In order to guarantee some beautiful capture in the colder period of the season it is necessary a true one and own strategy of peach, making rerun to all makes up and to all the possible malizie. We see which…
Over recent years to this part the technique of the surfcasting is a lot refined and the surfcaster become a fisherman…
The controversy on the surf casting, what is, like must be practiced, been present…
The fishermen to surfcasting know well that he gleans it is not only a winter fish.
Beloveds boys, how much is changed our way to fish, how much sand has treaded on for…
To practice of the good ones surf casting not always is possible, we Tirrenici if we wanted…
• So that many of you do not practice the surf agonistico and sure is good reasons for….
• Sure that the months in course is not sure most propitious for the peach from the beach.
The foce, hot spot from the thousand possibilities, and place of fished from the implications…
With the june month we begin little problems for does not get passionate you to it of the surf….
< it returns to Peach from earth >.

Pescare.Net - Technical of Surf Casting
Of time in time we will choose the better combination you form/weight in order to catch up one sufficient distance to carry the decoys in peach and, what still more important, to make them us to remain the sufficient time to the fish in order to bite.
From the necessity to use particular leads here, it studies you for the surf purposely casting, that they have the characteristic to little offer to friction in the launch but much resistance to the dragging effect that constantly the waves make in direction of the shoreline.
In the choice of the models to use it must however hold account of some parameters: - Power of the Cane - Finishes employed they - Conditions weather Therefore, if we have tools from light launch is useless to carry itself to spasso weights of 150 grams! Equally, if our zones of peach are to mixed bottom of sand and cliff or sand and poseidonia is perfectly useless to carry the spike even if the sea is much mental patient, because them lasceremmo all on the bottom.
Minuterie: The Surf Casting demands accuracy and particularitity; it is natural that also the common minuteria must have characteristics very defined.
We do not forget that the Surf Casting wants to say turbulence and marosi and the monothreads are subject to wigs and brail up that optimal girelle and particularitities in the assembly can prevent.

time in the better one in order to catch up sufficient to decoys in what still to make them us to remain sufficient to biting.
From using here she studies to you purposely surf casting, the characteristic little friction but a lot of dragging the waves direction of of the models must however of some Power of Finishes employed they weather Therefore, tools from is useless spasso weights grams! Equally, our zones are to of sand or sand is perfectly spike the churned sea, because all on the Surf characteristic natural accuracy and that common minuteria very that it wants to say marosi and are subject and brail up girelle and…


Pescare.Net - Technical of Surf Casting - the Grongo
You read First part Eccomi, the last time I have told in scherzosa way a peach vicissitude still here I imagine like many, this time I will try to explain in possible more technical way, as I face the peach aimed at ours along friend.
We come to the DECOYS as already said the menù it is wide but the decoys, to part the Sardinian Queen indiscussa of this peach, that they have demonstrated on the field their validity are: The mounted SQUID is entire, if of reduced dimensions, is to trance (valid decoy also for Spigola and the Race); The mounted as the Sardinian with the skin turned inside and held thread of CEFALO with from the elastic thread; The CONFETTINO (to Rome: eye of cane) mounted alone or in tandem.

the First anchor here, I have told scherzosa a peach I imagine this time to explain in possible technique, the peach ours along DECOYS like the menù but the part the indiscussa of that they have field it is: It is entire, reduced dimensions, trance (decoy for the Race); of CEFALO the Sardinian skin turned held with elastic; The Rome: mounted eye gives…

Sport peach > Sector > Type of Peach > SurfCasting
You want to know more on the surfcasting, or six simply curious one in how much you have not never felt this type of peach.
In any case to fish is our interesting passion therefore something will find it of sure.
Situated of peach of the Category: SurfCasting.
Peach Web 2000, the situated one of the sport peach in Calabria.
I have devised and created for all the fishermen, is of sweet waters that of sea, that their acquaintances want to deepen on the techniques of peach practiced on the rivers, lagos with sweet waters or salmastre, but also in sea.
In the pages dedicated to the innovationes you will find my experiences personal that alive every qualvolta are possible to dedicate me to me to the peach.
There are the sections with pages dedicated to the peach of the trout and the carpa as far as inner waters, with the several techniques of peach, the section capture, etc
A situated opened dynamic young person and to all gets passionate you to it of peach.
All on the peach in sea, from earth and the boat.
Surfcasting, spinning, bolentino, pulls ahead: The equipments, the techniques, the decoys and the prede that they characterize these disciplines of the sport peach.
Blue Fish is been born in order to try to satisfy the requirements of all the lovers of the sport peach in sea and inner waters.

to know of surfcasting, or onlooker in you never have type of way to fish our interesting passion of sure.
Situated of the Category: Web 2000, of the Calabria peach.
I have devised for all is of that of acquaintances want to deepen on the peach practiced on sweet lagos or also in dedicated to mine that alive me are to the peach.
You sections with to the peach and of how much regard inner, with section techniques capture, young person and to all of peach.
All in sea, and from the bolentino, it pulls ahead: the techniques, and characterize they these fish sportswoman.
Born Blue in order to satisfy the all it sport peach and in…



Photo by

for the peach to surf-casting
The accessories AND the LEADS for the surfcasting.
II surfcasting it is a movement peach: it is not therefore the case to load itself with an excessive amount of accessories that would only serve to tire the long fisherman the many necessary movements.
Also the surfcasting, like every other technique of peach, it is taken advantage of a series of accessories, many of which decidedly superfluous, but other absolutely indispensable ones.
Without a doubt, after the cane and the whirling arm the element more important is the monothread, that is the means of contact between the fisherman and its possible ones prede.
Other article of the maximum importance is the ballast, a good lead us will concur long launch and adhesion with the bottom in the phase of peach.
II surfcasting much technique is a peach discipline, that it needs equally of valid accessories from the technical point of view.
The more effective models re-enter exactly between the 150 and 180 grams of weight, are like fishing with a traditional Cone of 170 and 210 grams, the great estate and distance first great of the second ones; the difference is that we increase the estate of “a light” lead and the throw of a heavy lead.
The weight will be fixed from the fisherman to second of the sea and the practiced type of peach.

canes/sea/surf casting
EVO 170 is one telescopic cane from surf casting of last generation, planned and studied in our laboratories with the collaboration of Stefano…
FUTURE Particularly studied for the peach to great appreciated and advised distance and from the more expert launchers, the Future represents only the true one…
The Selenia, cane from Surf and Light Casting, conserve in its essenzialità all the good dowries of an optimal cane from river: reduced section, lightness,…
4, 30 express studied for the peach with thin threads, been born from the experience of the champions of MONDO '' Emporio…
The Tirrenia, cane from Surf and Light Casting, conserve in its essenzialità all the good dowries of an optimal cane from River: reduced section, lightness,…
The BARRACUDA is the ideal solution for who wants to have one cane in a position to covering every situation of peach to Surf.
The MILADY is the first planned and constructed express fishing rod to to have been for a feminine user, that it demands among other things beyond to one…
Tip of diamond of the offer Mitchell for the Surf, the Mediterranean are splendid canes.
HEXAGON - the first cane from surfcasting in carbon and Titanium a perfect binomial between a rigid material (carbon high module) and a tenacious material…

170 EVO telescopic cane casting of planned and our laboratories great studied collaboration of for to appreciated and launchers Future represent Selenia, cane and Light in its good an optimal cane section reduced, 30 express the peach thin, been born champions of the Tirrenia, cane and Light in its good an optimal cane reduced section, BARRACUDA is ideal for having one degree of situation of Surf.
The MILADY first cane to and being constructed a feminine user, among other things one…
Tip of offer Mitchell Surf, the splendid canes.
HEXAGON first cane in carbon a binomial a material high module)…

The Surf Casting, ovverosia the peach from the beach with the moved sea, is considered one of the more difficult techniques and impegnative between the many practicable ones from the river of the sea, if other for the adverse environmental conditions them in which it is carried out and that they produce the greater ones turns out to you: winter, night, wind.
Costoro is all sick individuals, than contagiano an other telling itself of capture happened in such place from Tizio, Caio and also from Sempronio, and knows one single cure: to go to peach.
Since also the undersigned numbers itself between such people, a day neanche much beautiful one decided to go to try the Surf Heavy Casting, turned that is to the capture of predators, in prevalence spigole and c#lecce.
E' therefore that me meeting on the dock of Porto Torres with the light cane primed with the bread all attempt to try to fish some muggine that would have to act as from decoy alive.
The goal is my preferred one for this type of peach, Navy of Badesi, a long beach that offers numerous possibilities of choice, above all with twenty western ones numerous channels are formed dig to you from the force of the waves where large and small fish assemble themselves in try of food.

Surf Casting, peach from the considered sea one more difficult between from the river if the adverse ones in which and that greater do not turn out to you: wind.
Costoro is sick, than other happened capture place from and also and knows cure: to go also numbers between a beautiful day decided to try Heavy Casting, to the capture in c#lecce prevalence.
E' therefore meeting on Porto Torres light cane bread all to try of muggine that from decoy it is for this peach, numerous Navy a long one offers choice, above all western channels dig you of the great waves and assemble in…


Surfcasting in Tuscany, surf casting Tuscany, peach in Tuscany, where to fish in Tuscany on the beach
to fish in Tuscany, surfcasting in Tuscany, serf casting in Tuscany, peach from river in versilia, spiagge for peach in Tuscany.
hotel eros surfcasting in Tuscany the Beach of lido of Camaiore Near the hotel you will directly find all the necessary information on the zones of peach from the propietario expert and appasionato fisherman.
from the hotel it is possible to acquire the decoys and all cio' that it is necessary for one good struck of peach.
In the perido summery it is possible to fish from the sunset to the dawn and the probable ones prede are, branzini, mormore, saraghi, ombrine.
The beach of forehead to the hotel is a good zone of peach where in the perido winter there is also the foce of the pit of Abbot who attracts spigole perecchie.
In the evenings of patana (calm sea) is possible to make one battered of peach the wharf of Viareggio, in this case the techniques can of be varied with capture also of remarkable dimensions.
E' possible to organize also battered of peach with the fishings boat with departure from the wharf of Viareggio; usually beyond making the cove with the nets they come organized also struck of peach to ciortoni (clears) and to Tombarelli (Small tonni).

in Tuscany, Tuscany, serf Tuscany, peach in versilia, peach in eros the Tuscany the lido of the hotel you will find necessary information of propietario peach expert fisherman.
from the hotel it is the decoys cio' that for one of peach.
In it is possible probable sunset to the mormore dawn prede, saraghi, of forehead a good peach where winter there is foce of that it attracts evenings of calm) is one struck to the wharf in these techniques can more varied also than possible to organize of peach fishings boat with wharf usually beyond the cove nets come struck of ciortoni (clears)…


F.I.P.S.A.S. - Italian Federation Peach Underwater Sportiva and Attivita \ '
quorum surf casting characterizes them and for society.
Trophy of Excellence South of Surf Casting 2006.
Trophy of Excellence North of Surf Casting 2006.
Final Italy Goblet Characterizes them of Peach with Cane from River.
Italian championship for Society to Box di Pesca with Cane from River.
Italian championship to braces of Peach with Cane from River.
Italian championship Characterizes them 2006 of Peach with Cane from River.
Feminine Italian championship 2006 of Peach with Cane from River.
Italian championship for Society of Peach with Cane from Riva 2006.
Italian championship for Society to Box di Pesca with Cane from River.
Italian championship of Peach to Traina d' Altura 2006.

surf casting for society.
Trophy South of 2006.
Trophy of of Surf Italy Goblet Fishes with River.
Italian championship to Box with Italian Cane to Peach with River.
Italian championship of Peach from River.
Cane championship 2006 from for Society with Cane 2006.
Italian championship to Box with Italian Cane of…

:: Boavista, l \ 'last paradise…::
Even if imposing reefs are present where it is sure much profitable one to fish to rockfishing, they are senz'altro spiagge the true piece strongly of Boavista.
The lovers of the surf, find in Boavista a paradise are in order to practice their preferred sport, than in order to admire the verginità and the purity of this Eden.
But much voracità is not synonymous of stupidity, is this, in fact, one of the fish more scaltri that we can meet, and also here in these zones, where sure the peach pressure is practically zero, their cleverness borders on the incredible one, moreover the acute sight of which they are equips allows to you to tranciare our decoys to little millimeters from I love it.
Fishing from the beach capture of remarkable dimensions can be carried out.
Sure, but, fishing in the nocturnal hours the possibilities to imbattersi in ransom exemplary they are decidedly greater.
The ransom of these predators that fish themselves from the beach is modest and can arrive until and wineskin the 30 kg.
Naturally still more electrifying it is the peach to surfcasting with the alive one.

r the Surf and Light Casting, conserve in its essenzialità all the good ones…
Product in amount: Limited amount Urania is one fishing rod king.
er the particularly long Surf casting, studied for launch of remarkable g…
Product in amount: Limited amount Fishing rod for the SurfCast.
4, 30 express studied for the peach with threads s…
Product in amount: Limited amount the Selenia, fishing rod for
the Surf and Light Casting, conserve in its essenzialità all the good ones d…
one thin, light and balanced fishing rod therefore like the MIURA.
bile on if same, used from the fishermen to the Surf Casting, in order to hang…
d surf reel, the Axion was built with not reservations.
Product in amount: Available cane Series from surf casting.
Product in amount: Limited amount Newest fishing rod for.
Surf Casting of from Bologna Maver, constructed from the Reglass in carbon HM…
eale for who wants to have a fishing rod in a position to covering every situates…
Product in amount: Limited amount OFFERED Fishing rod Lineaef.

| | the WORLD-WIDE CHAMPIONSHIP OF MALE AND FEMININE SURF CASTING IS DYED Of BLUE | Network of the Sport World | Copyright 2007 ©
Sant' Elpidio (AP) On the spiagge of the marchigiano shoreline of Porto Sant' Elpidio, has been concluded trionfalmente for the blue colors Samples to you World-wide male and feminine of Surf Casting, the most diffused discipline of the sport peach of the field sea, respective joints to the XXII and XIII edition.
The national Italian of Peach to the Blow Various Skillful wins in Germany.

(AP) On the marchigiano shoreline Sant' Elpidio, trionfalmente for blueta male and the Surf Casting, diffused sport discipline of respective the joints and XIII Italian of Blow Various…