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Venerdì, 31 maggio 2002

GIST? Get it?

Seems like they have the same problem as everyone else.
Go to, what they announce as their flagship site. Try and find a doc, message, anything, that isn't years old. Even the "news" scroller has only two messages this year...
As another indicator:
Welcome to the site of the Web Technologies (WT) Sector. We are part of the Reliable Information Technology Unit (RIT), ISIS, Joint Research Centre.This web site both summarises our past and present work and acts as an information hub for our day to day work.  
Neither the unit nor the Institute exist.... not exactly reliable information... not exactly an information source for day to day work.
It might have the tools there, but it might just be a system implemented for geeks for projects for geeks. I suspect it is too heavy for most kind of projects that need a "lighter" approach. I'm not trying to undermine what they've obviously done, but the sublteties and purities don't exactly compensate for the sex part that is needed pull people in....

2:34:05 PM    

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