God Among Directors: Body of Evidence
. Cardenas looks into his can of nuts and fishes for another cashew
. 68 Gittes fishes a couple off the tray, puts them in his handkerchief pocket. He fishes out one of Yelburton's cards from his handkerchief pocket -- hands it to the Guard. 111 AT GITTES' CAR He fishes for his car keys, looks down -- one shoe is missing
The Deck Ran Red
. GRADE: A DREAM WITH THE FISHES (director/writer: Finn Taylor; screenwriters: based on a story by Finn Taylor and Jeffrey Brown; cinematographer: Barry Stone; editor: Rick LeCompte; music: Tito Larriva; cast: David Arquette (Terry), Brad Hunt (Nick), Kathryn Erbe (Liz), Cathy Moriarty (Nick's aunt), Patrick McGaw (Don), J.E
Gods Among Directors: The Silence of the Lambs
. QUINN May I see your credentials? Clarice is surprised, but fishes her ID card from her bag, holds it up for his inspection. CLOSE ANGLE as she jams this tool inside the join at the top of the back passenger window, then fishes around till she can snag the in- side door latch, pulling up
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The Daily Script - Hudson Hawk
. OUTSIDE THE POWER ROOM Security Guard One fishes for keys to open the power room
WWWF Grudge Match: Rollerball Tournament
. Wait you say, "he only has a fifth!" Don't worry, my friend, like Jesus with the bread and fishes, the Duke never runs out of bullets and whiskey. Like Jesus with the bread and fishes, the Duke never runs out of bullets and whiskey
Seaboard Wine Warehouse
. Try it with deli meats, pork tenderloin and full flavored fishes
Expressing Expressions
. Display table must have fiberglass doors so that fishes can be displayed on an ice layer in the glass cabinet
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Dive Deep Underwater Photography Supermicro underwater photography from Japan. Fish portraits, Rare fishes, coral bleaching, Beach diving information on Okinawa,Japan. Photographer Mitsuaki Takata.