Astrolabium Screen Saver

E' un software che consente la visione virtuale della volta celeste e dei movimenti dei pianeti : mostra le fasi di Mercurio, Venere, Marte e della luna . Indica anche il mezzogiorno vero, l'ora del sorgere e del tramonto del sole e della luna.

The Astrolabe is a stereographic projection of the sky from the South Pole for the Northern hemisphere and from the North Pole from the Southern hemisphere. All the planets, the moon and the sun are shown. The various phases of Mercury, Venus, Mars and the moon are also shown as well as the vernal point g. The Astrolabe shows the times at which both the moon and the sun rise and set and the solar noon. 




Astrolabium.scr ( for Vb owners) per chi ha installato Visual Basic (new version since May 2005)

Astrolabium Package ( if you don't own VB) per chi non ha Visual Basic

Gli orologi analogici di Giuseppe Tavernini

Giuseppe Tavernini's analogical watches







Vertical : software in Qbasic come da articolo su Gnomonica Italiana n° 5, pag 42

See also...

Cartesius (English instructions also in the programme )