Nature's Sovereignty rules Northwestern Hawaiian Isles
. This is in "stark contrast to the shy, scarce populations surviving in the main Hawaiian islands." "Humans take their toll -- fishing, pollution, habitat destruction, " Stephanie Holzwarth, of the National Marine Fisheries Service, reported from the Townsend Cromwell. That is why we are working our tails off to survey these reefs in the most complete manner possible." The Paradise Queen II, a longline fishing vessel shipwrecked two years ago on Kure Atoll, is continuing to break apart and deteriorate in Green Island waters, the scientists said
Zihuatanejo-Ixtapa, Mexico
. posted by ZihuaRob at Heroes, Victims & Villains Whale Rescued From Net On November 11th of this year Capitán David Otero of the panga Black Marlin found a 10-meter long humpback whale tangled in a fishing net about 50 meters long. The Navy said the whale may be pregnant and seeking a place to give birth, and that apparently due to its injuries it was staying near the coast.Just a few days prior to this, several tuna boats were seen fishing a few miles off the coast, and a group of dolphins had also been spotted trapped in nets and were injured as well.Maybe it's time to boycott Mexican tuna again. It doesn't appear that the tuna fishermen are respecting the law or the wildlife.¡Gracias al Capitán Otero!Sad news (whale followup) The pregnant whale cut free from a fishing net by Capitán David Otero was found dead on November 15th at . Apparently the net had fractured its tail and it could not swim well enough to feed and survive.I won't hold my breath waiting for the "responsible authorities" to carry out an investigation or to detain and punish the fishermen responsible (most likely one of the tuna boats that passed through here days before the whale was freed from the net).Dozens of Sailfish Slaughtered Longlines (baited fishing lines of up to 4 kilometers in length) used by poachers were discovered on November 25th of this year by local fisherman Gilberto Anzo Gutiérrez of the fishing boat "R3"

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