Fishing spots

To single out the optimum position to make an attempt on a silurus glanis, either hunting from the banks or from a boat, requires a great experience and knowledge of the river depth conformation, which changes day by day.

I'd like to remind that managing to locate the area where the silurus likes to rest does not guarantee success in the fishing hunt.

It is necessary to have also specific notions on habits, behaviour and biology of our cunning and extremely listless friend.

All this makes both fascinating and misterious fishing silurus glanis.

After many researches I feel confident by recommending these 4 spots to all the people keen on fishing silurus glanis:


Stone barrier

Hydroelectric power plant
and bridge piers


Boat mouth

River mouth

Swollen river
(the technique that allows
the best catches)

The "Dead"
(the water stream is almost absent)

(best fishing hours)

Isola serafini (Pc)

A great number of silurus glanis of many sizes, lives and settles during the year in this stretch of the river Po, situated in the surrounding of the Isola Serafini hydroelectric power plant.

Downhill this barrage large holes are created and they are characterized by a stream, sometimes very intense, sometimes almost absent.

The optimum level of oxygenation and temperature of the water make worth noting down this spot.

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Silurus glanis bay (Mn)

The "Baia dei Siluri" is located in the stretch of the river Po which flows through the town Torricella (Mn). Click to see the map

The maximum depth registered at the bay is about 15 metres.

The stream in this tract, banging against the stone barrier, originates a great whirlpool.

The presence of hollows and submerged obstacles create some twist on the surface. This in where the silurus glanis populate in a massive way.

Two strategic zones came out to be the tip of the stone barrier, which allows to fish on the top of the stream and centre of the whirlpool.


Mouth of the river Oglio (Mn)

The mouth of the river Oglio is situated in Torredoglio (Mn). Click to see the map

This is where the river flows into Po forming some eddy deep enough and, digging irregularly the sounding, forms shelters and covers for medium size silurus glanis.

Normally little deep zones alternate shores gently degrading on sandy or argillaceous soundings to deeper zones, with sometimes a very high stream, which acts continuously moulding the deep water.

This is where we find the highest concentration of silurus glanis.


Polesella (Ro)

The stretch of the river Po at Polesella (Rovigo) is certainly the best place in all for who's trying to find the biggest "giants".

Depth is about 30 meters. The stream which bangs against the stone barrier, creates huge whirlpools and bights where the best preys of the "big river" hide.

The leaps of the sounding, the deep water holes, the steps and the sunken trunks, as much as the sheer drop shores always hide a great number of harshnesses which create the ideal dens for silurus glanis.

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