, think it's me,                                          Sempre, non qualche volta penso sono io

but you know I know when it's a dream.                                    Ma tu sai che io so quando è un sogno
I think I know I mean a 'Yes' but it's all wrong,                           penso un no voglio dire si ma è tutto sbagliato

that is I think I disagree.                                                             Cioè penso di non essere d’accordo





Penny Lane (Lennon/McCartney)                          Penny Lane

Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs              In Penny Lane c’è un barbiere che espone foto
Of every head he's had the pleasure to know.                          
Di ogni testa che ha avuto piacere di conoscere
And all the people that come and go                                         e tutta la gente che viene e va
Stop and say hello.                                                                    
Si ferma a salutarlo

On the corner is a banker with a motorcar,                                All’angolo c’è un banchiere con una macchina
The little children laugh at him behind his back.                      
I bambini gli ridono dietro
And the banker never wears a mack                                          e il banchiere non indossa mai l’impermeabile
In the pouring rain, very strange.                                               Nella pioggia scrosciante, veramente strano

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.                                 Penny Lane è nelle mie orecchie e nei miei occhi
There beneath the blue suburban skies                                     la sotto cieli azzurri di periferia
I sit, and meanwhile back                                                          mi siedo e nel frattempo

In penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglass                  In Penny Lane c’è un pompiere con una clessidra
And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen.                              E nel suo portafoglio un ritratto della regina
He likes to keep his fire engine clean,                                       gli piace tenere la sua aotopompa pulita
It's a clean machine.                                                                  È una macchina pulita


A four of fish and finger pie in summer                                      quattro di pesce e torte di un dito in estate
Behind the shelter in the middle of a roundabout                      Dietro la pensilina in mezzo alla rotonda
pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray                           la bella infermiera vende papaveri in un vassoio
And tho' she feels as if she's in a play                                        e anche se le sembra di vivere in una commedia
She is anyway.                                                                          
Lei c’è comunque

Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer,                 In Penny Lane il barbiere rade un altro cliente
We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim.                             
Vediamo il banchiere seduto per il suo turno
And then the fireman rushes in                                                  e poi il barbiere arriva di corsa dentro
From the pouring rain, very strange.                                          Dalla pioggia scrosciante, veramente strano






Baby, You're A Rich Man                                              Ragazzo sei un uomo ricco


How does it feel to be                                                                 Come ci si sente
One of the beautiful people?                                                      A essere una delle persone bellissime
Now that you know who you are                                                adesso che sai chi sei
What do you want to be?                                                           Cosa vorrai diventare
And have you travelled very far?                                               E hai viaggiato così lontano
Far as the eye can see.                                                              Così lontano fin dove l’occhio può vedere
How does it feel to be                                                                 Come ci si sente
One of the beautiful people?                                                      A essere una delle persone bellissime
How often have you been there?                                               Quante volte sei stato li
Often enough to know.
                                                               abbastanza per sapere
What did you see, when you were there?                                 
Cosa hai visto quando eri la
Nothing that doesn't show.                                                         Niente che non si veda
Baby you're a rich man,                                                             Ragazzo sei un uomo ricco
Baby you're a rich man,                                                             Ragazzo sei un uomo ricco
Baby you're a rich man too.                                                       Sei anche tu un uomo ricco
You keep all your money                                                            tieni tutti i tuoi soldi

in a big brown bag inside a zoo.                                                In un grosso sacco marrone dentro lo zoo
What a thing to do.                                                                     Ti sembra una cosa da fare
How does it feel to be                                                                 Come ci si sente
One of the beautiful people?                                                     
A essere una delle persone bellissime
Tuned to a natural E                                                                   Accordato in mi naturale
Happy to be that way.                                                                
Felice di essere così
Now that you've found another key                                            adesso che hai trovato un’altra chiave
What are you going to play?                                                      Cosa suonerai?





All You Need Is Love                                                     Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è amore



Love, Love, Love.                                                                       Amore, amore, amore           

There's nothing you can do                                                        non c’è niente che puoi fare

that can't be done.                                                                      Che non possa essere fatto

Nothing you can sing                                                                  niente che tu possa cantare

that can't be sung.                                                                      Che non possa essere cantato

Nothing you can say                                                                   niente che puoi dire

but you can learn how to play the game.                                   ma puoi imparare a stare al gioco

It's easy.                                                                                      È facile

Nothing you can make                                                                niente che puoi fare

that can't be made.                                                                     che non possa essere fatto

No one you can save                                                                  nessuno che puoi salvare

that can't be saved.                                                                    che non possa essere salvato

Nothing you can do                                                                    niente che tu possa fare

but you can learn how to be you in time.                                   Ma puoi imparare a essere puntuale

It's easy.                                                                                      È facile

All you need is love.                                                                   Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è amore

All you need is love.                                                                   Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è amore

All you need is love, love.                                                          Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è amore

Love is all you need.                                                                  L’amore è tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno

Nothing you can know that isn't known.                                     Niente che tu possa sapere che non sia saputo

Nothing you can see that isn't shown                                         niente che tu possa vedere che non sia mostrato

Nowhere you can be                                                                  nessun luogo dove puoi essere

that isn't where you're meant to be.                                           Che non sia dove intendevi essere

It's easy.                                                                                      È facile