...the stuff that is making me think

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Mercoledì, 22 dicembre 2004

And now all the dates are in Italian... what the hell happened there!
11:14:46 PM    

I've cleaned up the stories page. Some of the past stuff is screwed up, was any on the last installation. In particular the Tamaro trip (2003), testing the Litesport for the first time (2002) and the review of the Lamniar Easy are sorted (except for some photos which will have to be brought in).

Just discovered I can't easily cut and paste photos in... it was always a bind anyway on the XP version, here I have to paste it in in html. In fact - the whole article has to be written in html... was WYSIWYG before. Hmmm.
10:57:38 PM    

Full transition to iMac... would appear to be complete. After a bit of buggering around - it didn't like the FTP settings being copied - I managed to get the who Raio Userland file structure across onto the iMac from the XP machine (wot? No compatibility problems?).

This means I can now blog completely from the iMac and stuff the XP machine. Well, carry on using it for work...

10:28:03 PM    


A test posting from my iMac
9:46:36 PM    

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