The best way to quickly get a full-featured sit object is usually the Single Avatar Multisit script: just set up 1 prim (as on video) for EACH avatar.
Below you will find Tips and Examples (including couple/mixed setups) for either the "Single Avatar Multisit" or the "Multi Multisit" script.

Dear New User, DON'T PANIC! The lines beginning with " " just need to be pasted (as you saw on video! :)

Couple poses setup example (Single Avatar Multisit script on 2 linked prims):
you just need to add /f to the notecards to get synchronized couple poses!!!

Female prim notecard:

<0.07842, -0.63820, 1.01123>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,Couple F1,1274,Couple F1
<0.07842, -0.73724, 0.84424>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,Couple F2,1385,Couple F2

Male prim notecard:

<0.23632, -0.62757, 0.99316>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,Couple M1,1316,Couple M1
<0.07842, -0.37320, 0.94434>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,Couple M2,1356,Couple M2

Prims without /f will stay for singles, and you can easily add single poses even to couple/group prims (see mixed setups, later on this page)!

Remember: to easily set up aligned couple poses, just use the Multisitter TWO (and another avatar):

You can drag into another prim (for Single Avatar Multisit) or set up the aligned couple poses on the same prim (for Multi Multisit).

A basic setup for singles with Multi Multisit (2 avatars can sit on 1 prim, using the same animation in this simple example) with /c to get menu on touch and change seat (if the other one is not occupied):

<0.40000, -0.17284, 0.94214>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,animat1,1219,Seat 1
<0.40000, -0.42700, 0.99316>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,animat1,1172,Seat 2

So, if you use the Multi Multisit script, your notecard will be for multiple avatars!
Without /c, each avatar will just sit on the 1st free seat in notecard order (you can get a forced/fixed sit order, without menu to change seat).
You can very easily get much more on 1 prim with Multi Multisit (multipose seats, for singles and/or in sync!)... see later on this page!
If you use the Multi Multisit script, but have other prims on the object, add to them a sit target to always avoid SL's "No room to sit" messages! (it's easy: click here).

IMPORTANT NOTE: in the example above, the animation "animat1" is used on 2 poses, so the default button name would be "animat1" on both. Duplicated buttons on menu (SL dialog) must be avoided, so at least one button needed to be changed: I renamed them both (to "Seat 1" and "Seat 2").

SUBMENUS (and multipose seats on 1 prim!)

Setting up submenus is very easy; just add a line with a "+" and your button name (the main menu and each submenu can have max 12 buttons):

<0.40000, -0.17284, 0.94214>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,anim1,1219,Asub1
<0.40000, -0.42700, 0.99316>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,anim2,1172,Asub2

<0.23632, -0.62757, 0.99316>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,anim3,1316,B1
<0.07842, -0.37320, 0.94434>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,anim4,1356,B2

the main menu dialog buttons will be [ Amain ]  [ Bmain ] and clicking [ Amain ] you will get the submenu [ Asub1 ]  [ Asub2 ]:

With Multi Multisit and submenus you can VERY easily get MULTIPOSE seats for many avatars (using just 1 prim)!
Each group of poses will be a seat for 1 avatar! Sitting avatars can change pose, or choose another seat (if it's not already occupied!).

The example above (if used with Multi Multisit) is to sit two avatars on 1 prim, with 2 poses on each seat!
Also, you would just need to add the line -0 to make it a couple setup, and with the same ease you can get mixed setups: see later on this page!
Note: if you set up "submenus" for Multi Multisit, the touch menu is on by default (no need to add /c).

With Single Avatar Multisit, submenus can be useful to group poses into categories, to ease user's menu selection.

YOU MUST RENAME DUPLICATED BUTTONS, BUT if you need buttons with the same (visible) name, just add to each duplicated button name one or more "non‑breaking spaces" (alt-space on Mac and alt-255 on PC) to make it unique.
If some submenus/seats have only one pose, you can easily set pose selection directly from main menu: see the next notecard example.

A line with a negative number ("MIXED" SINGLE+COUPLE/GROUP setups, on 1 prim too!)

The "negative number" option is only for couple/group setups, and defines how many poses or seats will stay for singles (they will not sync). You NEVER need a negative number if ALL your poses are for singles.
The negative number line is needed only once (and can be anywhere) on the notecard, with the "single" poses placed before the couple/group ones: the "singles" will be used as "default, initial" poses or seats.

Single Avatar Multisit:
As you saw above, using /f with Single Avatar Multisit defines a sync setup.
Just add a negative number to your sync setup, and you will define how many POSES will stay for singles!
With Single Avatar Multisit, the favorite "single" pose of the 100 most frequent users is remembered, even on mixed setups!
Remember: only "mixed" prims need a "similar" setup; the negative number (and the number of poses) must be the same.
All of the above also applies if you define a sync setup using /s (to always play the customizable sync pause animation...).

Multi Multisit:
With Multi Multisit, you need only the negative number to define sync and mixed setups: it means that some (or all) SEATS will be for couple/group (-0 means zero seats for singles).
So: you can VERY easily create single+couple/group seats even if your object has only 1 prim!
Multi Multisit MUST have submenus if you want to use this option: the negative number in this case means seats (submenu groups of poses).
Remember: on a Multi Multisit "mixed" setup, only couple/group seats need the same number of poses.
So, with Multi Multisit, a negative number (-0) defines a sync setup and, optionally, the number of SEATS (NOT poses) that will stay for singles (-2 will leave two seats for singles: all the other seats will sync).

With Multi Multisit, by using the "negative number" option and leaving some seats (with "neutral, unisex" 1st poses) for singles, you also allow avatars to choose the RIGHT synchronized seat LATER (e.g. couple male or female): the sitting order never matters.
In the following example for Multi Multisit, the First TWO SUBMENU GROUPS (-2 option used) are seats for singles and note that in this special case the single poses will be selected directly from the main menu because they have the same button name of their main menu (if there is only one pose on some submenus/seats, better use this trick!). All other buttons MUST have an unique name (as always):

+Seat A
<0.40000, -0.17284, 0.94214>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,single,1219,Seat A
+Seat B
<0.40000, -0.42700, 0.99316>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,singleb,1172,Seat B
+Couple M
<0.23632, -0.62757, 0.99316>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplem1,1316,Male A
<0.07842, -0.37320, 0.94434>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplem2,1356,Couple M2
+Couple F
<0.07842, -0.63820, 1.01123>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplef1,1274,Female A
<0.07842, -0.73724, 0.84424>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplef2,1385,Couple F2

To set up submenus, use them for ALL poses, and remember that you can use the "same button name" trick as above!
Now let's forget Multi Multisit (many seats, 1 setup prim) and suppose to use the notecard above with Single Avatar Multisit (1 setup prim for each seat).
The above example CAN be a setup for Single Avatar Multisit by adding /f (-2 would be right because the first 2 POSES are for singles: -2 would NOT be referred to submenu groups in this case).
You can set up 2 Single Avatar Multisit prims this way (with male AND female couple poses) to get "unisex single+couple prims" with additional features and options! Click here for more tips and full examples!

On the following example for Multi Multisit the First 2 submenu groups (seats) are for singles like before, but multipose.
Singles this time can choose one of three sit poses on each "for single" seat (the SECOND avatar sitting will occupy the 1st available "for single" seat in notecard order, using the seat's 1st pose, the unisex animation):

+Seat A

<0.07842, -0.96654, 0.75317>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,unisex,1320,
UniSex 1
<0.07842, -0.96654, 0.75317>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,singlem,1320,Single M1
<0.07842, -0.79174, 0.79224>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,singlef,1284,Single F1
+Seat B
<0.07842, -0.49747, 0.72021>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,unisex,1320,
UniSex 2
<0.07842, -0.49747, 0.72021>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,singlem,1264,Single M2
<0.07842, -0.77568, 0.66016>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,singlef,1262,Single F2

+Couple M
<0.23632, -0.62757, 0.99316>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplem1,1316,C Mal one
<0.07842, -0.37320, 0.94434>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplem2,1356,Couple M2
+Couple F
<0.07842, -0.63820, 1.01123>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplef1,1274,C Fem one
<0.07842, -0.73724, 0.84424>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplef2,1385,Couple F2

Special unsit option for Multi Multisit mixed setups: if you use the "auto unsit" script, but set the description of a Multi Multisit prim to "-" (without quotes) in edit, the number of avatars allowed there will be further restricted, to the number of single seats (2 if you used -2).
Note: the "auto unsit" script is needed only on 1 prim, and it works with Single Avatar Multisit, too: it automatically unsits an avatar if all seats on all prims are already occupied!

A simple mixed setup using Single Avatar Multisit, where the default pose will be for singles:

Female prim notecard:

<0.07842, -0.77568, 0.66016>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,singleF,1262,Single

<0.07842, -0.63820, 1.01123>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplef1,1274,Couple F1
<0.07842, -0.73724, 0.84424>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplef2,1385,Couple F2

Male prim notecard:

<0.07842, -0.77568, 0.66016>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,singleM,1262,Single

<0.23632, -0.62757, 0.99316>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplem1,1316,Couple M1
<0.07842, -0.37320, 0.94434>,<-0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00000>,couplem2,1356,Couple M2

As you saw, Single Avatar Multisit does not always need submenus to use this option: with Single Avatar Multisit, the negative number is always referred to poses, even when it has submenus.
Avatars using single poses on Single Avatar Multisit mixed setups are not supposed to sync, but you can easily "force sync" them when another avatar chooses a couple/group pose: see the scripting examples page.

Some other useful things to remember:
– Drop inside your prim an animation named stand, if you want to customize its sync pause animation.
– Add the "root touch" script to the root prim if you want all prims to be touchable for menu (not needed if you set up only the root prim).
– Using tons of poses on the same object (even with these scripts, that allow it without "memory overflow" risks) is NOT a good practice! Anyway, if you plan to use a LOT of poses, better rename the animations with very short names before setting up, and to use short button labels (if memory gets low, it warns you and says the last line read on notecard!).


The sequencer script must be added to a prim with Single Avatar Multisit. On the setup notecard you must use:


as you saw, a line must be pseq and the times in seconds for your poses, separated by commas. If you set the last pose time to 0 (zero) the sequence will not loop. The example above is for a notecard with 3 poses (lines with poses not shown).
It's generally always better to start a sequence with a "static", "non-looping" pose and give it some seconds (3.9 used above) because the timing will be a bit different the 1st time: avatar has to sit and may need to sync (see below) so the 1st pose generally does not play immediately (but will always do, after the 1st looping sequence ends...).

To set up synchronized sequences, you will need the sequencer script and the following setup only on ONE prim:


YOU MUST use the /f, /h, /k options (NOT the sequencer script) on the other prims that you want synchronized, with Single Avatar Multisit and (usually...) the same number of poses.
If you add the line /z to the sequencer prim's notecard, an avatar sitting (or left) alone will always use (return to) the 1st pose, and the synchronized sequence(s) will start only if more than one avatar is sitting on the object (use /z only if all seats are sequences in sync, if you do NOT want "unrelated" seats to "wake up" the avatar that was sitting alone).