Guides of PHOTO SEA

Tropea photo spiagge and sea
Tropea photo spiagge and sea: the beautifulst photos of the spiagge and the sea of Tropea in Calabria.
Photo gallery of spiagge of Tropea in Calabria the south Italy has selected the archives of photo of the spiagge and the sea of Tropea.
Cliccando the below photos you will be able to discover the spiagge is the cleaned up sea more of the south Italy.
Virtual Tour of Tropea and outskirtses, spectacular photos and immaggini to 360° of the spiagge and the sea of Tropea, Zambrone, Parghelia, Domenica Saint, Marine Tower Head Vatican the so-called Coast Of Of i.
Panoramic photos and immaggini 360° of Tropea and outskirtses in Calabria.

Tropea photo sea
Tropea photo sea: the beautifulst photos of the spiagge and the sea of Tropea, Parghelia, Zambrone, Head Vatican and Grotticelle in Calabria.
Photo of the sea of Tropea and outskirtses in Calabria the photographic Archives of the beautifulst images of the sea of the Coast Of Of of Tropea, Zambrone, Parghelia, Head Vatican and Grotticelle.
Virtual Tour of Tropea and outskirtses, spectacular photos and immaggini to 360° of the spiagge and the sea of Tropea, Zambrone, Parghelia, Domenica Saint, Marine Tower Head Vatican the so-called Coast Of Of i.
Panoramic photos and immaggini 360° of Tropea and outskirtses in Calabria.


Cosedimare. The Mediterranean sea between history images and myth:: Homepage
The High Adriatic, called from underwater “the Stagnone”, is a fascinating sea that it allows the fotosub to carry out interesting resumptions.
We introduce you the photos of Franco Iannello.
To the wide one of the Sicily, in international waters, sand banks and benches are only known to little lupi of sea.
The culture and traditions of the sea with 7° the Mediterranean Circuit of the Latin Sail return.
the boat, the house to the sea, the windsurf, the gommone, the bottles from sub, the canoe .......
An occasion that offers Cosedimare to you!.
It enters in the great Community di Cosedimare, we will hold to You informed on all the innovationes of the situated one…. - panoramic photos of the citta \ 'of Ancona and of the coast of the Conero -
Press of art and on photographic paper.
Welcomes in my Home Page! From you can here easy catch up my situated ones dedicates you to the digital photography them, to the citta' of Ancona, the coast of the Conero and its splendid sea.
Unknown photos, created with originate them technical of resumption that generate spaziosi places with harmonious profiles curves and, nearly irreali.
“Images of a charming union” the synthesis of the numerous photos is this that illustrate as Monte Conero joins to the Sea, generating the splendid ones spiagge and the calette of the zone.
Panoramic resumptions carried out from the sea, the spiagge and the mount, give one complete and systematic vision of the entire coastal profile of Monte Conero.
For every place I have indicated the distance to complete - roads and paths - equipping it with planimetry of detail with relative esplicative photos, the all bound together one to news, useful indications and suggestions.
Thanks to the Center the Beacon Experiences them of photography “Friends of Carl” of the Social Center, has recently learned the techniques of base for the production of press of art in Cianotipia.
As a result of various demands, reached with respect to the possibility to decide of copies of the panoramic ones on photographic paper in order to realize pictures, poster, etc, have been executed some press of test, dimensions of beyond a meter of length, near photographic laboratories; in this same section you can see some turns out to you.


Photo by

The Conero and the Sea
Press of art and on photographic paper.
They are approximately 300 single photos and 200 panoramic photos, constructed assembling beyond 2000 releases.
A great job!! In fact they are made on foot and for sea all me the coast of the Conero: from cliffs of the Cardeto until the beach of Low Numana.
The images that you will see have been obviously reduced regarding the photos originate them, but they are still of qualita' gradevole; I hope that they can however pour little on You of the serenity that I have tried in resuming them.
WARNING TO… the SAILORS the reduced photos have been a lot in the dimension (approximately 1:3), are advised to use one resolution video of 1024x768 pixel.
On the riepilogative photos fairies click on the small icone of the images represented.
In case for connection reasons the photos were temporary not visualizzabili, can try to be annoying on these old situated ones alternated to you:.

sea stories, history and images of sea
Eleonora de Sabata, journalist and photographer, from 1988 are engaged in the spreading of the sea in TV and on the main Italian reviews and foreign, where she has published more than 700 reportages, she has collaborated with the National Geographic, the BBC, Discovery Channel, RAI and Mediaset.
Rubirca the Ambient salary Sea, from the 1992 every month on Nautical, other articles online.
One carrellata of photo of the beautifulr sea of the world: the Mediterranean! SEGUE>.
And in order not to lose the compass in this sea of pages…
Fish, granchi and jellyfishes, the world of the beach and the scogli, have new meaning all for the children who follow the course To know the Sea ......
E' in bookcase the new book of the necklace “All the Day”: “What makes the squali all the day in sea? ”.

Info Croatia - apartments and houses vacations to the sea in Croatia and islands
Croatia told from who has already made the experience - routes, observations, photo…
The photos taken on the roads in Croatia;.
Some observations on like using them and piantina with the photos of the spiagge along the coast…
You send your situated photos from the Croatia, experiences, councils, signallings to us….


Paestum - templi and sea
Paestum - Vacations to the sea the importance trades them of Paestum has gone getting lost in the centuries, but its position privileged in the Gulf is remained unchanged, and today the point of departure for entire cilentana Costa can be considered practically; where we find for all i 50 km.
It gets passionate to you of the sea will find spiagge of fine sand adapted the children, and beautiful tree-lined avenues here comfortable in order to take a walk; for the night's passing, beyond to the Hotels of lusso ncon their private beaches, other possibilities are many: in the first instance numerous the Camping on the often affittano sea that also residence and offers hospitality also for a single day.
Who not soggiorna close to the sea, can easy catch up with the car one of the Lydian innumerevoli with guarded parkings (and here she would not have to be tried to save…), hygienic deckchairs, beach umbrellas, cabins and services.
Coastal Amalfitana, Sorrento, Capri and Vesuvio and who have some enough of „Sea and templi “, it finds here still much to make: from Paestum they are possible excursions of a day on the coastal amalfitana (with Amalfi, Positano, Ravello), to Sorrento, Goats, Naples, Pompei or on the Vesuvio.


Pianosa the sea and the spiagge of Pianosa. From Tuscany archipelago, the photos of the spiagge.
From the 1996/1997 the island and the sea of Pianosa, are comprised in the National Park of from Tuscany Archipelago (the sea for a nautical mile from the coast).
Common or abundant in the sea pianosino they are also other fish, between which the giudole, the scorfani the mendole and, between the crustaceans granchio the runner and the favollo patrol in great number the full of rocks coasts.

Situated Official of the Province of Savona>>Attività>>Invia yours foto>>
The photos must have been released from who send to them or authorized from the owner of the images.
The photos could at the discretion be used of the agency and null it could be expected from I use it of the same ones.
We pray therefore not to send photo to you that ritraggano minors.
“The alley that door to the sea””.

Photo satellite Rimini, Riccione, Coast Inhabitant of Romagna, Mirabilandia, Aquafan, Acquafan, marine Milan, Cesenatico, Catholic, Ravenna, Cervia
INTERACTIVE MAP SATELLITARE OF the COAST INHABITANT OF ROMAGNA To the left of the map found the commandos for zoomare on the image to satellitare of the Coast Inhabitant of Romagna.
The right push-buttons up serve to visualize 3 various types of image: MAP - the image is a street cartina of the Coast Inhabitant of Romagna SATELLITE - clear photo from the satellite of the Coast HYBRID Inhabitant of Romagna - on the photo of the satellite they will come to you indicates the names to you of the localities, and approaching itself with the zoom also of the single roads (is the image that you see of default) Once that you will have understood the easy operation you will be able to have satellitari photos of Rimini, Riccione, Marine Milan….
or more simply detailed to street maps with distances and photo from the satellite.
A lot searched is images and photo from the satellite of Aquafan (and not Acquafan, like written from many) of Riccione, Mirabilandia, the Dock of Rimini, Saint Marino, the airport of Rimini, some discotheques of Riccione….
A last council for who does not know the Coast well: controlled from Gabicce Sea until Ravenna, approaching to you with the images the coast; beyond one hundred only interrupted beach kilometers from foci of some rivers that riversano on the Adriatic sea INFORMATION Coast Inhabitant of Romagna from the satellite All the images that found are released directly from the satellite in the summery period of some years ago.

Rent apartments Sardinia vacations - Port Pine
here one of the little pinete spontaneous of Pine of Aleppo is found, with exemplary of spiny oak. The beach of Port Pine is one great thin sand language and color pearl tightened between the sea, the lagoon and the large one pineta.
One true high and imposing Saharan dune on the turchese sea.