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Giovedì, 30 maggio 2002

I'm always getting probs how to fix the categories tool bar on the left. Here's the link:

Under Prefs, Nav Links. Why isn't this more obvious? As a newbie it's the kind of stuff you hit three times a day.

10:35:17 AM    

Personal RSS aggregators, and a personal note about BYTE. Here's my final column for, on personal RSS aggregators. Pardon me while I wax sentimental for a moment. It has been a long and meaningful relationship. ... [Jon's Radio]

Well this was what you call was (un)timely. Jon's column in Byte had my mind buzzing back in 1997 or whatever about a rich NNTP archive. I tried to explain it to my IT guys, but they didn't get it, despite contacting Jon directly and getting lots of ideas and support. We never managed to get the Netscape Suite working like it should, I moved projects and it died.

Two months ago, I moved back to the same project, after a 3-year gap. In April, I re-activated the NNTP idea with the (new) IT guy; he got a server running by the next day (Microsoft, of course), but everybody in the group thinks I'm weird and doesn't yet understand what this is all about. 

But already since yesterday it is clear that NNTP, for what I was going to use it for, is dead. Looking at Jon's column, I guess that's almost official, no? Gone are Byte's newsgroups, instead there is a low-throughput cutdown version of Yahoo's web groups... and everyone who's anyone is using Radio, Moveable Type, Blogger etc.

Jon, if you read this, a few of your articles (the ones I could understand) have been surely among the most influential in the way I've made paradigm shifts in my thinking about information management. Please keep it that way. Thanks. 

8:58:14 AM    

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