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Lunedì, 5 aprile 2004

Hmm. Not in Google

Well, checking Google out for "rss flight hang gliding" my Flyblog didn't come even close (and the Oz Report got several mentions on page 1).

So here's a bit of cheating. See if it comes up now...


9:01:42 PM    

Another HG Blog. Wow.

At last, another HG blogger...


8:54:11 PM    

RSS readers?

Introducing Aunt Tillie to RSS. This morning a story on RSS newsreaders appeared in the Personal Tech section of my local paper. The title was A simple program to 'refresh' the news; the byline was The Washington Post. I'm keenly interested in how the story of RSS is being told to Aunt Tillie, so I deconstructed this one with some care. ... [Jon's Radio]

A rather nice way of telling others how to tell others about RSS, and with some useful links. Nicely done, Jon.

8:41:12 PM    

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