MovieJuice!:  The Perfect Storm - Fish and Chips Ahoy

  • tirical Review of "The Perfect Storm"
    Free MovieJuice Weekly (your email here) subscribe unsubscribe Search MovieJuice The Perfect Storm - Fish and Chips Ahoy by June 25, 2000 This week's headline: Dennis Miller joins the announcer crew on Monday Night Football
  • . I'd say is not the perfect movie, but why spoil that line before you have a chance to read it in Entertainment Weekly and USA Today? Thanks to a rare combination of meteorological events as explosive as Patrick Swayze and a twin-engine Piper, the New England coast is threatened by "the storm of the century" - also known as nature's way of giving six scurvy fishermen a shower
  • . Unfortunately, George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, and crew are steaming through the Hellish storm, desperately trying to get their fish to market before it spoils so it can be cooked, breaded, and deposited in the supermarket freezer case until the next storm of the next century
  • . And there's the old salt of a fisherman who's now permanently docked bar-side and anchored to a bottle of scotch

    The Perfect Storm DVD Review
  • . This is the true story about a crew of commercial fisherman who were stupid enough to be out in this mess
  • . The Andrea Gail is a commercial fishing vessel with a crew of five plus Captain Billy Tyne, played here by George Clooney
  • . Blood & Gore Not much, but you do need to be careful around fish hooks! Car Chases All sea action, no cars

    Exile in Pleasantville
  • . M O V I E S By Charles Taylor Bionic Queen Mothers and walking fish: The strange world of British comedian Eddie Izzard (10/19/98) Reviewed by Charles Taylor Jonathan Demme panders to Toni Morrison's guilt-mongering in his brutal adaptation of her best-seller (10/16/98) Reviewed by Laura Miller Yet another suburban witch story with a wishy-washy moral: A sorceress's place is in the home (10/16/98) By Robert Glatzer A former film director decodes the in-jokes and ego trips lurking behind that never-ending list of names (10/09/98) Reviewed by Laura Miller In the new Robin Williams movie, heaven is a twee B&B (10/09/98)   BROWSE THE MOVIE ARCHIVES S A L O N E M P O R I U M 12-ounce bag of Salon Blend with a purchase of $30 or more

    IMDb: Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)
  • . There the meet Taylor(Will Sampson, "Fish Hawk" and "Vega$") who uses his Native American magic to help fight evil

  • info: THING FISH

    Photo by - Andersonville
  • . Further he states the dangers of a rogue group of Union Soldiers that goes around in search of "fresh fish" or newly captured soldiers to victimize and steal from

    God Among Directors: Arctic Blue
  • . Three toy-macho, vacationing SPORTSMEN are guzzling beer and BLASTING fish in the shallow river with 12-gauge shotguns

    Rob Kogan: Airplane! Script
  • . ( Oldlady has hung herself ) Elaine : Would you like to order dinner now? Father : Yes, Joey will have the steak and my wife and I will have the fish
  • . Subtitle: I'LL HAVE THE FISH
  • . What was it we had for dinner tonight? Elaine : Well, we had a choice, steak or fish
  • . What did he have? Elaine : Fish
  • . One thing, do you know what he had for dinner? Mother2 : Yes, of course, we both had fish
  • . Elaine : Dr Rumack, Mr Hammond ate fish, and Randy said there five more cases and they all had fish too
  • . Rumack : And the Co-Pilot had fish, what did the navigator have? Elaine : He had fish
  • . Every passenger on this flight who had fish for dinner will become violently ill in the next half hour ( Oever notices he had fish and begins to come down with the symptoms as they are described ) Elaine : Just how serious is it Doctor? Rumack : Extremely serious
  • . The life of everyone on board depends on one thing: finding someone on board who can not only fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner

    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
  • . One of the men holds out a fish
  • . ADELLE'S FRIENDLY PET SHOP - NEXT DAY Close up on a dead goldfish laying on a newspaper
  • . She's handing a live goldfish in a bag to JENNIFER, a very sweet nine year old
  • . Now remember… this kind of fish doesn't like it in the freezer
  • . Adelle calls to her cat, and tosses it the goldfish
  • . ADELLE Well… here comes another dead fish
  • . RIDDLE I just want to know one thing; How the hell do you lose a 500 pound fish?! Melissa's about to speak but hesitates
  • . RIDDLE (CONT.) What? MELISSA It's not a fish, sir
  • . RIDDLE (calmer) Listen, personally, I don't give a good god damn about a fish
  • . And I got a lineman who hasn't washed his jock in two years because he thinks flies are lucky! I want that god damn fish on the field Super Bowl Sunday! FIND THE FISH, OR FIND NEW JOBS! INT
  • . It was those goddamn animal rights nuts! Always out there with their goddamn signs, ANIMALS WERE BORN FREE, STOP TORTURING SNOWFLAKE! That goddamn fish lives better than they do! They stop outside Melissa's office by her secretary's desk

  • Benefits

    Photo by
  • . 38 Baltimore Sun Michael Sragow Ends up neither fish nor fowl

    Yahoo Movies: A.I.
  • . David in these scenes is often played for "fish out of water" laughs, in the same way that "Data" on Star Trek: The Next Generation was; the robot trying to understand the customs of humans

    Reel Faces - Antwone Fisher
  • . Includes review, photographs, and trailer.
    Browse by Movie Antwone Fisher (2003) Starring Denzel Washington, Derek Luke based on the life of Antwone Fisher Reel Face: Real Face: Derek Luke Born: April 24, 1974 Birthplace: Jersey City, NJ, USA Antwone Quenton Fisher Born: 1959 Birthplace: Cleveland, Ohio, USA "I think back upon a childhood full of longing for belonging and see my life now as what I have created out of my dreams
  • . Brown at the orphanage in Cleveland, me sitting at her side, telling her, `you'll read about me someday." - Antwone Fisher Questioning the Story (Q&A with Antwone Fisher): Is the character that Denzel Washington plays a real person, or a conglomeration of a few different people? He's a real person but I had to have him do some things that a few other people had helped me do
  • . Antwone Fisher Mini-Bio: Antwone Fisher was born in prison to seventeen-year-old Eva Mae Fisher and twenty-three-year-old Eddie Elkins
  • . Antwone Fisher spent eleven years with the Navy where he learned many lessons and befriended a Navy psychiatrist, Commander Williams (portrayed by Denzel Washington in the film), who helped him realize his potential

    IMDb: All About the Benjamins (2002)
  • . User Comments: This fish out of water story is been done too many times but it works thanks to Cube's and Epps' performances
  • . | This fish out of water story is been done too many times but it works thanks to Cube's and Epps' performances


    Hollywood Bitchslap: Animal Factory

  • . A pretty boy, lost and lonely, he’s the new fish at Eastern State Penitentiary (now THERE’S a generic prison name) soon headed for a secret meeting that’s looking to end in a gang rape
  • . In a quick act of self preservation he makes pals with Earl Copen (Dafoe) the resident "king of the yard." Defoe takes the fish under his wing (or should that be fin?) and shows him the ropes

    Bright Lights Film Journal
  • . | The Go Fish queen goes fishing again — this time for gay boys and the men and women who love them BY GARY MORRIS Rose Troche’s Go Fish (1994) was one of the highlights of mid-‘90s New Queer Cinema, an upbeat, inventive low-budget lesbian comedy from an authentic lesbian
  • . While Go Fish proudly bore the marks of its tortured history, with grainy visuals, sometimes ragged acting, and a general air of money-based compromises, Bedrooms and Hallways is much slicker in every regard — the British cast is often superb, as if Troche had plenty of time and budget for rehearsals; the script is full of pith; and the photography is superior, particularly in its skillful use of a mobile camera as the perfect analogue for its characters’ shifting alliances
  • . If Go Fish was Troche’s insider dyke epic, Bedrooms and Hallways is her double paean to gay male sexuality, and to the uncertain pleasures of shifting sexualities, as the millennium settles in on us in earnest

    The Daily Script: Batman Returns
  • . Meanwhile I got badder fish to fry

    Barton Fink
  • . They'll be hawking the fish down on Fulton Street
  • . OLDER MAN FISH! FRESH FISH! As the man walks back off the screen: LILY Let's spit on our hands and get to work
  • . BARTON Thanks, Richard, but I know for a fact the only fish you've ever seen were tacked to a the wall of the yacht club
  • . The find of the evening was the author of this drama about simple folk - fish mongers, in fact - whose brute struggle for existence cannot quite quell their longing for something higher
  • . Barton Fink." BARTON They'll be wrapping fish in it in the morning so I guess it's not a total waste
  • . Early morning traffic is audible, as is the cry fishmongers
  • . We can faintly hear the cry of the fishmongers

    Haro Online - Brokedown Palace
  • . Alice (Claire Danes, The Mod Squad , Les Miserables ) and Darlene (Kate Beckinsale, The Last Days of Disco , Shooting Fish ) have just graduated from high school

    Movies for Guys: Blood Work
  • . After the movie we found ourselves craving filet-o-fish and coffee

    Satire Screening Room: Being There
  • . LOUISE Must of happened durin' the night, I don't know...Lord, he wasn't breathin' and as cold as a fish

    Planet Sick-Boy: Bowling for Columbine
  • . When the film opens with a scene in which Moore visits a Michigan bank that is giving away rifles to its new customers, you might think you're in for a one-sided romp which will include poking fun at gun nuts and the NRA – preaching to the choir, or shooting fish in a barrel, if you will @CallCenter